Benefits of going to couples therapy

Benefits of going to couples therapy

Couples therapy is one of the most known branches of psychotherapy, but more than by normalization of going to this type of therapies, but rather because of the cultural references that exist. Hundreds are films that include a couples therapist and who narrate the experience of a couple, sometimes in a comic tone, and sometimes in a more dramatic tone.

However, these types of references do not make going to couple therapy looks as another tool when some situations surpass, but, in reality, it is a resource that many couples use from shame or secrecy. Admit that Being as a couple is not as easy as they told us, it is not easy.

Reference some of these films, especially those that speak in a comic tone, the examples of therapy exercises that even my own patients have warned me that they are exercises that they already perform at home or that do not believe that it be useful or that is very mechanical.

What conception do we have of couple therapy?

For me, One of the main errors is to think that it is the last asset before seriously thinking about leaving the relationship. "If the therapy does not work, nothing will do it". Of course, another fundamental problem is to think that the simple act of going to therapy is sufficient for problems to be solved. And yes, going to therapy is a big step, and it is essential, but it is not enough.

The combination of these two mental scenarios of the patients, make the therapy environment live many times as slow and insufficient, preventing seeing the real problems that affect the experience of the couple.

It is important to understand that Couple therapy works to detect and improve those aspects that cause such experience not to be pleasant, And that is why benefits They are very broad, since aspects are worked that neither.

Benefits of Couple Therapy

The main benefit of couple therapy is that offers a safe place where communication takes place, which is one of the main ingredients of relationships. Working communication in this scenario makes on the one hand the fear of talking to the other person, thus allowing emotional ventilation and knowledge of both parts of each side. In addition, when done in therapeutic context, it also allows you to receive instructions to improve, both communication and listening.

Another benefit is the development and recognition of empathy. When both spouses dialogue and express their visions, the therapist's intervention also allows exploring and expressing feelings and emotions, which, otherwise, by shame or a wrong language they would not have been able to express. This expression increases the level of empathy, thus improving the understanding of one and the other. Thus, promoting empathy and understanding, We reinforce respect, also helping the couple's components to recognize and practice it.

The therapy also allows a third impartial agent, that is, the therapist, can Return jointly or separately, on those actions that are not considered beneficial or positive, thus serving as a reflector mirror, promoting self -knowledge and repair of negative attitudes that, subjectively, was unable to see. One of my main mantras when passing therapy is that Both parties have something to say and that there are no 100% good stories on one side or another. In the same way, the therapist also offers the possibility of returning those positive actions, reinforcing these actions and underlining individual positive sensations and benefits in the couple.

Self -knowledge test, how do others see us?

Another benefits, and perhaps is more and at the same time the least unknown, is the establishment of behaviors or routines with the couple. One of the things that has most caught my attention this time I have been offering therapy is how Daily stress is making a dent in the relationship. Obviously, the resilience capacity of each person and the relationship itself, play a fundamental role, but do not forget that we are human and that sometimes mistakes can be made. If these errors are not solved or attempt. Therefore, as well as by the establishment of monotonous routines and for the loss of the "spark" that many couples accuse to suffer, the relationship is suffering, the considerations, the details, the details, disappearing that often the common reason is lost sight of , the couple. Therefore, many exercises related to catching the couple doing something that pleases us, thanking the details or knowing how that this mechanism of RECOMPENSE Action, How addictive it is at the beginning of the relationship. If my partner and I communicate our needs, they are supplied and appreciated, You enter a reinforcing circle, where being with the other person becomes a pleasant activity, releasing the day -to -day stress and offering a safe place with the other person. What we could call the love nest.

Obviously, all these benefits affect the couple's experience. When we encourage communication, the listen, he I respect, the empathy and the understanding, Being as a couple becomes a source of pleasant and positive sensations. The problem is that this work is not always easy, and it does not always come out. If I left alone, couple therapists would not be necessary.

If you in your relationship believe that there are aspects that can be improved, do not be afraid or shame of going to a professional. After all, they always told us about "They were happily ever after", But they did not explain to us that after the banquet of partridges, you have to pick up the table, scrub the plates and sit on the couch to speak.