How to hide a woman you like

How to hide a woman you like

When you like a woman hides talking to everyone except with you, she looks away, it touches you and tries to approach, frequents the same places as you, becomes distant or smiles nervously. These subtle signs give away their feelings and indicate that he likes you, but tries to hide it.

Girls are specialists in hiding certain emotions, which makes them enigmatic and interesting. Even so, no matter how much they try to ocular what they feel, something always betrays them. In this psychology-online article, we tell you How to hide a woman you like. Learn to detect body and emotional signs to know if you really like or if, on the contrary, you are not interested.

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  1. Talk to everyone but
  2. He looks away
  3. It touches you and tries to approach
  4. Reflect your movements
  5. Frequent the same sites as you
  6. Try to jealous
  7. It becomes distant
  8. Publish things on your social networks and label you
  9. Know the most trivial gestures of your life
  10. Smile

Talk to everyone but

To know if a girl likes you, look at himself, so that a gesture or a word that delates the. Therefore, if you are in a meeting or at the workplace, she will try to hide among other people, but without getting away from you. To hide what you like, you will surely settle for seeing you from distance.

He looks away

The look is one of the body gestures that most betrays emotions and feelings. Therefore, to know if you like it but it does not prove it to be in itself the girl looks at you in an elusive way. If you pillas you secretly very frequently It is because it is attracted to you. This does it because he tries to hide his taste towards you and that he cannot help stop seeing you.

As a suggestion, if you want to get out of doubt and discover that if you like a girl, then approach and stare to see her reaction. We assure you that at least it is going to blush.

It touches you and tries to approach

When a woman likes you and she tries to hide it, It will approach you shy towards you To touch you "for carelessness". Also, your body posture will be open towards you and will be headed seeing your face every time you speak to you.

What happens is that she relaxes when you are close, but tries to hide it, although her body language will tell you otherwise. In this article you will find other gestures that betray feelings.

Reflect your movements

Another signs that a woman likes you and hides it is that, unconsciously, You will imitate your body movements. That is, if you touch your face or cross your legs, she will do it too. This is known as the pigmalion effect, or accidental reflection, and represents a connection or cohesion that goes beyond simple social empathy.

Frequent the same sites as you

If you want to know how a woman you like, look at themselves Frequent the same sites as you in an unsuspecting way, so that your presence goes unnoticed. Moreover, she is attentive to your movements, and surely he frequently investigates with your closest circle about what places you are going to go, to run into you.

So, if you find it in the same pub as you, or in a social event that you attend, it is sure that you like and be trying to coincide with you.

Try to jealous

Another signs that a woman likes you and is hiding it is that try to jealous to check how you react. Maybe You get too close to your friends And site with them, just to give you some jealousy and enter your attention radar. If you want to discover if you are jealous, we recommend doing this jealous test.

It becomes distant

¿How to know if a girls like you? If suddenly he has become distant with you and you don't know the reason, Most likely, you like you and are hiding it. If this is the case, and really the girl cares, approach her and establish an assertive conversation so that she opens up and manages to express her true feelings. In these cases, it may be good to read this article: why it costs me so much to express my feelings.

Publish things on your social networks and label you

In general, women increase their activity on social networks when they want to get someone's attention. So, if you want to know if someone likes you, see whether the person in question publishes attractive photos or selfies and labels you as way of expressing their feelings subtle way.

In addition, it is a way to make you jealous and see how you react to other people's comments in their photos. If you see that she increases from one moment to another the amount of photos and publications on their social networks, it can be a sign or track that want you to pay attention.

Know the most trivial gestures of your life

How a woman who likes you can be a mystery. If you want to find out, be attentive to whether that girl wants to know everything about you, ¡And without you realizing! Surely, It will pay close attention to the small details about you, Like what you like, the important dates in your life, etc.

Maybe you can notice it bothers because you spend time with other people. Maybe you also feel that some of her friends are attentive to what you do, because surely she relies on trusted people to Find out more things about you.


Another indicators that a girl likes you is that her smile. When you see you, her smile will be nervous, even if you don't talk to her directly and you're just close. His emotions will give her away through her smile, And his gaze will have a different shine only when you enter the room.

If a woman likes you and tries to hide it, she will have a nervous smile that will not be as wide as a habitual smile, but with enough energy to let you know what you are interested in.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to hide a woman you like, We recommend that you enter our category of feelings.