Self -linked problems linked to this behavior

Self -linked problems linked to this behavior

Self -harm It is a behavior that, although not especially frequent, occurs. And, worst of all, it usually occurs in young people. That is why parents, increasingly, care about this issue. Today, we talk about Psychological problems linked to self -harm.


  • What exactly is self -committed self -harm?
  • Is it a mental disorder?
  • What about getting with self -harm?
  • Self -harm as an expression of low self -esteem
  • Do you allow self -suicide self -ups to predict suicides?
  • Profile of the people who self -harm

What exactly is self -committed self -harm?

The first thing to say about self -harm is that, despite what it might seem at first, generally, These are not linked to any type of suicidal intention by who practices them.

What the person values ​​self -injury is self -harm itself. That is, self -harm is an end, not a means to achieve a goal (suicide). It is important to keep in mind when evaluating the problem.

But, then ... why does a self -harm is carried out? What moves a person to make cuts, hit or bite? And the answer is that it is a learned behavior to reduce anxiety levels in a certain situation that cannot be handled.

Is it a mental disorder?

The truth is that, although it may be strange, there is no consensus about whether or not a mental disorder is suicidal. In fact, in the DSM-IV diagnostic manual it does not appear as a disorder, but as a symptom. Instead, In version V of the manual, it already appears with its own diagnostic label.

Therefore, as you can see, there is a lot of debate within the field of psychiatry about whether autolesions are a mental disorder or not.

And it is that the problem when analyzing self -injuries is as follows: self -harm constitutes damage in itself, but, at the same time, They can be a minor evil to solve a level of anguish and anxiety caused by a major problem (And this would be mental disorder, while self -harm would be a simple symptom).

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What about getting with self -harm?

The most important question at this point is ... What is it about getting exactly with self -collons? And, as we have been commenting, what is sought with non -suicidal self -injuries are distracting the minds of ideas and memories.        

That is, the person who self -harm does it because that physical pain allows him to separate the mind of abstract ideas and memories that cause him a more intense discomfort than himself physical pain itself.

And, in certain people, a rumination process can be given, which is a loop thought on a topic that produces discomfort. And a possible way to break that loop can be self -harm.

Self -harm as an expression of low self -esteem

Although the previous explanation is the most important and the one that most support from the specialists has, The truth is that other interpretations have also been given for this behavior.

One of the hypotheses that seems to have a lot of strength has to do with the low self-esteem. What this conjecture says is that non -suicidal self -injuries are a way of reflecting that contempt that one has for oneself through Autocastigo.

However, most psychiatrists and psychologists do not contemplate this explanation, but rather, tend to consider that the decline self-esteem It's another symptom, not the background problem.

Do you allow self -suicide self -ups to predict suicides?

We have already said that non -suicidal self -harm does not imply, in itself, an interest in committing suicide. That is not the objective of the person who self -harm, as we have been able to see in the previous sections.

However, it is true that it can be a good predictor of possible suicide attempts in the future. And it is so for two fundamental reasons:

  1. Underlying problem: The first of the reasons (and most obvious) is that the underlying problem that leads to non -suicidal self -harm can end up becoming so strong that it leads to suicide.
  2. Standardized ritualization: Another second point to keep in mind is that the person who self -harm has already normalized a series of rituals that can be used both to self -harm and to go one step further and commit suicide.
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Profile of the people who self -harm

The profile of the people who self -harm is usually that of a young person (teenager or post -adolescent), with High impulsivity and emotionality, And that, in addition, it has a Low self -esteem and a pessimistic perspective of the world.

People with these characteristics should alert more alerts than other people with different profiles.

As you can see, There are clear psychological problems that are linked to self -injuries. To the extent in us, we can anticipate the events and prevent young people from self -employment due to problems of a very diverse nature.