How to stop the mental energy wear

How to stop the mental energy wear

At the end of the work day, the majority ask ourselves How to stop the mental energy wear, because we know how exhausted we can feel.

When we suffer from mental energy wear we perceive that We have no clarity to think in the best way, that We are wrong in some decisions or what We easily forget things.

The worst of experiencing this state is that it also comes accompanied by irritability, stress, sadness, anxiety or excessive concern because we feel that we are not giving our best.


  • What is mental energy wear?
  • Symptoms of mental energy wear
    • How to stop the mental energy wear
    • Bibliography

What is mental energy wear?

The investigations that have addressed this issue have indicated that those who suffer from wear of mental energy usually have a low performance.

Now, this issue is relevant to many, not only because of the costs that the health system entails, but also for the low labor productivity that is triggered.

This wear can also be followed by symptoms as awkwardness in heads or headaches. Of course, everyone experiences it in a way, depending on their organism and circumstances.

Feel emotional, mental or physical wear, It is common today, since we are subject to multiple stimuli In everyday life, as well as we are required to respond to different tasks.

These facts They have only achieved that we do not enjoy here and now And that, instead of living the present, our thoughts are sneak.

The endless circle of solving a thousand tasks only leads us to submit to a tension that is not only unnecessary, but harmful to our health. In the end, We are never immersed in what is happening at the moment.

Symptoms of mental energy wear

Studies on the subject have indicated that some of the most common symptoms of this type of wear are the following:

  • Tense muscles.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Neck.
  • Heaviness (continuous yawns).
  • Sweating.
  • Rigid joints.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Frustration.
  • Lack of interest.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Stress.
  • Difficulty for concentration, among others.

These symptoms can affect, in a remarkable way, the quality of life of those who suffer from them, being able to even trigger in episodes of major depression.

In order to avoid this type of situation, the most convenient thing is to become aware of it, stop over-ex-arrange and start working in favor of our well-being.

How to stop the mental energy wear

Each of us must develop the ability to strengthen our resistance, emphasizing our habits and seeking to the maximum that they are healthy.

Some good habits that we can develop to avoid this type of fatigue are the following:

  1. Feed us well: It will help us prevent this wear. Well, when the diet lacks the necessary nutrients it is easier to feel fatigue, whether physical or mental.
  2. A good rest pattern: In order to replace our energy and allow our body to recover from the hustle and bustle. We must try to sleep, at least eight hours in a row to have more lucidity during the day.
  3. Walk a little: And frequently, especially for those who develop activities that force them to maintain a sedentary lifestyle. A little moderate exercise helps us release tensions.
  4. Apply relaxation techniques: Well, the findings show that these are effective in feeling improvement effectively.
  5. Take vitamins: Recommended by specialists, or natural supplements, such as Ginkgo Biloba.
  6. Replace coffee: by green tea, for example.
  7. Take a brief nap: When we need to replace some energy to give continuity to a task that we still do not end.
  8. To meditate: This ancestral practice allows us to face the day to day with less tensions and more calm.
  9. Hydrate: It is also necessary for our concentration to be good.
  10. Get away from the screens: A couple of minutes during the day, and if we are going to sleep then it is advisable to turn off the devices around us and avoid distracting us with them, or that they interrupt our dream with notifications.

Following these recommendations we can experience that our level of attention and lucidity is greater.

However, in some cases, it could be necessary to take a couple of days for vacations and disconnect our mind from all possible stress.

It is also recommended maintain an optimistic attitude and not focus our thoughts towards the negative -especially when we do not resist the temptation to look to the future-, since this consumes a lot of energy.

If with these suggestions it is not enough to recover, then it is recommended Go to a support specialist.


Allen, j. G. (2015). Burnout (burned syndrome): how to detect and take action. The burnout in nursing staff: how do not burn? (2007). University Nursing. https: // Moreno-Jiménez, B., Garrosa, e., Corso, s., Boada, m., & Rodríguez-Carvajal, R. (2012). Resistant personality and psychological capital: positive personal variables and processes of exhaustion and vigor. Psychothema. Productivity, work and health the psychosocial perspective. (2007). Colombian Magazine of Psychology.