How to create an online survey

How to create an online survey

Online surveys are an interesting and very simple tool to use that offers multiple possibilities to collect information. In addition, surveys are a mechanism that makes it easier.

In the following Psychology-online article, we will explain what this tool is for, How to create a survey on-line And what are its main advantages.

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  1. What is a survey and what is it for
  2. How to make and design an online survey
  3. Advantages of carrying out the Internet Survey

What is a survey and what is it for

A survey is a quantitative research method in the form of Structured questionnaire, more or less extensive, specially designed to collect users' opinion about one or several topics on which you want to investigate. In the event that it is an online survey, users send their answers through the Internet.

The main objective of the surveys is collect rapid statistical information On a specific topic. Once the opinion of the respondents is collected, this information allows decisions to focus on how to focus the research or the processes that are being tested in the survey.

Among the characteristics of online surveys, we highlight the following:

  • Specificity.
  • Representation of a certain social group.
  • Concise and precise information.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Versatility.

Types of online surveys

There are different types of online surveys. Next, we show you the different typologies based on different factors:

  • Extension: They can be very short or long.
  • Types of answers: They contain open, closed or multiple options open responses.
  • Creation and distribution platform: They can be sent by email, make them on a website or elaborate them by resorting to different software or specialized platforms of creation creation on-line.

How to make and design an online survey

If you are interested in conducting an online survey, these are the fundamental steps that you should follow: 1.

  1. Planning: This point is key to the success of the survey. In this phase you must define the objective of the same and design the questionnaire, that is, determine how to collect the information, obtain variables and decide how you want to analyze the data. In other words, you must ensure that the questionnaire answers the specific objective of the survey so that the answers are useful for your purpose.
  2. Realization: This step refers to how to elaborate the survey itself. Thus, you must select which online survey creation platform fits your needs. When choosing Wooclap you make sure you have the best pedagogical tool to achieve your goals.
  3. Distribution: You must send the survey to your target audience. Previously, it is important that you have evaluated which group of people you are interested in sending it and deciding how you want to distribute your questionnaire. 4.
  4. Analysis: Finally, you must analyze the answers and draw conclusions of the results. At this point, you must be clear how you want to use the data obtained and what aspects can be improved to optimize future surveys.

Advantages of carrying out the Internet Survey

The advantages of using online surveys as a research tool are the following:

  • They are very economical and allow to obtain a lot of information.
  • They are easy and fast, Both do and respond, that is, they save the researcher and are intuitive to users. In addition, they can be performed from any device connected to the Internet quickly.
  • They offer multiple design possibilities: You can customize both the survey design and the analysis of the data received.
  • They are accessible to a large number of users: A large part of the population can access them easily.
  • They are less invasive and more truthful: They prevent the researcher from having to conduct each survey in person. Everything works online, so they are less invasive, which favors that the answers are more truthful.
  • They offer a minimum margin of error And the data analysis is done online and in real time.
  • They are a safe poll option: They allow to collect a lot of information to respond to the demands of the clients surveyed, thus improving the service and their satisfaction.
  • Possibility of exporting results in different formats: It is possible to export the results in Excel or PDF.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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