How do sexual dysfunctions affect relationships?

How do sexual dysfunctions affect relationships?

Sexual relations occupy an important part in the life of couples, although it is true that not for all have the same level of importance.

There are many studies that claim that couples living together, regardless of age, and show high levels of satisfaction in the couple relationship, also have a good sex life.

But what happens in the sexual sphere of the couple when one of the members presents a dysfunction? Can sexual dysfunctions end a relationship?

What are sexual dysfunctions

Lets start by the beginning, Sexual dysfunctions refer to any difficulty or discomfort that the person or couple lives at any stage of the sexual response. That is, we refer to both sexual desire, such as excitation, orgasm or resolution phase. The resolution phase, perhaps the least known, refers to gradually restoration of normal physical and psychic activity after reaching orgasm. When in any of these stages there is some discomfort, whether at the individual level or at the couple level, we would talk about sexual dysfunction.

Despite the aforementioned, on many occasions we find that when talking about sexual dysfunctions it is done individually, focusing on the person who presents the difficulty, however, the presence of problems in this area, not only affects The person herself, but can have an impact on the relationship. Many times It can produce tensions in the relationship, increase in discussions, irritability, distancing, insecurity, anxiety... Therefore, if you are in a couple, it is convenient that therapeutic work is carried out jointly.

How to address sexual dysfunction

When referring and address communication, implication and motivation by both. From sexual therapy it is essential to raise this treatment format since it contributes to the compression and resolution of the difficulty. "We have a dysfunction and we need help".

But how do the dysfunctions affect the different members of the couple? For example, when one of the members has difficulties in achieving an erection can experience sexual encounter as a very stressful situation since they appear Anticipatory thoughts that cause a strong performance anxiety, "I will not give the size", "I should endure the erection more time". On the other hand, the situation can cause in The other member of the couple feelings of inferiority or insecurity When considering that perhaps it is not attractive enough for your partner, "you may not like enough".

So a sexual dysfunction can end the relationship?

The truth is that sexual dysfunctions do not have to end a couple.

The quality of the relationship and the way in which the couple acts in the situation is essential for this not to happen.

Talking about sexual problems can become difficult due to shame or guilt that the person, or even the couple, can feel because of this problem. This is why the search for professional help is the best option for a dysfunction not to be the cause of a couple breakdown.