Diagnostic characteristics of behavior disorder (TC) in minors

Diagnostic characteristics of behavior disorder (TC) in minors

Are there minor psychopaths? Although the antisocial personality disorder, colloquially known for psychopathy, is diagnosed in adults, there are certain disorders in minors than later, in adulthood, they can derive in psychopathy. One of the most related is behavioral disorder.

Continue reading to know what this diagnosed disorder consists of only in minors!


  • Of dissocial disorder to behavior disorder
  • DSM-V criteria
  • Absence of regulations
    • Resources

Of dissocial disorder to behavior disorder

In the diagnostic and statistical manual of current mental disorders, the DSM-V, behavior disorder It groups in the category of "destructive disorders of impulse and behavior control".

The destructive disorders of impulse control and behavior included in the DSM-V (APA, 2013) are the following:

  • Challenging Negativist Disorder (TND).
  • Intermittent explosive disorder (TEI).
  • Behavior disorder.
  • Antisocial personality disorder.
  • Pyromania.
  • Kleptomania
  • Another disruptive disorder, the control of impulses and specified behavior.

The behavior disorder in minors of the DSM-V appeared in its previous version, the DSM-IV, as Dissocial disorder.

In the previous version, dissocial disorder was called.

These disorders include conditions that are manifested through Problems with the self -control of behavior and emotions, translating in behaviors that violate other people (for example: aggression or destruction of a property), or lead the person to important conflicts against society's norms or authority figures.

These disorders are given in shape more frequent in male sex that in the female sex.

DSM-V criteria

According to the DSM-V so that a person can be diagnosed with a behavior disorder, he must meet a series of criteria, which are:

  1. Repetitive and persistent pattern of a behavior in which the basic rights of other people, the social norms or rules of age are not respected.

For a person to be diagnosed, he must also present at least 3 of the 15 criteria that follow:

1. Aggression to people and animals:

      • Often harasses, threatens or intimidated others.
      • Often starts fights.
      • Has used a weapon that can cause serious damage to third parties.
      • Has exercised physical cruelty against people.
      • Has exercised physical cruelty against animals.
      • He has stolen facing a victim.
      • Has sexually raped someone.

2. Destruction of the property:

      • He has deliberately set fire with the intention of causing serious damage.
      • Has deliberately destroyed someone's property.

3. Deception or robbery:

      • He has invaded someone's house, building or car.
      • Often lies to obvious objects or favors, or to avoid obligations.
      • He has stolen non -trivial value objects without facing the victim.

4. Serious breach of the rules:

      • Often it leaves at night despite the prohibition of their parents, starting before the age of 13.
      • He has spent a night out of home without permission while living with his parents or in a host home, at least twice or once he was absent for a long time.
      • Often lack at school, starting before the age of 13.
  1. In addition, it must cause a clinically significant discomfort in social, academic or labor areas.
  2. And this is very important, The person has to be under 18 years.

In addition, the DSM-V specifies the start type, either child or adolescent. As if it occurs with:

  • Limited prosocial emotions.
  • Lack of remorse.
  • Expense or superficial affectivity.

The intensity or severity of the disorder can be mild, moderate or severe, due to the number of symptoms present.

Narcissistic personality disorder

Absence of regulations

The dissocial behavior of minors is highly linked to a lack of control by parents of child's behavior. Dissocial disorder could be considered, now called behavior disorder, as a very probable response to the absence of regulations and inconsistencies in educational guidelines.

Therefore, the explanation about why behavioral disorder occurs is still a matter to be resolved, although in general, reference can be made to family, sociocognitive and biological influences.

So this type of disorders can be prevented, an early diagnosis is essential, not only in the family, but also in the school environment, as well as an early and multimodal early intervention of the symptoms manifested.


  • DSM-V
  • APA