How to stop absorbing the emotions of other people, in 5 steps

How to stop absorbing the emotions of other people, in 5 steps

How many times have you met a friend who was happy and excited with a project and his enthusiasm seized you, So much that motivated you to put into action one that you had thought. But later, you met an ancient partner who told you how bad it is and that he has thought about leaving everything aside. After this meeting, you decided that it was better not to risk in case.

When you absorb the emotions of others, you allow your emotional state to influence you how you feel. If you are surrounded by pessimistic people, you will also begin to be. No matter how good everything is in your life or everything you have achieved.  You suffer an emotional contagion that makes you appropriate an emotion that is not yours.

In this post we propose some Tips on how to stop absorbing the emotions of others, And how we can modify the way in which we react to the feelings of other people so that they do not cancel our own criteria and our personality.


  • Why do I feel the emotions of others?
  • Why is it important to recognize our emotions and how these help us preserve our health?
  • Can I avoid emotional infection?
    • 1. Try to surround yourself with optimistic people
    • 2. Expose to third opinions
    • 3. Inquire what kind of emotions you absorb more
    • 4. Reflect on what you feel
    • 5. Help the other person

Why do I feel the emotions of others?

Sometimes we have the natural tendency to feel what the other person feels with the simple fact of observing it. Scientists think there is a biological reason why we do this.  They believe that there are brain cells called Spiritic neurons, that are activated both when one does something and when another person does it.

Why is it important to recognize our emotions and how these help us preserve our health?

Knowing our health excites allows us to look for those tools That they help us achieve adequate self -esteem and have a positive attitude towards life, pillars that are fundamental to maintain our mental health.

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Can I avoid emotional infection?

Surely on more than one occasion you have asked yourself this question and the answer is yes. However, it is not easy to achieve. You have been carried away by your empathy to the point of not knowing.

David J. Pollay has a theory where he believes that sometimes some people behave as if they won't use anything, since trying to drown in their frustrations, anger, insecurities, disappointments. However, You do not have the obligation to load with the emotional anguish of the others. Therefore, then, we will tell you what to do to stop absorbing the emotions of others.

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1. Try to surround yourself with optimistic people

Involving you with positive people is a first step that can be very interesting. The fact that you feel motivated, wanting to overcome and start new activities is something wonderful. Select the people you want to surround yourself It will prevent that emotional sway that you can feel when in one day you meet negative people. It is true that you will not be able to flee from the latter, but if there are optimistic people in your life, you will enjoy a greater balance.

2. Expose to third opinions

Not to absorb the emotions of another person, own criterion must be maintained About what is happening around us. Even if our relationship with another person is healthy, it is necessary to have frequent treatment. Each being is a point of view and the fact of explanations about the reality that to some extent contradict each other, we are closer to a unique way of seeing life.

3. Inquire what kind of emotions you absorb more

Probably, who has a propensity to absorb emotions, has it with certain ways of feeling, but not with all. In many cases it will be sadness the emotion that affects us the most, But in other cases this may be the anger linked to the desire for revenge. Stop to think, will help us when determining in what contexts and situations we are more vulnerable.

4. Reflect on what you feel

When you absorb the emotions of others, it is important that you think about what you feel. Many times that emotional contagion you experience says a lot about you. When you ask yourself why does that motivation flood me to start my project when another person tells me about their success? What is the reason why I get sad when a friend tells me how bad he is doing with his partner?

In the first question of what you want to do, but that you have not yet put into action due to your insecurities. In the second, maybe your fears or because it reminds you of a relationship that left you a bad memory. Understanding your emotions will allow you to put that distance that will help you avoid absorbing the emotions of others. Because they are not yours, although perhaps at the time they were.

You are not living the same experiences of others. Therefore, even if you can understand them and empathize with those people, you should not make your feelings that do not correspond to you. Keep in mind that emotional contagion wears and produces exhaustion.

5. Help the other person

This is an option that many people omit. If we absorb the negative emotions of another, we can also go to the root of the problem helping that person. Not everything has to do with how we feel; Sometimes, a little help can be a big difference, benefiting not one but two people.

If you want to really learn how to control your emotions, you should know that there is no unique solution. Although it has also been shown that you own body language is able to influence your emotions, Finding the most appropriate strategy to regulate negative feelings and understand their origin to treat the cause is the only way to prevent them from taking control of our mind.

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  • Bericat Alastuey, and. (2000). The sociology of emotion and emotion in sociology. Papers: Sociology Magazine, 62. P. 145-176.