Bromazepam or Lexatin, a benzodiazepine for anxiety control

Bromazepam or Lexatin, a benzodiazepine for anxiety control

Surely at some point you have heard or have even taken Lexatin. Is One of the most used drugs currently used to control specific anxiety situations, although it is also consumed for more or less continuous periods of time. In addition, it is one of the anxiolytics that wakes up the most.


  • What is Bromazepam
  • When and how to use bromazepam
  • Advised doses
  • Bromazepam side effects
    • Bibliographic references

What is Bromazepam

When we talk about Bromazepam, we do it of a psychotropic that belongs to the benzodiazepines family. It acts directly on the central nervous system, and has antispasmodic, hypnotic, sedative, muscular, amnesic and anxiolytic properties.

You can buy it with names Lexatín, Lexomil, Somalium, Broman, Lexotan or Licextoanil, And it is always taken under a medical recipe. That is, you can have the peace of mind that your doctor will only prescribe it in cases where it is really necessary.

It is a medication that can generate strong dependence. This makes it not recommended in any way to start taking it without medical prescription. Given this a logical question arises: when to take bromazepam?

When and how to use bromazepam

The use of bromazepam is only indicated when we are faced with a serious disorder, that affects the patient in an important and limiting way in his daily life. If there is a discomfort that influences several areas of the person's life, we can be facing a case that requires its use.

Some of the states that can advise the use of this psychotopharmace Difficulty of interpersonal contact and communication, behavior disorders, excessive aggressiveness, scenic panic, etc.

When taking it, you must keep in mind that alcohol consumption must be avoided. And this is something important, since The combination of bromazepam and high doses of alcohol can lead to death.

This happens because the sedative effects of alcohol are mixed with the anxiolytic and sedatives of the medically, which can even cause you to drown during sleep.

Nor should its use be abandoned abruptly, for the dependency component they have. It is better to progressively decrease its use or even change to another benzodiazepine rather than radically ending the treatment.

Chronic fatigue syndrome, symptoms and treatment

Advised doses

As for the doses, the first thing you should keep in mind is that With low doses, bromazepam relieves purely physiological symptoms that anxiety causes, such as digestive, breathing or tachycardic problems.

In high doses this medicine enhances its sedative and muscle relaxing effect. It is here when it can be very addictive, so you always have to follow this treatment with medical supervision.

Each person and situation will need a specific dose. To adjust it, the doctor will be based on a series of parameters such as the following:

  • Treatment point: It usually begins with the lowest dose and, if not effective, go up until you find the point where the patient feels comfortable and the medication is effective.
  • One of the priorities is always that the treatment is short, To avoid addictive component. Around 8-12 weeks is usually the usual in this type of medication.
  • In adults it is usually taken between 1.5 and 3 mg 2 or 3 times a day. This, of course, is something to adapt to each person.
  • In serious hospitalized, these doses can rise up to 6-12 mg for 3 times a day.
  • It is a medication not suitable for children.

Bromazepam side effects

All medications have side effects to a greater or lesser extent. In the case of Bromazepam, these They can become serious, especially if combined with alcohol consumption in large quantities.

The adverse effects of benzodiazepines are, in general, frequent and moderately important. The toxicological profile of this drug is similar to that of the rest of anxiolytic benzodiazepines. In most cases, side effects mainly affect the central nervous system.

The most important side effect is Drug dependence, that occurs above all in long treatments and with high doses. The affectation that occurs in short -term memory, that can even reach the anterograde amnesia.

Motor skill can also be affected, although it is not one of the usual side effects if there is no alcohol in between. In addition to this, it can even cause some of the symptoms that it intends to avoid, such as nervousness and episodes of irritability.

More common are the sleepiness, dizziness, headaches, muscle weakness or confusion. In any case, the most advisable when any of these symptoms occurs is to go to the doctor to value the suitability of changing the dose or even the medicine itself.

With all this, you can get an idea of ​​the type of medication that is Bromazepam. Although its effectiveness is more than proven, You have to follow a treatment proposed by a doctor, seeking to finish with him in the short term and with continuous supervision by this type of professional.

Bibliographic references

  • Velázquez, a. & Carbajal, D. (2017). Basic and clinical pharmacology. Mexico: McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Bandelow, b., Baldwin, d., Abelli, m., Bolea-Alamanac, b., Bourin, m., Chamberlain, s. R., Ferre, f., Gabriels, l., IPER, j. C., Köhler, s., Kasper, s., Lemoine, p., Löwe, b., Salinas-Pérez, J. TO., & Rothermundt, M. (2018). Efficacy of Bromazepam in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials Trials. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 21 (11), 979-987.
  • Bobes, j., & Saiz, P. (2019). Psychopharmacology Treaty. Madrid: Panamerican Medical.
  • Casado-Espada, n., Álvarez-Sánchez, a., Fernández-Sánchez, J. C., Palomo-López, p., & Valiente-Gómez, A. (2020). Bromazepam use in anxiety disorders in primary care: systematic review. Biological Psychiatry, 27 (1), 19-29.
  • Bobes, j. & Married. (2018). Clinical Psychopharmacology Manual. Barcelona: Elsevier.