How new technologies affect children

How new technologies affect children

Today, we are aware that we live in a changing society. Technology every year advances, a fact that is a difficulty of adaptation for the older ones, but, at the same time, a new digital era in which children grow from the hand of new technologies. With this change between generations, we are likely to ask ourselves what is good and what's wrong with the new generations that grow alongside the change. Thus, we invite you to read this Psychology-online article: How new technologies affect children.

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  1. Advantages and disadvantages of technology in children
  2. Negative effects of technology on children
  3. Advantages of new technologies for children

Advantages and disadvantages of technology in children

New technologies have a controversial effect on people's daily lives. In the same way as They favor communication Among people, they also promote a impoverishment of relationships social and personal. For this reason, we will discuss some of the negative consequences and advantages that new technologies on the daily life of children have. Where the pros and cons of technology will be valued in children and also How new technologies affect children.

Negative effects of technology on children

¿How children affect children? Social isolation and impoverishment of relationships are the main consequences of new technologies. However, we must also take into account everything that new technologies can generate. Next, we explain the consequences of technologies in children, as well as negative effects of new technologies on children:

  • Social isolation: Social isolation refers to lack of personal contact, fact that can be achieved with the abuse of new technologies. Due to the impact of new technologies on children, there is a social fragmentation, which entails more individualism. In this case, it is interesting to know how to improve social skills in children.
  • Replacement: On many occasions, people replace human relationships with a cyber substitute, a fact that encourages social isolation.
  • Lack of emotional contact: Due to individualism and social isolation, a lack of personal contact is generated that leads to a decrease in all emotional.
  • Information saturation: New technologies often contribute to a facilitation of obtaining information, although instead of facilitating it, a saturation is often generated that makes communicative interaction difficult and that produces confusion difficult.
  • Repetitive Routines: More frequently children are used to automated routines of the use of new technologies, a fact that promotes a lower creative and spontaneity capacity.
  • Difficulties to speak and communicate: With the current trend that leads us to less social contact, it leads us, at the same time, to an increase in difficulties in speaking and communicating.
  • Absence or decrease in symbolic game: The fact of involving more time in new technologies than to strengthen social relationships that children do not use so long to play symbolic games (play to be a firefighter, play veterinary ...). In the following article you will find the theory of the Piaget, Vigotsky and Freud game.
  • Distraction: On many occasions, parents use new technologies to distract their children from situations in which they probably do not know how to manage their frustration, so it is more likely that children develop a great intolerance to frustration. In this way children do not face situations as they should do so. This is one of the consequences of technologies in the most worrying children.
  • Absence of boredom: Children should learn to entertain themselves, without resorting to new technologies. However, today, it is common for children to be distracted by mobile or cell. ¡Attention! Use the mobile phone not to face unpleasant emotions can end up developing mobile phone addiction.

Advantages of new technologies for children

The negative effects of new technologies usually appear due to the use and abuse of new technologies in children. However, if a good use of new technologies is made, these can be very beneficial for the development of children. Taking advantage of the ease with which children are born to deal with new technologies, they can be given educational use that allows to promote a better evolutionary development of children, both in the academic and social field. In this way, the benefits of new technologies in children. Let's look at some of these advantages:

  • Skills Development: Using new technologies allows children to develop certain skills, such as decision making, technological skills (necessary to study and work in most cases), analysis capacity, problem solving, observation, among others.
  • Promote knowledge: It allows children to access any type of information with great easily. Regarding this ease of accessing all types of information, it is advisable to maintain parental control.
  • Learn to learn: Through information facilitation, children, navigating the Internet, learn how they can acquire new knowledge.
  • Investigation: The fact of having a free way to find information on any topic of interest, promotes that children have a greater interest in investigating and discovering new things and, thus, acquire new knowledge. In addition, this stimulation for research, at the same time stimulates the desire to learn autonomously from children.
  • School support: ¿How technology affects children's education? New technologies can be used as a school support resource, so that it can help improve academic results, especially those children with special educational needs (students suffering from some disability or learning difficulties). In any case, students can access a wide variety of online games with educational purposes, such as games aimed at improving attention.
  • Academic results: According to various studies, the educational use of new technologies, improves the academic results of the students. Thus, those students who resort to information and communication technologies (ICT) as a school resource and feed on their benefits, get better results than students who do not use these resources.
  • Socialization: New technologies are a good tool to help children socialize, either through chats, games, etc. In this way, children can maintain contact with boys and girls, both from their same city and different cities and cultures.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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