Dance makes us happier

Dance makes us happier

Did you know Dance is one of the oldest human practices that exist? And it's not accidental. It is a practice that makes us happy. In fact, today we are going to talk about it, about How to dance can help you be happier.


  • Reasons why dance makes you happier
    • 1. Dopamine release
    • 2. You exercise
    • 3. Oxygen the brain
    • 4. You approach people with a good mood
    • 5. Extend your life
    • 6. You can find a partner!

Reasons why dance makes you happier

Let's take a look at the main reasons why dance will make you happier. Keep in mind that there are some other reasons. Here we only mention the most relevant, but there are others that are also important:

1. Dopamine release

The first and main reason why dance makes you feel good is because you release Dopamine, the neurotransmitter that makes us feel good and happy. It also does the same with serotonin, which has similar functions.

Therefore, when we dance, we not only receive a kind of placebo effect or, simply, we feel good about being with people doing something fun. There are really chemical elements that circulate through the brain and make you feel better.

In this sense, dance is like a drug ... but that does not hurt you!

2. You exercise

Few doubt that dancing is one of the most important exercises you can do. You are in constant movement and, in addition, having fun. This is the most fun cardio exercise that you can carry out.

This has different positive aspects for your physical health, but also for your mental health. And, thanks to you exercise, you can obtain all the benefits that are obtained from it (such as having a blank or release endorphins).

In addition, it will allow you to have a more attractive body, which always is good to feel good with ourselves and have greater mental health and emotional stability. Thus, dance is the best way to be perfectly both inside and out.

3. Oxygen the brain

When you are dancing, the brain develops new neuronal connections thanks to its oxygenation. These new neuronal connections lead to a younger brain and more awake reflexes.

In fact, move a little before doing a job that will require your attention (whether dancing or exercising), is a fantastic way of improving your capacity of attention.

So much so, that in Japan several companies force their workers to do ten minutes of exercise before getting to work. Why don't you try to dance at home before going to work?

4. You approach people with a good mood

Naturally, the fact of dancing will contact other people who also dance. And, in general, the people who dance (and do not necessarily talk about professionals) are optimistic people and with a taste for life.

Surrounding you with this type of people will make you feel better with yourself, because it will always keep you in a positive attitude towards life, and, when you have a problem, you will have a group of positive mentality people who will be willing to help you.

In fact, even if it seems a lie, one of the points that the people who like to dance as positive are positive, it is not that they feel better or exercise, but that they relate to fantastic people.

So, if you think you need to count on good people around you, try to go dance more often.

5. Extend your life

We have already talked about dancing helps to exercise the body and keep the young brain. As you can imagine, this, applied day by day over the years, has very interesting consequences.

The exercise, having a healthy brain, and being surrounded by good friends and better people is the magical formula to live more years and always do it with a vital young attitude.

You just have to compare the elderly who have danced throughout their lives with those who have had a more "bitter" lifestyle. The former have a vital attitude much better than the second.

6. You can find a partner!

Finally, mention that Dance tracks and discos have been Always one of the main places to find a partner. Therefore, this is another point to take into account for which you should consider going to dance.

Who knows, maybe the love of your life is waiting in a disco ... are you going to let that opportunity pass? Dare to be happy dancing and knowing people who can change your life as you had never thought about!

As you can see, You have to dance to be happier. In fact, it is one of the best ways to balance serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain and make us feel good with ourselves. So ... to dance!

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