

Find all hidden balls In the central part of the board and marcalas. Click on the boxes of the sides to shoot invisible rays that will cross the board and will be affected by the hidden balls they find on their way. Complete instructions

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Complete instructions

Find all hidden balls inside the board. To obtain clues about its location, click on the boxes of the sides to shoot an invisible ray whose trajectory will be affected by the ball position. The following indications may appear:

  • C: Indicates that there has been a collision Because in the trajectory of lightning there is a ball. It can also happen that the ray is diverted by a ball before colliding frontally with another ball.
  • A: The bouncing lightning Because there is a ball in one of the boxes on the sides of the entrance point and the lightning does not get into the board or leaves where it has entered.
  • : If a number appears indicates that the lightning has crossed the board. Yeah did not find any obstacle The same number will appear at the opposite end. If he passed by a ball on his way, Ray will deviate consequently. The numerical value itself, has no meaning, but identifying the entry and exit point of the ray.

Click inside the board to place the balls. When they are all placed, a green button will appear in the upper left that you can press to check if the solution is correct.

If you have succeeded in the position of all balls, the message will appear Achieved In the status bar.

Otherwise, the game will show badly placed balls and draw a red circle around the rays thrown that are incompatible with the given solution. Correct the position of the balls and press the green button to check your answer.

The buttons bar From the top it allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Start a new game: Start a new game with the indicated dimensions and with a different ball arrangement.
  • Restart the current game: Eliminates the progress of the current game and starts it again. The balls will continue to be located in the same position.
  • Undo the last movement: It allows to go back in the movements made.
  • Rebuild the previous moving: If you got rid of the last movement you can rebuild it by clicking this button.
  • Show the solution: The game will be resolved automatically and will show you the position of the balls.
  • Detailed game instructions: Access to the instructions of the game you are reading.
  • Select the difficulty of the game: Allows you to select the dimensions of the board and the number of balls. You can also define a personalized board indicating the dimensions and number of hidden balls.

At the bottom of the game a status bar where information is shown About the state of the game.

Example plays

In the following image they appear Four example plays that we will comment below

  1. In the first play the player has pressed on the indicated box and the number 1 appears on two sides of the board. This means that lightning begins in the marked box and It is diverted 90º by the ball. If we observe this behavior we can conclude that there is a hidden ball in the marked box with the black circle.
  2. In the second play, by clicking on the box, a letter appears to us C. This means that Ray has collided frontally with a ball so we can deduce that there is a hidden ball in one of the boxes of the marked column.
  3. In the third case, a R indicating that Ray has bounced Because there is a ball on one side of the marked box and has not come to enter the board.
  4. In play 4, ray a Crossing the board without obstacles, which means that there are no balls on their way or in the adjacent boxes since they would have diverted it.
Game developed by Simon Tatham.