How to leave the mentality of scarcity

How to leave the mentality of scarcity

If a person wishes to reach their goals and improve their quality of life, you will need to learn how to abandon the scarcity mentality.

The scarcity mentality does not only have to do with the financial aspect, but with many other areas of life. Many people live reality from scarcity and are not even aware of it.

The scarcity mentality can be related to the feelings of inferiority.

Therefore, when Psychotherapist Alfred Adler investigated the inferiority complex, he mentioned that children are born with an intrinsically good potential, but some factors could prevent with their healthy development.

Thus, instead of feeling loved, accepted and appreciated, the child could have the conviction that he had less value than other people and that he was less strong.

Clearly, Limiting beliefs are formed from childhood and then have an impact on adulthood, Regarding the ability to believing or not of good things.

Also, another influential factor in the scarcity mentality is self -esteem. Studies indicate that this is related to the expectations of what is possible in life.

Expectations generate actions that become realities. These actions tend to confirm and reinforce the beliefs that have already been acquired since childhood.

A high or low self -esteem generates the prophecies that will be met. When self -esteem is low, this leading attitudes and behaviors that go against one's well -being.

A low self -esteem sabotage the moments of happiness and achievements that can be achieved in life.

Poor self -esteem generates dysfunctionalities, and negatively affects decision making.



  • The scarcity mentality not only deals with money
  • Erroneous beliefs of the scarcity mentality
  • How to change the scarcity mentality to that of abundance
    • Bibliography

The scarcity mentality not only deals with money

Considering the above, it is concluded that the scarcity mentality also It is related to the development of skills and the ability to obtain achievements.

People who possess this type of mentality often worry a lot about lack of things or the chances of running out of money -even when they have several zeros in their accounts-.

This happens because, clearly, see reality from lack and not from the richness of possibilities they have to achieve what they want.

People with a scarcity mentality often feel co -person dissatisfaction, as they always lack something, or fear losing what they already have.

Erroneous beliefs of the scarcity mentality

Those who live from scarcity usually think as follows:

  • There is little: And therefore, they feel that they must cling and take care of what they have already achieved. Even if this means losing life itself, or letting great opportunities.

In the world, both natural and artificial, there is abundance of many things. If we observe carefully, we will see that The limits are in the mind.

There are new friends, new job opportunities, new clients, new ways of obtaining income, making relationships, among others.

What you now have is not the only thing that exists in the world. It's just about looking more at attention.

  • The more, the better: People connected with shortage think that the quantity matters more than quality, when in reality, it is the opposite.

Those who have this thought generally begin to accumulate objects and be greedy. Many of these objects may even lack value, but the feeling of having many things around.

  • You can't change things: This is another erroneous and limiting belief, they believe that "things are like this" and not being able to change them, it is best to resign. Or, think that "others are the ones who are lucky". This corresponds to a polarized way of seeing reality.
Do you hate others or do you hate yourself?

How to change the scarcity mentality to that of abundance

To change your mentality, and your way of seeing the world, applies these suggestions:

  1. Learn to give: When we give, we also receive.
  2. Do not be afraid to make investment, especially when it comes to your talents.
  3. Examine your ideas, and identify those that limit you. Then, transform them to their opposite. For example: "I have no luck" for "I am a successful person, capable of obtaining achievements".
  4. Thanks: everything you have at this time, which is of good quality, and everything that is to come. Intangible moments and things are more valuable than perishable objects.
  5. Connect with other people: And avoid those that are toxic, or that always complain.

Rather than observing the successes of others, learn to see your strengths and the wonderful and invaluable things that surround you, and you will be taking the first step towards abundance.

How to make our mind more flexible


  • Inferiority complex. (1951). Gastroenterology. https: // www.gastrojournal.ORG/ARTICLE/S0016-5085 (51) 80236-1/PDF
  • Llona, ​​i. (2006). Alfred Adler: His influence on the psychology and psychopathology of the child, adolescent and family. Mental health, psychology and psychopathology.
  • Naranjo Pereira, M. L. (2011). Self -esteem: a relevant factor in the person's life and essential theme of the educational process. Research News in Education. https: //
  • Door, f. of the, & Jung, C. G. (1969). The complexes and the unconscious. Spanish Journal of Public Opinion. https: //