Causes and consequences of alcoholism in adolescents

Causes and consequences of alcoholism in adolescents

Alcoholism is a behavior disorder based on the consumption of large amounts of ethyl or alcoholic beverages in a long time. This behavior entails serious consequences of various kinds, being very destructive.

But also, this problem becomes much more serious when the consumer in a teenager. In this psychology-online article we will delve into what are The causes and consequences of alcoholism in adolescents.

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  1. Causes of alcoholism in young people
  2. Consequences of alcohol consumption in young people
  3. How to prevent alcoholism in young people

Causes of alcoholism in young people

The causes for which a young man begins to drink alcohol, following later with an intake that normally grows over time, are varied. Generally, the main reasons for the beginning in alcohol consumption alluded to social factors. Young people usually start drinking when in their closest environment, as is usually their Group of friends, With which they come out and relate, consuming alcohol is seen as something that leads to fun and makes them part of the group.

That sense of belonging to a group It is something characteristic of many animal species, among which humans we are one more. But, it is something especially relevant in the case of adolescence, when one more needs the Acceptance of others To feel safe. This need to be accepted, is the one that leads many young people to start in alcohol consumption. Being also frequent that they expose how this alcohol allows them to have fun and have a good time when it comes out, creating a dependence on it to enjoy leisure time.

Another of the most frequent reasons in young people to consume alcohol is that alcohol allows them lose shame, very typical during puberty, opening and getting rid of. In this way, many young people say that they find it much easier to meet people, launch to speak to the person they like or anything else that in normal situations shame would prevent them from doing.

In addition, there are sociocultural factors that predispose adolescents to consume alcohol and other substances. Some of them are: Prime of unstructured families or bad family relationships, vulnerability and/or risk of social exclusion and family history of substance abuse.

Too many times, the problem comes from psychological alterations such as Depressions, anxiety (Well, alcohol has depressant effects on the nervous system, acting as anxiolytic), Stress, self -esteem problems or personality alterations. In those cases, the main thing is to solve the base problem, because only then can you later treat excessive alcohol consumption.

Consequences of alcohol consumption in young people

Prolonged alcohol consumption entails a series of consequences, both organic and emotional and social. The ethanol molecules that are present in spirits, have a series of effects on our body. These effects are much greater in young people, since their body is in full development, the effects being much more decisive. The main Consequences of alcohol in adolescents are:

  • Neuronal alterations: Alcohol consumption modifies the functioning of numerous brain receptors and therefore of many neuronal circuits. This has serious effects, especially in young people, since it seriously affects their brain development. Here you will find more information about the effects of alcohol on the brain and nervous system.
  • Endocrine disorders: The consumption of large amounts of alcohol causes changes at the hormonal level. This, causes among other things, that the production of hormones as important as growth hormone is altered, which is essential for the proper functioning of the human body.
  • Greater risk of developing diseases: Being a toxic substance, at high doses, alcohol causes cellular alterations of all tissues. Therefore, it encourages the appearance of tumors, especially at an oral, pharyngeal, breast, rectal, esophageal, liver and laryngeal level.
  • Immune system weakening: Another consequences of alcohol consumption in young people is the impact on the immune system, which makes an organism much more susceptible to both viral and bacterial infections. These diseases are of all types, cardiac, respiratory, reproductive ..
  • Gastrointestinal alterations: Alcohol is a substances that, in addition to being very toxic, is highly irritating for gastric mucous membranes. This entails that, high consumption of alcoholic beverages, cause serious disorders at stomach and intestinal level, promoting the appearance of vomiting, gastritis, ulcers and other.
  • Cardiovascular effects: including heart -rhythm alterations, arterial hypertension or myocardiopathies.
  • Social and emotional problems: Another consequences of alcoholism in adolescents is the affectation of the social and emotional area. Continued and excessive alcohol consumption, causing all the mismanaged mismatches, causes a series of alterations at both social and emotional level. Some may be aggressiveness, depressions or anxiety.

How to prevent alcoholism in young people

Given the harmful consequences that alcoholism has in our body, our social relations, our mind and feelings, it is essential to avoid the beginning of such consumption, especially the early.

The Alcoholism prevention in adolescents It must be carried out in numerous areas, a multidisciplinary intervention being necessary. In addition, it must be done at all possible levels, from individuals separately, Hasat groups of friends, families, schools and the media.

It is recommended to perform awareness campaigns For the general population. These must include so much Warning messages Young people as rabbits for families, so that they have the necessary tools to prevent their children from consuming alcohol at an early age. In this way, experts indicate that one of the most decisive factors for a teenager to drink alcohol, is their family environment, since the posture and customs of the parents regarding alcohol consumption are decisive in most cases.

It is also important to work from schools and institutes, helping teachers to carry out a Health and Values ​​Education that allows young people to make the right decisions to ensure their health.

On the other hand, it is also important. Here you will find assertiveness techniques to say no to drugs.

You may also be interested in knowing how to work drug dependence on adults and adolescents.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Causes and consequences of alcoholism in adolescents, We recommend that you enter our category of addictions.
