How to detect discalculia in the child

How to detect discalculia in the child

Mathematics are a subject with which many students have had problems at school, and this difficulty is aggravated when the child suffers Discalculia , A learning difficulty that entails the difficulty of understanding and performing mathematical calculations. For despair of 6% of students who suffer from it, it is not a well -known anomaly, which makes in a few cases diagnosed and therefore properly treated.

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How to detect discalculia

Discalculia, like the dyslexia, They have no relationship with a low intellectual quotient, since those who suffer it have a normal or higher level of intelligence, but they have problems with mathematics, maps, signs, directions.

To help the child overcome this ailment and not become an academic problem, it is necessary that both parents and teachers lend attention to the signs that alert us that a child can suffer discculy, such as:

  • Have the fingers: this symptom cannot be seen isolated, since children, when starting to count, will always use the fingers.
  • Have great difficulty when memorizing the multiplication tables.
  • It is very difficult for him to count back and make approximate calculations.
  • They present errors when writing the numbers.

How to treat discáculia

There are different strategies to help these students who have the Discalculia, as they are:

  • Do not get nervous and give them enough time to visualize and solve the problems.
  • Try to relate the issues of math With the assumptions of real life, while providing other cognitive strategies that help them perform mental calculation and visual reasoning.
  • Alleviate the difficulties of memorization with activities with rhythm and music to reinforce concept fixation.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to detect discalculia in the child, We recommend that you enter our category of learning disorders.

  • In addition to the treatment of cognitive deficiency associated with discculy, anxiety towards mathematics and avoidance that can occur as a result of these deficiencies also need to be addressed.