Social bullying what is, types and how to prevent it

Social bullying what is, types and how to prevent it

Social bullying is a social scourge that marks the life of our children and young people, both in the case of the victim and the aggressor. The psychological traumas that generate these experiences in harassed people must be visible to become aware of the severity of the matter and adopt the relevant measures to end this drama.

In this Psychology-online article we will talk about What is social bullying, its characteristics, the types of bullying, the causes that generate it, the consequences it causes and how to prevent it.

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  1. What is social bullying
  2. Characteristics of social bullying
  3. Types of social bullying
  4. Causes of social bullying
  5. Consequences of social bullying
  6. How to prevent social bullying

What is social bullying

He social bullying It is also called social school and is a form of violence that occurs in a social situation in which one or more schools are directed to another and make it the object of discharge of their aggressive behavior for a long time.

During that period, Bullying's victim is subjected to physical aggressions, harassment, threats and social isolation or exclusion. It is a perverse game of unjustified aggression that, extending over time, causes psychological deterioration in the victim of aggression and moral deterioration in the aggressor.

Characteristics of social bullying

In general terms, we can talk about three basic characteristics of social bullying that are defined by three parameters:

  1. Main roles: Social bullying is given towards a helpless victim by a main aggressor accompanied by several spectators who encourage or participate directly in the aggressions.
  2. Power relationship: There is an obvious inequality of power that faces several strong, psychologically and/or socially aggressors a weak victim.
  3. Persistence in time: This perverse domination relationship is constantly and repeated for a long period of time.

Types of social bullying

can we talk about four types Bullying mains:

  1. Physical: It can be direct against the person (paste, push, etc) or indirect, against some of their properties (steal, break, etc.).
  2. Verbal: teasing, insults, contempt, etc.
  3. Psychological: Use a negative and contempt discourse that undermined the victim's self -esteem and increases his fear and insecurity. In many cases, bullying generates internal traum.
  4. Social: The victim is isolated from his social group of reference.
  5. Cyberbullying, where you use the different technologies and social networks to make public aggressions. Here you will find more information about what cyberbullying is, its causes and consequences.
  6. Dating Violence: It would enter into cyberbullying but, in this case, it would refer to the emotional blackmail that is carried out in adolescent couples, with the threat of publishing intimacies. In this case we could talk about a variant of gender violence. Here you can read more about teenagers and gender violence.

The common characteristic to all these types of harassment is the fear and psychological drama that different experiences cause in the victim.

Causes of social bullying

As for the causes that cause social bullying we could talk about two types:

Contextual causes of social bullying

  • Family: It is the main context and the most important where people socialize and settle the basis for what will be their posterior physical, emotional and social adjustment.
  • School: It is the second context of relevance for the socialization and healthy development of children so that the type of experience and care given to children will also condition the possibility of suffering bullying or acting as an aggressor.
  • Economic and Cultural Socio: The Social Micro-Social Context in which we develop can condition our position as aggressors, victims or as a preventive bullying. A social group that protects against a group that encourages violence (cases of aggressors) or not having any reference group (victims); Living and/or suffering macho or discriminatory attitudes for any reason for race or social status also positions us in one place or another; etc.
  • Pregnancy: It is an important aspect to highlight since intrauterine experience is the first condition of a person's subsequent mental health. Both in the case of the victim and in the aggressor, unpleasant or traumatic experiences during pregnancy can predispose to weak or impulsive personalities, preparing the way to a future bullying experience on either side.

Personal causes of social bullying

  • Of the victim: These are people with an insecure base and with a high degree of introversion, which causes them difficulties in creating and maintaining positive social relationships.
  • Of the aggressor: These are people with an impulsive temperament and with a very low frustration tolerance, which encourages them to execute aggressive behaviors as a discharge of their excess inner discomfort.

In both cases, they are people with weak structural bases that push them, as a means of survival to adopt opposite behaviors that inevitably end up joining them: hide and flee, in the case of the victim and attack and download on the weak, In the case of the aggressor.

Consequences of social bullying

Bullying is a situation of abuse that generates terrible consequences on the victim, for example:

  • Low academic performance and/or school failure.
  • Low self -esteem and assertiveness.
  • Social isolation and loneliness.
  • Poor or non -existent social relations.
  • Rejection of school.
  • Anger and, at the same time, terror.
  • Somatizations (insomnia, ennuresis and physical pain) and symptoms that can persist in adulthood.
  • Suicide ideas.
  • Scarce emotional intelligence.

Simultaneously, the experience of this negative situation of harass.

Here you will find more information about the consequences of bullying.

How to prevent social bullying

The best high school prevention is to guarantee a Safe emotional base To boys and girls from the family and reinforced by school. However, and taking into account the current potential dangers to suffer from this type of harassment in children's age, it is essential that family and school work together to care for, protect and protect and Inform infants and adolescents About the dangers of suffering bullying.

Promote open communication between family members; worry about the personal life of students, from school; encourage them to ask for help in case of suffering any type of abuse and denouncing anonymously in case of witnessing it; etc. These are some of the most important measures to be implemented to definitely prevent this social scourge.

If you suffer bullying or know someone who suffers from it, ask your family, colleagues and teachers or denounce the situation. There are many professionals who can help you overcome the situation and recover personal trust. Stop hiding, ¡You deserve another better life! Here you will see what to do in case of school bullying.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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