How to get a couple 15 reasons why you don't succeed

How to get a couple 15 reasons why you don't succeed

Getting a partner is a fact that many people cost, and this may be due to multiple reasons. In many cases it is important to know where the difficulty lies in order to address it.

On the other hand, there are those who consider that getting a couple is not important. However, some studies indicate that the well -being of a person is related to their ability to emotionally link with another.


  • Get couple, why is it so difficult?
    • Some of the difficulties in getting Parea can be the following:
  • Recommendations to get a partner
  • Bibliography

Get couple, why is it so difficult?

The desire to get a partner arises because, as indicated by the investigation of Alzugaray and García, entitled Relationships and psychological well -being, One of the relations with greater significance, outside the original family, is that of the sexual couple.

That is why many people feel the need to find a special person with whom they can share certain interests and dedicate time, but this is not easy for everyone and at this point it is worth knowing why it is so difficult.

Some of the difficulties in getting Parea can be the following:

  1. Lack of security and self -confidence, which prevents showing the best qualities that are possessed;
  2. Have an introverted personality. This interferes because at the time of wanting to address someone, the person can feel paralyzed;
  3. Few interpersonal skills to relate to others;
  4. Low capacity to maintain a relationship. There are those who come to forge a relationship, but they fail to keep it over time, so all relationships are short;
  5. Have suffered a disappointment in the past and feel fear in the present of living something similar again;
  6. Be little success in links, so that relationships are dependency or toxic;
  7. Have little time to relate with others or meet people;
  8. Laziness;
  9. Romantic myths. This prevents getting a partner, since the person who has no real expectations of others usually disappointment rapidly;
  10. Low self-esteem;
  11. Fear of compromise;
  12. Social phobia;
  13. Past wounds;
  14. Limiting beliefs;
  15. Fear of rejection.

Identify the causes for which a person is difficult to get a partner could be a big step. Nevertheless, There are some general recommendations to succeed in the task.

Recommendations to get a partner

Some general recommendations to get couples are the following:

  • Be sure: In the first place, this decision must be made, because, Many people are looking for a couple just because they have left a relationship and believe that this is a way of healing, But the truth is that it is not, but, on the contrary, it can be a cause for the new relationship not to work. Nor should you want to get a partner to follow a social mandate or friendship pressure, but because it really is born from the heart
  • Remain relaxed: Without tension, since acting dragged by an urgency could lead the person to harass another, or not to address it correctly. It is necessary to lower the pressure, Especially when you spend 30 years Because some have the false belief that after this age it is more difficult, but this does not happen to be a myth, since true love can be found at any age.
  • See beyond confinement: That is many times more psychological than real. It is unlikely that a new couple is hidden in the house closet. If you literally do not want to leave home, then you can opt for online sites to meet people with related interests, such as Virtual Libraries, online art galleries, places to arrange appointments, and others. Of course, care must always be taken with the data provided online, as well as with other details. The idea is to lose fear of interacting with others.
  • Find a couple without following ideals: Understanding that people have virtues and defects, that is, it may not be possible to find in a human being the protagonist character of a romantic novel.
  • Be patient: Maybe not everything goes perfect at the beginning, but then it can improve. As social skills are related, everything will flow.
  • Do not get carried away by the first impression: Because it is only that, an impression that does not necessarily have to agree with the true personality.
  • Be natural: when interacting with the other; This will avoid tension and overacture, in addition to possible unwanted reactions.

In addition to these recommendations, It is suggested to love yourself, Before trying to get a partner.  Well, the purest love begins inside and only after it is that it is suggested to look outside.

Having solid confidence in itself and good self -esteem will be necessary to know more security what is sought in another person and what you want to receive.

Many people have deep injuries and believe that they can improve looking for a couple, but it does not happen, but, paradoxically, they enter toxic relationships where they do not receive love or respect.

For this reason, The most important advice is to give yourself the love you want to find in another And only after embarking on the search to get a partner.

Personality and Couple Compatibility Test

Disability, Down and Sexuality Syndrome


  • Álvarez Morales, N. AND., Alfonso Hernández, L., & Rodríguez Lafuente, M. AND. (2019). Psychological well-being and traged-state anxiety in couples members with primary infertility. Medimay26(1), 75-87.
  • Rivers, j. C. C. (2005). Relationships, marriage and love. Study on VOL families4, 21-29.
  • Rosales Marticorena, C. (2009). The search for a couple on the Internet and the virtual presentation of the person: who are presented and how they are presented to get a partner through the Internet?: Medium age Coyacanenses (Master'sses, Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico City. Communication Department).
  • Willi, J. (1993). The human couple: relationship and conflict. Morata editions.