How to change my way of thinking and acting

How to change my way of thinking and acting

The way of being of each person is their identity signal and is formed by the way of thinking and acting. Despite There is an inherited and innate part that cannot be changed, but there is also part of the personality that can be molded To be more adaptive.

Bruce Lipton and Candence Pert studied what is the effect of our thoughts and emotions against our biology and found that it is directly related. While Candence's work helped understand the relationship between the mind and the body, an undoubtedly, revolutionary work for the time and even for today.

If you want to feel better and be the best version of yourself, we will help you know How to change your way of thinking and acting.


  • Is it possible to change your way of being?
  • Can you change the way of thinking and acting?
  • How to change my way of thinking and acting
    • 1. Be aware
    • 2. Reflect
    • 3. Replace
    • 4. Get distracted
  • Tips on how to change my way of thinking and acting
    • Bibliography

Is it possible to change your way of being?

In our mind there is a lot of information that we have accumulated throughout our life, in the form of memories of our own personal history, emotions that we have felt and that we have impalpably as if it were the first day.

As we remember some of those episodes, it will become stronger, or that we relive an event it is weakens until we disappear if we barely use. For example, there are people who revive certain traumas and the emotions they have associated, such as anguish and anxiety, which makes memory even stronger. Therefore, it is possible to change your way of changing your way of seeing life, thinking and acting.

Can you change the way of thinking and acting?

Of course you can, although it is not easy, but creating a habit it's possible change the way of thinking and acting. In our day to day, perhaps ourselves surprise us repeating certain thoughts continuously. Reviewing that conversation again and again, repeating in our mind an unpleasant image or moment.

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Changing the way of thinking is possible and can be achieved through the work of neural networks. That is, trying to create new and letting strength lose strength To get a life as healthy and satisfactory as possible. Changing our inner dialogue, our memories and our strongest thoughts We can get to a new attitude that at the same time gives us thoughts and experiences.

So little by little we will form a way of being different and with which we feel more full, more satisfying. The best way to change attitude, think and act and regulate personality is to have the help of a professional.

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How to change my way of thinking and acting

It's about not programming again, not living with that feeling, that anguish of what hurt us. Let's simulate that our brain is a great computer, thanks to the fact that we can change our way of thinking, we can erase certain programs so as not to have access to those memories that make us useless as people or that simply make our lives more complicated.

If you want to change your way of thinking and acting, you must start with question and improve your thoughts. There are a number of techniques that can be used so as not to walk all day thinking about what marked us and we usually remember daily.

1. Be aware

The first thing we must do is stop and realize our thoughts. And ask ourselves, are we generating new ideas or are we engaged in what happened?, Are we going around a subject or being creative and looking for new solutions?

2. Reflect

The Parlanchine mind identified, We will realize how it makes us feel this that I can't "stop thinking. Do I feel angry with it, frustrated, it causes me sadness? Is it possible that nostalgia is transmitted? In a way, when putting the mind automatically, what we do is let it work as it usually does, this can lead us to repeat schemes and ways of thinking that we no longer want to use more.

3. Replace

Once we have noticed how we feel, to dare to experience those transient sensations, we can try restructure the mind, Looking for an idea, image or moment that makes us feel calm, love and affection.

It can be a memory, somewhere we have traveled and in which we felt at home, or a happy project for the future. So, every time the previous thought returns, we turn to this New and pleasant neuronal road. By force of constancy and putting it into practice, we will be able to replace it with which it had been affected mentally.

4. Get distracted

Another simple way that we can use at any time and place to see that our mind works by itself and we see ourselves thinking about the usual, is to sing a song of our preference, listen or sing it to the volume we want. Without a doubt, this is an effective way to stop and direct our ideas where we want. Thus leaving the vicious circle of ideas that consumed part of our energy.

Once you change your way of thinking and interpreting situations with a renewed vision, in the same way it will change your way of reacting to them. Is about reflect so that the behavior is consistent with the way of thinking.

The changes are not from one day to another, little by little you can become the best version of yourself, being somewhat closer to the self I want to be and the self I want to live.

Tips on how to change my way of thinking and acting

Do not focus on negative thoughts

Take care of your thoughts to take care of you

Think differently and you will act different


  • Bados, a., & Garcia, E. (2010). The cognitive restructuring technique. Barcelona, ​​Spain: Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment Department. Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona.
  • Dongil Collado, and. (2008). Cognitive restructuring: a post -traumatic stress case. Anxiety and stress, 14.
  • Bucay, J. (2000). Open -eyed. Editorial of the new end.
  • Bucay, J. (2019). From self -esteem to selfishness: a dialogue between you and me. Ocean.