Causes of sexual dissatisfaction in the couple

Causes of sexual dissatisfaction in the couple

Sexual dissatisfaction in a couple can be given by one of the parties or both, on some occasions or in all or almost all sexual experiences, but as it may, if it occurs, we must not reduce importance because Feeling sexually dissatisfied can influence the welfare of the person and their quality of life in general but also in the relationship.

Although sexual dissatisfaction can be something that affects many more people than we can think, fortunately it is something that has a solution and can be treated.


  • Possible reasons for sexual dissatisfaction
  • Expectations vs reality
  • Differences of the erotic meeting model
  • Lack of communication
  • Spontaneity
  • Sexual boredom
  • Do not take care of eroticism

Possible reasons for sexual dissatisfaction

The reasons why a person can feel discomfort in his sex life can be many and does not have to have problems excite himself or to reach orgasm. Sexual dissatisfaction is to feel that sexual encounters are not quite rewarding And many times it is not known very well why.

These are 7 of the factors that can result in sexual dissatisfaction as a couple, detect what can be affecting our sexual life, is the first step to improve it.

Expectations vs reality

Sometimes, the feeling of dissatisfaction in sex has to do largely with the difference between the expectations about sexuality and what actually happens. Our way of having sexual relations is inevitably conditioned by education that we receive, for stereotypes and also for what prevails as what is normal and what is not. Leaving aside what is supposed to be and being aware that real life is not how Hollywood movies or porn show.

Differences of the erotic meeting model

When there are differences in what is considered a gratifying erotic encounter for each of the couple's members, the way to start them, the quantity and quality of the erotic games, The erotic tastes of each and how these differences are managed and treated can also be the cause of discomfort. Put on the table what each person prefers, which must include a good erotic encounter for her, will help, not only to know the preferences of the other party but to get the experience to be good for the two.

Lack of communication

Each member of the couple has their own beliefs about sex, their way of understanding and living sexual relations and, in most cases, their own experience that can also. Talk openly of sex when you are not having sex It is vital for the couple's sexuality. Sexual self -knowledge is key to enjoying sexuality, but it is useless that we are individually aware of what we like and what no, how and how, if our partner does not know it

It is about creating moments in which to freely express their own feelings and needs without judging or being judged, in addition to knowing the sexual backpack of each one.


When sexual relations are always planned and programmed, you have the feeling of knowing what will happen and as it is "the usual", it is an excessively mechanized sexuality with little space for imagination, game or mystery. Recover the spark of surprise allows you to have more passionate and satisfactory experiences.

Sexual boredom

As much as a couple wants and wants to be together, the lack of spontaneity and the tendency to resort to the usual practices and positions, which even being pleasant, are still the same as always, can lead to the dreaded sexual boredom.

Adding novelty opening the mind to new practices and new sensations is a way to break with sexual routine. Including toys and erotic accessories can contribute to it and add game to meetings always add. It can be a good idea to gossip together the sexshop online catalog varying where the options are almost infinite. And although any toy can be used in company, there are sexual toys specially designed for it.

Do not take care of eroticism

Desire and libido is not something that appears suddenly, it is cultivated throughout the day with what we do and think. We cannot pretend to go from zero to 100 when we are about to have sex if our mind has been completely disconnected from eroticism. The busy life today, the obligations and the need to feel always busy make us not pay attention to details. One way to get to the moment of the sexual encounter with more desire, is to have words, actions and messages that demonstrate sexual interest and desire for the couple throughout the day: small gestures that mean a lot.

As human beings, sexuality is part of our life, and sexual dissatisfaction prevents us from fully enjoying it, as well as our relationships with the other person. Keeping your eyes open and paying attention when we feel that something is not doing well, is the way to stop the problem and solve the discomfort as soon as possible, since A full and truly enjoyed sexuality positively influences general well -being of the person individually but also of the couple.