Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction or male impotence

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction or male impotence

Erectile dysfunction (DE) is inability to obtain or maintain an erection firm enough to have sex. Sometimes it is known as impotence.


  • Erectile dysfunction symptoms
  • Causes of erectile dysfunction
  • Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction
    • 1. Stress
    • 2. Depression
    • 3. Performance anxiety
    • 4. Loss of interest

Erectile dysfunction symptoms

It can have erectile dysfunction if you regularly have:

  • Problems to achieve an erection
  • Difficulty maintaining an erection during sexual activities
  • Lack of sexual interest

Other sexual disorders related to erectile dysfunction include:

  • Early ejaculation
  • Ejaculation delay
  • Anorgasmia, which is the inability to reach orgasm after stimulation

Causes of erectile dysfunction

Many men will experience erection problems at least once in their lives. It is normal for a man to have occasional problems to achieve an erection or that it is firm or lasting enough to have sex.

There may be several factors that contribute to impotence. These include emotional and physical disorders. It is estimated that 50% of men from 40 to 70 years experience some type of erectile dysfunction at some time or another. The risk of impotence increases with age.

There are many possible causes for erectile dysfunction, and can include emotional and physical disorders. Some common causes are:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Cancer or surgery damage
  • Injuries
  • Take certain medications (beta blockers, CNS depressants, diuretics, etc.)
  • Obesity
  • Age
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Couple problems
  • Consumption of drugs
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Smoking in excess

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

For most men, erection problems are caused by a Anxiety problem, Not for a medical problem. Psychogenic erectile dysfunction can often be something temporary and pass without the need for intervention.

But cases where these problems persist must be addressed. Talking about them with our partner or looking for a doctor's treatment are important steps to overcome it.

1. Stress

The psychological causes of erectile dysfunction are not always related to sex itself. Many times labor problems, tension periods or stress related to any area of ​​life They can also have a significant effect on sexual performance.

Experts believe that in moments of stress, activity in the least essential sections of the brain, even in those that control the excitation, begins to decrease.

Another simpler reason could be the distraction. When the brain is dealing with stress, it becomes much more difficult to remain focused on sexual intercourse.

On the other hand, hormonal functioning during stress also plays an important role. Cortisol, which the body produces in response to stress, can cause sexual problems; and During stress periods, testosterone levels (hormone that the male body needs to produce erections) can decrease.

In these cases, addressing the stress problem can be enough to reverse the situation.

2. Depression

Disánimo, sadness, loss of self -esteem, general fatigue, altered sleep habits are well -known signs of depression. But one of the most common symptoms, although less commented, of depression is erectile dysfunction.

In fact, both disorders sometimes enhance each other and get worse to each other. A study has shown that recipe treatments such as Viagra can improve cases of erectile dysfunction in depressed men and, to some extent, relieve their depressive symptoms.

Anyway, the treatment for depression has to start talking with your doctor and looking for a specialized therapist.

3. Performance anxiety

By performance anxiety in the case of erectile dysfunction is understood as the Psychological pressure to "perform" properly during sex.

It is not so strange in the new relationships, where man can be nervous about the sexual encounter and wanting to impress his partner. In these cases, generally, the problem is not durable, and can be solved as the spouses get used to and feel comfortable in the sexual relationship.

However, Performance anxiety is one of the most common psychological causes of impotence, Psychologically speaking is considered as a main and persistent component due to its self -perpetuating nature. This means that the more anxious a man is to be able to pay, the less capable it is to do so, and the more anxious it becomes, and so on, causing a Deterioration spiral.

In these cases, it is important to talk about the problem as soon as possible. The more time it is left unsolved, the more difficult it can become.

4. Loss of interest

The loss of sexual desire, or libido, is another cause of sexual dysfunction. Relationship problems can be a cause of libido problems.

Men are more prone to erection problems if they are not so interested in sex; And they are more prone to libido loss if they have erection problems.

If there are great disagreements between them, it may be that sex is not satisfactory or not interest. Talking to the couple about the problem, or looking for advice and external support can help.

However, it is advisable, especially if you consider that there are no underlying problems in the relationship, talk to the GP to rule out the existence of organic causes or be a side effect derived from pharmacological treatment.

Nor do let's forget that the loss of sexual desire can often be the consequence of other factors the list that we have presented at the beginning of the article, so we must always consult with a specialist.

Early ejaculation: causes and treatment