Self -esteem and sexual health a very close relationship

Self -esteem and sexual health a very close relationship

Self -esteem and sexual health can shape a vicious, or virtuous circle, as you look. The truth is that they are two issues that are closely related and that They can feed back, for better or worse. Therefore, it is essential to work on both to enjoy a full life.

Nowadays, Everything related to sex is no longer taboo. Not only is it speak naturally, but Buy an erotic kit or visit a Sex Shop Online or physical is not something that is done clandestinely, almost shame. However, there are still important barriers to enjoy it, and one of them is self -esteem.

There are many factors that can cause a problem, sometimes very serious, of self -esteem. A bad sex education, beauty canons impossible to achieve for a good part of the population, bad previous experiences, not realistic expectations in terms of sexual relations or a high demand are just some of them.

A distorted or negative image of oneself influences all aspects of life, but especially in relationships with others and in sexual life. In fact, Low self -esteem can be one of the causes of decreased sexual activity, of dissatisfaction and problems of premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or anorgasmia.

The other side of the coin

But if the lack of acceptance of oneself is one of the great obstacles to enjoy a full sex life, it is precisely one of the best therapies to combat the lack of self -esteem. From the vicious circle we pass to the virtuous circle.

Feel desired, let yourself be loved And enjoy the pleasure of a healthy sexual relationship can raise the conception of oneself at almost stratospheric levels. Therefore, when self -esteem shines for its absence, it is necessary to start taking steps to win it, and the first and most important is self -knowledge.

Bad previous experiences can undermine oneself when facing a sexual relationship. But the fault is not always from the other. Sometimes something as simple as communication fails, Being able to express what you want or ask for what you enjoy with. But what happens when you really don't know yourself?

Know the body, Explore to discover especially sensitive points And how we react to them is something that the couple can help us, stable or not. But nothing happens to do it. Being aware of the pleasure sources allows it to transmit it to the couple and achieve a more satisfactory relationship.

The second inevitable step is to stop looking with critical eyes. When the body itself is not accepted, it is impossible to be uninhibited, and that is a ballast for enjoyment in a sexual relationship. Pleasure has no shapes and beauty canons are fashions. Everyone has attractive, you just have to know how to exploit them. If we perceive that someone wishes us, why question it? What you have to do is take advantage of it and get carried away.

Taking the first step is always difficult, but if it is achieved, the circle will begin to turn in the right direction. More satisfaction makes a confidence, greater security is also greater self -esteem and a better concept of oneself leads to much more satisfactory sexual intercourse. Almost, almost the perfect circle.