How to quit smoking

How to quit smoking

If you are one of the millions of people on this planet that are trying to quit, admit that you want to leave the habit and commit yourself to the process is the first. Unfortunately, even if you really want a life without tobacco, Many people find it difficult to leave. The main culprit is nicotine, a especially addictive drug found in tobacco products, such as cigarettes and cigars.

Therefore, in this Psychology-online article, we have made a Guide to help you quit and start living without smoke.

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  1. Importance of wanting to quit smoking
  2. Myths and truths about quitting smoking
  3. Withdrawal symptoms and how to face them
  4. First steps to quit
  5. Identify and handle triggers
  6. Make a plan and follow
  7. Lifestyle changes
  8. Mental health and health
  9. Short and long term goals
  10. Medical and therapeutic treatment

Importance of wanting to quit smoking

One of the main causes of heart and pulmonary diseases It is smoking. Fortunately, many of the worst heart risks derived from tobacco can solve this habit.

However, It is essential to have adequate motivation To leave tobacco, although many say they want to abandon this vice, when discouraged it is likely to fall again.

Challenges and benefits of abandoning habit

Those who have tried to quit smoking that the greatest difficulty is Control abstinence symptoms that causes to leave the nicotine. Used to the body not to receive their daily doses of nicotine is a long process. Another challenge is Avoid triggers that make smokers want to smoke, such as stress or drink coffee.

However, quitting smoking entails so many health benefits that are worth the effort. Among these benefits, we can emphasize that Improve health in general and Increase life expectancy. The risk of cardiorespiratory diseases is also reduced, but also Relieve the economic burden which supposes to buy tobacco.

Myths and truths about quitting smoking

There are many Myths about quitting, that on many occasions all they get is to discourage people to try. Some of the most common are:

  • You will increase weight: Smoking accelerates your metabolism and suppresses the appetite to some extent, so, when you stop smoking, you can feel the temptation to eat more.
  • Smoking relieve stress: Actually, smoking increases anxiety and tension because it raises your heart rate.
  • Willpower is the best way to quit smoking: quitting smoking leads to abstinence symptoms so you may need help.

Past attempts are not failures, they are learning

The important thing is to keep in mind that Even if you fall once and you smoke a cigarette after a while, Nothing prevents you from starting over. Especially in stress periods, it is normal for you to look for what for so long has served to calm your nerves.

Take this moment as learning and learn to avoid the circumstances that led you to return to the habit.

Difficulties and possibilities of leaving tobacco

On the one hand, nicotine is an addictive substance, so stop consuming it is a challenge in itself. But on the other hand, as a smoker you will also have to get used to living without tobacco -related routines, with which you probably have lived for years.

Do not forget that, even if it costs, It is possible to leave it. There are aids like Go to therapy, use Substitute products or have a support group, To get smoking.

Withdrawal symptoms and how to face them

After quitting smoking, you'll still feel like. In addition, leaving nicotine can cause you to have abstinence symptoms, such as Feeling restless, irritable, frustrated or tired. Some people even It costs to sleep or concentrate.

Although with the passage of time They will decrease, you can too Actively fight These symptoms. For example, you can:

  • Talk to someone by phone or in person to support you.
  • Do some exercise, how to go for a walk.
  • Keep your hands busy.
  • Go to another room or go out to take the air.
  • Use substitutes.

How the duration and intensity of the habit affects withdrawal

When he takes a long time smoking, The body is customary to receive a number of nicotine from time to time throughout the day. So, getting used to the body that this substance will no longer receive, it can be a slow process that will be extended over time.

If it is hard for you to face the situation, Remind you why you are quitting smoking and there is a lot of support available.

First steps to quit

If you have already decided that you want to quit smoking, then we provide some tips for you to start with good foot This process:

Choose a smoking date

The first step is to choose a specific date To leave tobacco. Ideally, You choose one day within the same month, Well, set a distant date in time can assume that you turn back.

Create a list of reasons to leave tobacco

There is nothing to motivate more to know Why are smoking. Write a list with all the reasons that have taken you to make that decision, and read it whenever you need encouragement.

Inform friends and family about your decision

Communicate your intention to abandon tobacco to your family and friends, they will make become a reality. In addition, your loved ones will be an essential part in the process, since they will serve as an unconditional support.

Identify and handle triggers

The desire to smoke takes a long time to disappear, and for a time you will have to live with two types Ansia for smoking:

  • The constant need, which normally improves several weeks after leaving it.
  • The sudden need, that is usually unleashed by something.

That "something" is known as a trigger, And it is important that you learn to identify them to be able to control them.

Recognize your most vulnerability moments

At the beginning of the process of quitting smoking, you will need Pay attention to situations that awaken your desire to smoke, as emotional or social triggers. The second step is to learn to handle them so that they do not become an obstacle.

Strategies to avoid common triggers

Keep triggers under control It is essential, so you will need to design a strategy for this. Being busy, talking to a friend or family member, changing the routine, listening.

Make a plan and follow

To quit smoking it is necessary to make a plan (set a date, create a list, discover triggers, etc.). But just as important is to follow it.

Alternatives to smoking at critical moments

Often, such common situations How to be with friends, a lot of work, keep sex or even drink coffee, are critical moments that make many people want.

Find something to do or take in those moments It can be just what you need not to take a cigar again. Chew gum, use a vaper, squeeze an antiestrés ball or do some exercise can help.

How to get rid of cigarettes and clean the environment

Eliminate tobacco from your life, in addition It will help keep your home and clean streets. The smoke of the nicotine stains the walls and tissues of the households and, since the vast majority of the butts end on the ground, they also dirty the exterior outside.

Lifestyle changes

In addition to the obvious change of not having to depend on tobacco during the day to day, quitting smoking entails others Changes in people's lifestyle.

New food and habits for a lifestyle without tobacco

When quitting smoking, You will gradually recover your lung capacity, So you will not tire so much to do exercise. And, on the other hand, you will recover the meaning of smell and taste, so you can better appreciate food flavors.

Take advantage that you improve your health, and Incorporates a healthy eating and an exercise routine, To follow a healthier lifestyle.

Oral and tactile strategies to avoid cigarette

Many smokers miss the sensation of cigarette in their hands and their mouths. To combat this habit, the best is keep your hands busy With anything (pens, sensory toys, making crafts, etc.), and Boca entertaining with gum or candy without sugar or with a vaper.

Mental health and health

Many studies demonstrate the relationship between physical exercise and mental health. Above all, it affects diseases such as depression, anxiety and anguish. Incorporate one physical activity to your day to day It will help you cope.

Physical activities to combat smoking desires

He Exercise improves the anxiety that quarrels of smoking. Among the best activities to combat smoking are:

  • Walk or run.
  • Go to the gym.
  • Do yoga.
  • Playing sports.

How exercise improves mental health during the process

Exercise is great to develop your physique, lose weight and improve health. But even a walk of only 30 minutes can contribute a series of additional benefits to your mental health when you are quitting smoking:

  • Libera well -being hormones.
  • Makes you sleep better.
  • It improves concentration and attention.
  • Improves trust and self -esteem.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.
  • You will be in a better humor.

Short and long term goals

When you stop smoking, it is crucial that you wear short -term goals that serve to stay motivated Upon reaching them soon, such as stop buying tobacco, start exercising, etc.

But in the same way you will have to mark you Long-term goals, how to recover lung capacity, be able to exercise high intensity, etc.

Establish realistic goals to quit smoking

First of all, the goals that marques must be realistic. Otherwise, observe that the Invested effort it does not have its fruits, it will only serve to demotivate you, which can cause that you smoking.

Use of the savings bottle for rewards and motivation

One of the more effective motivating when leaving tobacco is money. Leave in a boat or box the money that would be used to buy tobacco, with the aim of using it for something else (such as a trip, buy a luxury item, etc.) is a great source of motivation.

Medical and therapeutic treatment

When the willpower and the support of loved ones are not enough, Going to the doctor is the correct alternative To get smoking. There are several available treatments (some with medical prescription) that can help you with the symptoms of abstinence and anxiety.

Medications and therapies available to quit smoking

In the market you can find medications with and without nicotine To try to quit smoking. Some medications work fighting the desires by a cigarette, like the BUPROPION (Zyban), while others focus on Abstinence symptoms, as the Vareniclin (Chantix).

Also exist Smoking therapies as replace nicotine of tobacco with gum, vapers, patches, pills or sprays, and decrease the dose.

How clinical psychology can support your effort

Nicotine dependence is contemplated as a mental disorder, so clinical psychology also It can be a trick to consider when leaving tobacco. At present there is effective psychological methods to treat addiction disorders, in which they combine cognitive and behavioral techniques.

There are many support and techniques To quit smoking, do not hesitate to ask for help from specialists if you need it.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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