How to calm anxiety at work

How to calm anxiety at work

Having an anxiety disorder can have an important impact on the workplace. People can reject an ascent or other opportunity because it implies behaviors that produce anxiety such as traveling or speaking in public; Invent excuses to leave the office parties, staff lunches and other events or meetings with co -workers; or be unable to meet the limit dates .. ¿Work creates anxiety? In this psychology-online article we tell you How to overcome anxiety at work.

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  1. Axiety symptoms at work
  2. Work generates anxiety: what do I do?
  3. 7 tips to calm anxiety at work

Axiety symptoms at work

Work generates anxiety ¿What I can do? Before taking measures in this regard, we will observe what are the symptoms and consequences of anxiety at work.

The main symptoms of work anxiety usually coincide with the diagnostic picture of a generalized anxiety disorder:

  • Constant nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle tension
  • Difficulty falling asleep…

In a National Survey on Anxiety In the workplace, people with anxiety disorders commonly cited these situations as difficult:

  • deal with problems
  • establish and comply with the limit dates
  • Maintain personal relationships
  • Direct staff
  • Participate in meetings
  • Make presentations

Identify the triggers of your symptoms

Although it is easy to identify the trigger for a Specific labor phobia, How to speak in public or socialize in an event, in the case of generalized anxiety disorder (TAG) is not so easy. You may not be aware of what makes you feel anxious at work and this can intensify those stressful feelings and leave you worried that there is no solution; Therefore, it is important to seek expert help to help you identify those trigger and find ways to control them.

Work generates anxiety: what do I do?

If the work produces any of the effects that we are going to list below, it is important that you go to a specialist or that you follow the advice you will see in the following section.

Consequences of anxiety and work stress

  • Memory problems: You have trouble remembering the names, especially just after they have introduced you to someone. You go to meetings in which you know you should remember people's names, but you can't. You have difficulty staying concentrated and forgetting what you just said.
  • Nervousness: This can lead to difficulties in talking to a person who is in a position superior to yours. Or when you have to talk at a meeting or in a program. Maybe it appears when you have to assume a new project or a leadership role.
  • Gonna: That rapid temperament or acute response could actually be a sign of anxiety or fear. If you are bad, ask yourself: ¿What makes it like this?
  • Need to escape: You just want to get away from your office, from the situation, your work. This can appear in online escapism, where you miss on Twitter or other social networks at work. Or you become obsessed with the news of the day constantly refreshing the online news sources. You can also go home and vegetar in front of the TV because your brain is exhausted. Exhausted, that is, until you try to fall asleep and then ..
  • Constant insomnia/fatigue: Anxiety is exhausting. Yes, it can be the source of good energy, but after a while the energy fades and you are physical, emotionally and mentally fatigued. So you go to bed, just for your brain to wake up and decide.

7 tips to calm anxiety at work

Regardless of whether you are able to identify a specific cause of work anxiety or if you have generalized anxiety disorder, the following tips can help you increase your feeling of control and reduce your anxiety levels.

1. Changes in lifestyle

Many people find that small alterations in your lifestyle can help reduce your anxiety at work, such as the introduction of a regular exercise routine. The Yoga It is another good way to exercise and relax at the same time.

2. Replace stimulants

Limit or restrict our intake of stimulants such as caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and sugar can help reduce our anxiety levels.

3. Meditation

Making 10 to 20 minutes of meditation per day will help you slow down your breathing, which in turn will restore a state of calm in your mind. Slow breathing and concentration produced by meditation Relax the vague nerve of our body, that is linked to our heart, lungs and digestive system. Showing this system reduces our heart rate and our adrenal system, helping us to manage and recover from stressful experiences in a much more effective and relaxed way. Discover here more benefits of brain meditation.

4. Take regular breaks

Sit in the same place during most of the day can cause lethargy, lack of concentration and it is bad for the view. Take some fresh air giving a small walk through the office building if you feel pressed for time, or join an exercise at lunch time or a yoga class if there is a fence. You will discover that disconnecting from work will give you a renewed approach and you will be more productive when you return.

5. Don't take work home

With new technologies, we are living at a time when we are always "connected", but if you have an anxiety problem, it is vital to make time to disconnect and relax. This has been recognized as a global problem with many companies and, in fact, governments begin to take note of the stressful effect that this is having in their work performance.

6. Follow a self -help course

If changes in lifestyle have only addressed part of the problem, the next natural step is to perform a self -help course. Most people prefer the least intrusive and more depriving approach to take an online course as a first step to treat their anxiety, instead of consulting a person face to face. There are a wide variety of courses available, and some will include options such as meditation or hypnotherapy.

7. Communicate with others

Some bosses now offer staff access to free and confidential advice through an internal service. Count your insecurities or anxieties at work to whom you trust, either with your coworkers, your manager or HR.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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