Clinical case of logotherapy and arthiarapy in favor of childhood

Clinical case of logotherapy and arthiarapy in favor of childhood

In this Psychology Line, it is intended to tell a therapeutic experience developed at the individual and group level that has had as theoretical and methodological framework Logotherapy and art therapy, as tools to deepen the knowledge of Existential problems of childhood and the possibilities of developing new growth and senses searches. The case comes from my experience as a psychotherapist in Havana, in my first jobs with children and families at social risk.

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  1. Introduction
  2. Case a
  3. Methodology
  4. Results


Logotherapy, psychotherapy that promotes the will to meaning, as a fundamental motive of our species and the legacy of the psychiatrist and neurologist Viktor Frankl allow us to locate in the therapeutic relationship the therapeutic relationship Search for meaning as axis of the cure.

Perhaps in the times that run for many stocks the search for meaning is a challenge that will mark vital stages, a challenge that can be lived as an experience for growth or as frustration, confusion and loss.

All historical times through which our species has traveled have been marked by crisis of all nature. Without more, The father of logotherapy, Frankl He discovered his method, in a concentration camp, stripped of his assets and after the death of his family and loved. In the field he had to face the hardships, vexations and deprivations of this extreme experience. In his testimonies as a survivor he reveals that the only thing that allowed him.

Each human being libra a personal battle in different areas and at all stages of his life, from birth, and prior to him, until his death. Logotherapy gives us the possibility of registering the data concerning those existential battles, through listening to the therapist, the therapist recovers the vital script of the patient and offers a therapeutic space, Sometimes psychodramatic to accompany the process of searching for meaning that the patient will have to travel.

The paradoxical intention, desreflexion, the modification of attitudes and the Socratic dialogue, as well as the autodistanciating are some of the techniques used in this type of psychotherapy and focus on the search for the disappearance of symptoms, of a new orientation and meaning For the patient's life, which, by the way, will have to star in the sake of a greater knowledge of his inner being, of his own well -being.

Next, a case will be described where I work in artotherapy workshops and individual psychotherapy with the logotherapy technique: ATTITUDES MODIFICATION. The framework of existential psychotherapy that provides the logotherapy allowed us New meanings. This same frame was used in interviews with his teacher and her mother.

Case a

It is an eight -year -old boy, with low school performance and a sociofamiliar environment characterized by the lack of a life schedule, psychological, cultural and abusive stimuli in the emotional plane and with sexual superitulation.

In the classroom, he is hyperactive and his teacher recounts episodes of getting in the bathroom of the girls to spy on, rubbing their sexual parts in class and touching their classroom companions. He was scattered and participated to get the attention in boycott tone and with rude and sometimes aggressive expressions. He is frequently rejected by his classmates, for his behavior and because sometimes he goes to classes with smell and disagreement.


The child is treated in the school environment in the Art Therapy individual and group and also in Psychotherapeutic sessions.

We worked for 4 months in arthraphy workshops, the graphic and sculptural motifs were changing from the second month, we saw each other in individual art therapy twice a week and in these same sessions we did logotherap.

In the workshops, we work with readings some of art, other fantastic or adventure which served us to stimulate new motives of expression and meaning. We made a group visit to a Popular Art Museum in the area, as part of the Artotherapy Workshop, which also helped us in stimulation.

We had 3 interviews with the teacher To guide regarding psychopedagogical management we expected in the classroom. They were positive and worked. We were looking for a positive role where attention was reduced on its aspects of deterioration and emphasis was placed on its possibilities for achievement. We suggest some tasks and/or activities to perform in new roles and be stimulated positively to the progress.

We held 4 interviews with your mother To guide the life schedule and some general points of healthy living in the home for the best development of the small. Some organizational issues in the home and the mother participate in the latest art therapy sessions were gradually changing. She went for therapy herself and had 6 months of logotherapeutic work and complement psychotherapy with homeopathy and Bach flowers. Their progress was encouraging.

In the first artotherapy sessions, we started with the Rapport, To create a good affective and work climate, we toured the place that was disposed spacily, with many games, and paintings of the workshops themselves. We work with creative free expression techniques with oil paint, with crayolas and with putty.

The slogans are open: Draw what you want, you can model what you want with the putty. At first he was restless and played all the materials without choosing anything concrete to do. I worked with the oils, played with colors, their hands and color cards. The expressions were basically scribbles and reflected a level of graphic development below their age. When he finished his works, we worked in dialogue to name them, we teach him to place his name and surnames because he is its author (we want to work self -esteem) and we try to put some words, concepts in their creations to guide us in the existential material that reveal.

A large number of phallus or graphic allusions appeared, different sizes and colors in deformed male figures where the penis appears in large size, figures also appear having sex or in very descriptive sexual poses, the works are neglected, predominantly strong and dark colors predominantly. We inquire about these frequent reasons through the word and told us that he watched his parents have sex at night in bed next to his and that television also watched films in the late night.


On the individual of the patient, a greater variety of reasons and senses in their creations, Animals appeared, people chatting, buildings, traffic lights, clouds, soles, sea, school and their best friends, etc., The behaviors of hiding in the bathroom of girls and rubbing in classes disappeared, their Personal appearance also improved considerably, he began to come to neat and early classes and was appointed to develop tasks of responsibility in the classroom such as being responsible for a month of the corner of prehistoric animals, work that performance with motivation and responsibility.

It was shown more participatory In classes and in the workshops, having a more positive participation and not as a boycott. He developed a plastic creation with a putty that was donated to the Popular Art Museum in the area and exhibited in a school exhibition. The school year most integrated to school work ended and enrolled in a plastic arts workshop.

I must say that the patient's reasons diversified, we noticed through his plastic works and his general behavior new interests Inside and outside the school, he was more affective with us and his classmates expressing affection with respect, his self -esteem rose and his behavior into classes became a more focused behavior while still being the same.

We see how the possibilities are many and how Logotherapy attitudes modification technique It worked to develop new tours and searches in the case of this patient. I consider that the framework offered by logotherapy as clinical psychotherapy to address neurosis and work symptoms and aspire to the search for meaning is cash to work with childhood on the individual level and also in the group sphere. It is this particular case we made logotherapy in individual sessions and art therapy workshops that as we know is a valuable artistic and creative tool to address existential conflicts through art. This conceptual and methodological framework was highly positive to evaluate and accompany new paths and searches for meanings to our patient.

Of chaos, by the paths of art and logotherapy towards mental health, this is, to take the tools of psychotherapy to deepen darkness, understand them and put lights, logos and new and inspiring signs on the existential paths of these walkers That we are all.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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