How to connect with abundance 3 techniques

How to connect with abundance 3 techniques

Learning to connect with abundance is one of the best gifts of self -love that we can make in life.

There are those who live submerged in complaints and problems that are often not real, forgetting to see the good things around.

Those who believe in the vibrations of the universe consider that acting in this way away from the energy of abundance. While, Maintaining receptivity to good things can bring us abundance in every way or areas of life

Being grateful is one of the best doors we can cross to achieve our growth, both personal and spiritual.

It is not about superchery or other deceptions, but something very real and that gains more space in positive psychology.


  • The meaning of gratitude to connect with abundance
  • Steps to connect with abundance
  • Techniques to connect with abundance
    • 1. Make statements
    • 2. Visualize
    • 3. Apply emotional liberation techniques
    • Bibliography

The meaning of gratitude to connect with abundance

Gratitude, which comes from Latin Gratia, and translates as thanks is defined by studies as:

"A cognitive emotional state resulting from the perception of having been benefited by an external agent, in a solidarity, selfless and free way".

Although the explorations on the issue of gratitude began in the area of ​​theology and philosophy, This notion is increasingly important in positive psychology, Due to the relationship he keeps with happiness and well -being.

Thus, these studies indicate that:

“Gratitude, like other strengths, has a protection effect for mental disorders such as depression or anxiety. It also reduces negative emotions ".

Therefore, the ability to be grateful facilitates the recognition of aspects, both of the past and of the present, that have been good, positive and have benefited us contributing a pleasant meaning to our existence, as other research details.

Therefore, To connect with abundance, the first step is to start practicing gratitude. Make a list and see everything good in our lives and how other people have contributed to it.

Gratitude is an important point to connect with abundance, since, When we are grateful, we take a step towards self-transcendence, To the extent that we must "get out of itself", to respond to the feeling of generosity of those who tend to us a hand.

Steps to connect with abundance

Bearing in mind the importance of gratitude, it is now necessary to know a series of steps to achieve fully with abundance.

  1. Define what is abundance for you: Remember that it is not just about having a lot.
  2. Focus on the good: Because this is what you will attract. If you always fix your attention on negative things, complaints and problems, you will hardly be able to connect with abundance and prosperity.
  3. Works in coherence: And that, both your thoughts, as your words and actions are focused on a single point. You can't talk about abundance if you don't think about it and act to get to you. Energy disperses when you do not live with concordance and coherence.
  4. Organize your monetary issues: prioritizes expenses, do not spend more than you are winning. Do not fall into the temptation to buy things you don't need, just because they give you a high status. Remember that the definition of your person does not come for the things you possess, but for who you are.
  5. Identify behaviors: that move you away from abundance, as well as the words you pronounce and that approach you to the shortcomings. Take care of your verb a lot. If you always say: "I don't have", "I'm always missing", "I need so many things and I can't have them", among others, notice that, with these words, you are sentenced your life to lack.

In addition to these recommendations, we will share with you three specific techniques to connect with abundance.

Techniques to connect with abundance

Apply these techniques and transform your life. All work to connect with abundance:

1. Make statements

One of the best known statements was the one that Louise taught us there is, and consists in saying:

"All my needs and desires are met before what you ask".

While you can ask how to use these statements, we tell you what you can do in the morning and before going to bed.

Remember that you must feel the conviction that what you pronounce is true because beliefs are important, and some people have beliefs that are limiting.

2. Visualize

I use your imagination and begin to visualize that situation that both yearning and, for example, the state of well -being and abundance.

Visualizations are the first step for our mind to focus on working for what you want.

3. Apply emotional liberation techniques

This technique consists of tapping at certain points of the body to release negative emotions. Many people question the effectiveness of this method, but there are those who argue that, after applying it, they have felt less stress and have been able to better channel some difficulties.

Remember that, to connect with abundance, we often need to make a mental effort and an inner work, because few things will arrive suddenly if we do not take first awareness of this.


  • Alarcón, r., & Caycho Rodríguez, T. (2015). Relationships between gratitude and happiness in university students of Metropolitan Lima. Psychology.
  • Gonzales Nunes, J. of j., & Rodríguez Cortés, M. of p. (2003). Gratitude: a natural quality. Latin American Magazine of Fundamental Psychopathology.
  • Martínez Martí, M. L. (2006). The scientific study of transcendental strengths from positive psychology. Clin. Health.
  • Moyano, n. (2010). Gratitude in positive psychology. PSIZODEBATE.