Psychological changes in the adolescence of men and women

Psychological changes in the adolescence of men and women

How many times we will have heard some fathers and mothers say that their sons and daughters are at the turkey's age and we have simply been able to laugh because we knew how hard this stage can be in the life of a family.

My mother always says that adolescence is like a measles but that it lasts much more, and where you have to be constantly aware of your son or daughter so that she does not make mistakes that can mark the rest of her life, as it happens when a baby It scratches a lot and left marks on the skin.

Adolescence is considered the transition between childhood and adulthood. It is a concept that has its origins in a merely social construction to name that period of time in which the person is neither child nor adult.

In Psychology-online we want to show you a little more what this stage is so feared by all fathers and mothers and so desired by all children. We will see the psychological changes that occur in adolescence.

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  1. What are the psychological changes in adolescence
  2. Why are psychological changes in adolescence
  3. Emotional changes in the adolescence of men and women

What are the psychological changes in adolescence

If we rely on the different stages described by Piaget to explain evolutionary development, adolescence is in the last one, the stage of formal operations.

Within this, teenagers are already capable of entering abstract reasoning To, in this way, elaborate many more complex moral judgments. This abstract thinking capacity begins to develop From 11 years And it allows them both to imagine possibilities and form hypothesis. In addition, it is also linked to a series of emotional implications oriented towards moral and ethical concepts, such as freedom, exploitation, empathy. Concepts that were not previously able to understand because they could not see them in their reality.

Teenagers are considered to suffer a series of changes in cognition and sensation:

  1. Increase your abstraction capacity, idealism and criticism.
  2. Develop what is known as cognitive egocentrism:
  • Lack of differentiation between the only and the universal, So they feel misunderstood.
  • They have one greater self -awareness.
  • Imaginary audience, that it is a type of egocentrism where the adolescent confuses his thoughts with those of others, considering the center of all eyes.
  • Personal fable: They are considered unique, so they tend to think that their actions are unrepeatable.
  • Invincibility fable: They have the wrong feeling that nothing bad will happen to them and that they will not suffer any damage. They believe they are invincible.

Teenagers also present a series of changes in language, which is developed as a result of the most adult reading materials that are asked to read. Thanks to this development, they are allowed to discuss and define fully abstract concepts, taking greater awareness of the possibility that words and symbols can have multiple meanings

Why are psychological changes in adolescence

During this stage, young people enter what is known as puberty, which is the process of acquiring sexual maturity and fertility. The brain is in a state of development, which is why these psychological changes occur.

  • Suffer a series of structural changes, such as the case of Increased front lobes, which gives them an increase in their reasoning, judgment and impulse control.
  • They have changes in the composition of the cerebral cortex. It has been observed thanks to numerous studies a Increased gray matter.
  • They usually act more risky, as there is a unbalanced interaction between the socio -emotional network (sensitivity and activity in puberty) and the cognitive control network (The answers they give to certain situations and the maturation process, which is usually gradual with age).

Emotional changes in the adolescence of men and women

During the period that takes adolescence, young people go Building your identity, that is, the coherent conception of the self, which is constituted by goals, values ​​and beliefs with which each person has a solid commitment.

These years of adolescence are considered by many as a time of rebellion which involves a Emotional confusion In adolescents. They are usually characterized by frequent conflicts with the family, departure from adult society, reckless behaviors and rejections of adult values. In the following article you will find how to treat a rebel teenager.

However, it has been seen, that in some western societies, this behavior is uncommon since young people tend to experience closeness to their parents as a result of greater understanding for their part of their parents' opinions.

But, however, adolescence can be a difficult stage for some. Family conflict, depression and risk behaviors They are much more common at this time of the life cycle.

Individualization is a battle by the adolescent for Achieve and fix both your autonomy and your personal identity. Therefore, it is very important that adolescents' parents manage to find a point of balance between excess freedom and excess individualization.

It should also be noted, that it is at this stage when young people begin to have more awareness or at least begin to adequately understand their sexual identity. During this period, young people who identify as homosexuals or bisexuals tend to act more cautiously with respect to their identity. This is due to the lack of socially accepted ways to explore their sexuality, since, for fear of being isolated and discriminated, they do not decide to reveal their sexual orientation. In the following article you will find tips to help a child or daughter define their sexuality.

With regard to sexual behavior itself, the average girl has her first sexual relationship at 17 and, the average boy at 16.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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