How to act when addictions multiply

How to act when addictions multiply

We usually think that, in matters of addiction, we must directly attack the problem, ignoring that Any disorder is derived from a series of causes.

So, Addicts usually go from an addiction to another (or simulting) without realizing that everything has a common origin. In fact, there is no addict that has a single addiction.


  • The addictive personality
  • Online betting, fashion addiction "
  • Features of people with multiple addictions
    • Bibliographic references

The addictive personality

We all have in our surroundings someone we consider obsessive with any subject that interests them and that, in the worst case, usually has addictions. Have you ever wondered why there are people who follow this trend?

And really There are no addictions, but addicts. This occurs because we all have in our personality with different characteristics of our own. Among them, there are some that lead directly to this type of attitudes such as:

  • Impulsivity and impatience.
  • Inability to self -control.
  • Little self -esteem.
  • Low tolerance to frustration.

Therefore, anyone who gathers this type of behavior can easily fall into some type of addiction or dependence such as alcohol, drugs, game ... even being complementary to each other. Thus, the addictions of many ways and ways are presented, since the addict has to look.

Online betting, fashion addiction "

Regarding this, a new trend is currently being installed (especially among teenagers, since the brain in these ages is more susceptible to addictions) such as online games and bets. The ease of use along with the multiple marketing tactics that use this type of services encourages that subjects with this type of personality easily fall.

The American Psychiatric Association, in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (2014), it was the one that introduced the commitment game disorder between the addiction catalog, which "meant the recognition of the so -called addictive behaviors" in which the addiction to video games is included.

And it is so dangerous is substance addictions as to certain activities. In fact, it is sometimes more complex noticing them, as well as establishing limits to avoid them.

The evasion produced by this type of behavior usually enters the addict in a world that can try to leave on innumerable occasions and yet is not able to do so and even, it usually falls more strongly by the frustration that entails that entails. It usually has to get a limit moment for the addict to become aware of the situation in which it is. However, these relapses are part of the rehabilitation process, so they do not imply that they must be abandoned because they occur.

And it is the one that the problem, in most occasions, does not establish the object that causes addiction but the relationship we establish with it. Therefore, there are no easy or difficult addictions, but overcome them always entails a huge difficulty, even if it is not impossible.

Tramadol, an opioid for pain

Features of people with multiple addictions

As we mentioned earlier, there are certain common characteristics in this type of people that we explain below:

  • Impulsiveness: lack of stability and/or constant need for new experiences are usually motivated by it.
  • Lack of concentration and inability to establish objectives and goals: We are all experts in procrastinating but these types of people stand out especially for starting many new activities, but not maintaining any in time, since they seek immediate gratification. They give up easily.
  • Anxiety and stress: Not having many emotional resources at their disposal, they do not usually express their emotions and when they cannot more, they explode. They are continuously destabilized before any setback.
  • Loneliness (both chosen and imposed): They have trouble relating to other people and when they happen, they look for some pretext to get away.
  • Self -esteem problems: Unable to communicate properly or with themselves, behavioral changes occur frequently. Inability to understand their emotions and those transmitted by others.

In short, when you have a personality of this type there is great insecurity and a huge fear of failing.

If you see yourself in such a situation, the tools to be used in this type of behavior are:

  • Take things peacefully.
  • Reflect before acting and builds an emotional intelligence that allows you to deal with any type of situation.
  • Finally, if you do not feel able to do it alone, it is convenient for you to ask for professionals.

In short, it is not only to fight addiction when it has already reached our lives, but to use all the mechanisms that are within our reach to have balanced mental health and prevent such harmful behaviors from producing.

Bibliographic references

  • Fernández, m. (2016). Personality disorders and addictions. In addiction treaty (pp. 115-128). Pan -American Medical.
  • Fernández-Montalvo, J., & Echeburúa, and. (2011). Personality disorders and addictions. Addictions, 23 (4), 325-333.
  • García-Montes, j. M., Pérez-García, m., & Ramos-Alvarez, M. M. (2019). Relationship between personality and addictions: systematic review. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 9 (4), 341-355.
  • González-Ortega, i., Morán-Sánchez, i., & Seijo-Martínez, M. (2019). Personality and game addiction disorders: a literature review. Addictions, 31 (1), 33-44.
  • Jiménez-Murcia, s., Granero, r., Fernández-Aranda, f., & Savidou, L. G. (2015). Personality and behavioral addictions. In treatment of addictions (pp. 145-160). Elsevier.
  • Vallejo-Seco, g., & Lago-Méndez, L. (2018). Personality and addiction disorders: a literature review. Psychology from the Caribbean, 35 (1), 1-15.