Low academic performance and family dysfunctionality

Low academic performance and family dysfunctionality

Low academic performance and family dysfunctionality seem to be factors that are closely related. Families can facilitate or become an impediment to their children in academic performance.

There are elements that contribute to the performance being low, such as lack of stability in family relationships, lack of tranquility or affective insecurities, among others.

Low academic performance and its relationship with family dysfunctionality

A dysfunctional family presents a pattern of behaviors that are maladaptive and undetermined and that can be presented permanently in one or more components of the members.

To have adequate academic performance, it is necessary that there is a family atmosphere with psychological, perceptual and social stimulation. All this will allow interaction experiences to be promoted that facilitate the development of thought.

However, today low performance is a worldwide problem and one of the most influential factors is the family, because this is the basic unity of the development of the human being.

The functionality of a family group is given by the way in which this unit faces the crises, values ​​the expressions of affection and individual growth of each member.

According to López, in his study on academic performance in students and family dysfunctionality, there are certain characteristics in family dynamics that promote students to maintain their level of academic performance or not, such as, for example, dysfunctionality.

He academic performance can be defined as a process that is strengthened to the extent that students dedicate sufficient time to studies. Therefore, the family model is decisive in academic performance and the scope of achievements in each degree that it is.

As for dysfunctional families, are characterized by the prevalence of conflicts, misconduct And, on many occasions, abuses by members, which occurs in a regulaA, which leads the other members to accommodate these actions. Thus, children are growing with the understanding that such actions are normal.

Low academic performance and family dysfunctionality are related, since the first is not a permanent state, but depends on the family context.

Low academic performance is a problem that worries many parents and teachers and who also leaves sequels, since students who have low academic performance are usually marginalized in the classroom, as well as in their homes, which leads them to devalue themselves.

Functional Family Characteristics

In the functional family the operation is different, and this occurs through several factors, such as cohesion, harmony, roles, communication, permeability, affectivity and adaptability.

  1. Cohesion: This is one of the most important dimensions in family dynamics, since it is defined by the emotional ties that the members establish between them. Similarly, it is considered the union between family members, which provides them with a sense of belonging and unity, through the internalization of love, the interest of each other and sharing values ​​and beliefs. Cohesion can also be defined as the physical and emotional family union to deal with different situations. All this allows stability for the healthy growth of all members.
  2. Harmony: It is when there is understanding among household members and is expressed through dialogue, values ​​and principles.
  3. The communication: They are defined as the interactions established between family members and that allow the culture and socialization process. It is influential for the development of social skills.
  4. Permeability: It is the one that reflects the level of opening of the family to the different contexts in which they can be inserted. Hence, a family with a permeable or not.
  5. The affectivity: It consists of the pleasure or dislike that accompanies the reactions to the stimuli of the environment.
  6. The roles: Each family member fulfills a role and certain functions and responsibilities that are negotiated in the nucleus.
  7. Adaptability: It is the ability of a family to change the structure of power, rules and roles relationship when a situation merits it. That is, it is a family system that is flexible and capable of changing.

In dysfunctional families the climate that is generated within the home favors the appearance of psychosocial pathologies of all kinds, from anxiety, depression, low self -esteem, lack of impulse control, anger, etc ... which leads to low school performance and problems Learning in the minor.

A family that is dysfunctional, usually generates people with negative affections that drag in adult life, which It has labor and social repercussions in the future. That is why it is as important.

Weismman dysfunctional attitudes test


  • López Mero, Patricia, Barreto Pico, Asunción, Endoza Rodríguez, Eddy Rigoberto, & Del Salto Bello, Max Walter Alberto. (2015). Low academic performance in students and family dysfunctionality. Medisan19(9), 1163-1166. Retrieved on July 28, 2021, from http: // scielo.SLD.Cu/Scielo.PHP?script = sci_arttext & pid = s1029-30192015000900014 & lng = es & tlng = is.
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