Biography of Reuven Bar-on (1944)

Biography of Reuven Bar-on (1944)

Reuven Bar-on is an outstanding psychologist and pioneer in the field of emotional intelligence. Throughout his career, he has made important contributions in the research and development of tools to measure and promote emotional intelligence.


  • Reuven Bar-on life
  • The work of Bar-on
  • Emotional Intelligence Competencies, Bar-on
    • Bibliography

Reuven Bar-on life

Reuven Bar-on is an Israeli psychologist, writer and researcher, with American nationality. He has specialized in emotional intelligence and is considered, together with Goleman, Salovey and Mayer, as one of the main pioneers in the study of this field.

He was born in 1944 in San Diego, U.S.TO., And it has the dual American and Israeli nationality. He began his academic training at the University of California at Berkeley, where he graduated in Psychology. Subsequently, he continued his studies at the University of Texas in Austin, where he obtained his mastery and doctorate in clinical psychology.

It was in the 1980s when Bar-on began to investigate and develop his emotional intelligence model. His approach was based on the idea that emotional skills are essential for well -being and success in life. Through his investigation, he developed a questionnaire known as the Emotional Intelligence inventory of Bar-on (EQ-I), which became a tool widely used in the evaluation of emotional intelligence.

Bar-on's work has been fundamental to promote the understanding and recognition of emotional intelligence as a key ability in people's lives. He has been the author of numerous scientific articles and books on the subject, and has provided conferences and training worldwide.

Many believe that Bar-on was the first author to introduce the concept of emotional quotient, to measure the social and emotional competences of the human being.

In addition to his work in emotional intelligence, Bar-on has also contributed to clinical psychology and positive psychology, working with hospitalized and outpatient patients, focusing on the welfare area. He has also investigated and worked in the field of resilience, subjective well -being and personal development.

He has taught for the University of Tel Aviv, in Texas and Pretoria. In 1998 he joined collaboration for academic, social and emotional learning from the University of Chicago.

He was a guest consultant in different studies centers and has been part of various editorial advice. Besides, He was appointed in 2017 as an associated editor in the Organizational Psychology section, of Frontiers in Psychology.

After completing his mastery in clinical psychology, in 1972,

Bar - ON race has been prolific, as it has stood out as a researcher and writer of different articles, for different academic magazines.

Emotional Intelligence Test. Discover your strengths and weaknesses

The work of Bar-on

Bar-on's work and thought has been considered by many experts, both in the area of ​​psychology and education. As for his developed model, the same author highlighted in an article entitled Bar-on model and the multifactorial measure of human performance, that this measure is a psychometric instrument to study, evaluate and improve performance.

Reuven Bar-on highlights that performance is an important factor throughout life, so it is necessary to define it, evaluate it and improve it in a scientific and precise way. Therefore, many leaders, employees and organizations have applied the resource, in order to improve the processes because the work environment is very changing and bar-ons thought about it when he designed the instrument, as he himself pointed out.

The instrument designed by Bar-on is the first that makes a precise measurement, psychometrically validated, of performance. For this author, the measure of the person in its entirety should yield comprehensive and useful results, beyond what the existing measures do.

Inspired by the works of psychologist Marie Jahoda, Bar-on rescued self-observation, social responsibility, interpersonal relationships, flexibility, independence, problem solving, stress tolerance, assertiveness and other factors to present them in their Doctoral thesis on the concept of well -being.

For Reuven Bar-on, emotional intelligence is an essential part of positive psychology and is necessary for human being to experience happiness.

Similarly, the Bar-on model describes emotional and social skills that interrelate, defining Emotional intelligence as an ability to direct emotions and that they do not go against the person, but work for her and allow her to be more effective and get success in different areas of her life.

According to this author, Life and learning experiences can increase intelligence or emotional coefficient.

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Emotional Intelligence Competencies, Bar-on

The skills described by Reuven Bar-on make up five groups, with fifteen factors.

  1. Intrapersonal component (CIA): which covers emotional understanding of itself, assertiveness, self -concept, self -realization and independence.
  2. Interpersonal component (CIE): composed of empathy, interpersonal relationships and social responsibility.
  3. Adaptability component (CAD): that covers problem solving, reality and flexibility test.
  4. Stress management component (CME): formed by stress tolerance and impulse control.
  5. Component of mood in general (CEAG): which contemplates happiness and optimism.

Bar-on demonstrated that emotional intelligence is a relevant factor that can affect other areas, such as the professional, academic, social and health, Therefore, in education there is an emphasis on knowing the thought of this author.

There are many people who can solve complex mathematical operations, but they are paralyzed when it comes to acting properly in a stressful situation.

Because education aims.

Biography of Daniel Goleman (1946)


  • Bar-on r, fiededeldey-van dijk c. The Bar-on Model and Multifactor Measure of Human Performance: Validation and Application. Front Psychol. 2022 Jul 4; 13: 872360. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.872360. PMID: 35859841; PMCID: PMC9291401.
  • Bar-on r. The Multifactor Measure of Performance: its Development, Norming, and Validation. Front Psychol. 2018 Feb 21; 9: 140. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00140. PMID: 29515479; PMCID: PMC5826391.
  • Monselise A, Bar-on R, Chan L, Leibushor N, Mcelwee K, Shapiro J. Examination The Relationship Between Alopecia Areata, Androgenetic Alopecia, and Emotional Intelligence. J Cutan Med Surg. 2013 Jan-Feb; 17 (1): 46-51. DOI: 10.2310/7750.2012.12003. PMID: 23364150.