How to help an alcoholic friend

How to help an alcoholic friend

Alcohol addiction is one of the most abundant and in turn normalized problems in our society. The consumption of this substance is part of our culture and it is difficult Avoid relapses.

In this Psychology-online article, we will put ourselves in an external role and we will offer advice to know How to help an alcoholic friend, taking into account the multiple factors that can intervene in this phenomenon.

You may also be interested: family orientations and therapeutic steps to help the alcoholic index
  1. How to help an alcoholic who does not recognize him
  2. Alcohol problems: solutions
  3. How to treat an aggressive alcoholic
  4. How to help a depressive alcoholic

How to help an alcoholic who does not recognize him

It is difficult to treat an alcoholic who does not want help, however, to try to understand alcoholism it is important to know that many of the people who suffer from it usually deny it or cannot see the problem.

On many occasions, people with alcohol problems are shielded under the excuse that they only take when they leave, who drink few daily amounts or that simply, the next day they do not have discomfort or hangover. All these excuses are part of a Defense mechanism whose objective is to keep the person addicted to alcohol. To know how to help an alcoholic friend, the first step is to recognize his problem.

Consequences of alcoholism

If once the problem is detected, our friend still does not want to receive help, it is very important that we offer all the possible information about the serious consequences of alcohol dependence.

We highlight the following Consequences of alcoholism:

  • Serious damage in the liver that can lead to cirrhosis, fibrosis and even hepatitis.
  • Increases the risk of having liver cancer, lungs, cocon, breast, esophagus ..
  • Increase blood pressure and the risk of suffering a heart attack
  • It can produce sexual dysfunctions (impotence, loss of sexual desire)
  • Facilitates the appearance of mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety
  • Causes social isolation and facilitates problematic behavior

If after knowing these effects, our friend still does not help, it is likely that also present some type of psychological problem whose symptom is alcoholism - among others - in this case, it is important to address mental illness along with addiction.

Alcohol problems: solutions

Once the root of the problem is detected, if we want to support our friend, it is important to suggest some kind of Piscological treatment. To do this, we have numerous therapeutic approaches that can provide an effective solution to this problem with alcohol.

Therapies for alcoholics

He Alcoholism treatment can be addressed from different points of view: medical, social, psychological ... the most effective solution will always be one that one all the vital spheres of the person who is suffering this addiction. If we are looking for a way to know how to stop drinking alcohol forever, we must follow these tips:

  • It is important to go to a doctor to prescribe our friend the appropriate medication
  • Group and individual therapies can be very effective, they offer the necessary tools so that the person with alcoholism can promote their self -control and avoid resorting to drink whenever a problem is presented
  • He social and family circle From the person (including us) must be informed at all times of the process that our friend is following
  • In the case of presenting a serious level of alcoholism, it is recommended that our friend go to a rehabilitation center to receive the proper treatment and avoid being exposed to stimuli that facilitate a relapse

How to treat an aggressive alcoholic

There are many types of people who can develop some type of alcohol addiction, however, we highlight two very characteristic personality styles: sadness and aggressiveness.

In the latter case, an aggressive person and with alcoholism problems can use violence while under the influence of alcohol. To avoid being attacked, it is important address the problem with touch and patience. The aggressiveness is not only manifested in alcoholic episodes, it can also occur in the event that we point out the problem and our friend feels attacked or court.

In these types of cases, an effective trick is to make the person suffering from addiction, the damage that can produce their loved ones, the change must always arise from its interior, for that same reason, it is important to focus the problem patiently and from the consequences of their actions.

How to help a depressive alcoholic

One of the consequences and at the same time causes of alcoholism is depression and other mood disorders. When a person presents difficulties in facing the challenges of life, it is possible to use alcohol abuse and other substances. This conduct, in turn, facilitates the maintenance of depression. This phenomenon is known as Dual pathology: an addiction and a mental disorder that feeds up making total recovery feed.

To know How to help an alcoholic friend that has symptoms of depression, it is important to have the help of a professional and address the problem from a positive perspective, focused on solution and rehabilitation. Being a dual pathology case, psychological therapy and even psychiatric assistance will be essential.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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