Delay the alarm, an insane practice

Delay the alarm, an insane practice

The practice of delaying the alarm is more detrimental to what it seems. They are twelve at night and we are going to put the alarm for the next day. We program it for 08:00 in the morning, but also for 08:10, 08:20 and 08:30. And in this way, we fall asleep until at 08:00 the alarm begins to sound and we delay it. And so on until we finally get up at 08:30 or a little later. Who has not ever done?

It is true that there are still people to whom a single alarm is enough, but a large part of the population has taken as usual behavior put several. However, it is a fairly unhealthy and more harmful habit than we can think. How can we hurt us to program several alarms or delay them again and again? Let's see it!


  • Delay the alarm
    • Respect the first alarm
  • Delay the alarm clock: a sleep disorder?
  • A light awakening
  • Final reflection

Delay the alarm

When we delay the alarm again and again, it is most likely that instead of feeling fresh and rested we feel more tired. How is it possible?, We can ask ourselves. If we have slept a little more, how can I be more tired? The answer is easy. Once we woke up with the first alarm and go back to sleep A new sleep cycle begins that will be interrupted. So, we are not lengthening the dream of the night, but we are starting a new one that we will not end.

And here the phenomenon of "dream inertia" comes into play, that is, the decrease in cognitive capacity and alert state we experienced in the morning. In other words, the famous "attempt" that we feel in the morning. But why are we "stunned"? Why does sleep inertia occur? When we wake up for the first time, the necessary mechanisms are launched to start the day, This is: the dream becomes lighter, body temperature increases, we also begin to release cortisol, etc. But when we don't respect the first alarm ..

Respect the first alarm

When we delay the alarm, we wake up without this process occurring and, in this way, the repairing sensation of the dream disappears. So, when we wake up the first time we are tired and drows, The ideal solution is not to extend the dream, but to continue awake. Since if we elongate it, we not only start a new cycle of sleep that will be interrupted, but we do not let the body establish the natural process of awakening.

In this way, and although those who are accustomed to delaying the alarm or putting several costs a great effort, the ideal is to put only one and wake up at the time. It is true that sleeping five more minutes is very pleasant, but sometimes those five minutes become ten or twenty or an hour if we have nothing to do. And what happens? That we get worse. Who has not ever stood at 07:30 involuntarily fresh like a lettuce and continuing to sleep a little more has felt exhausted? At this point, the reader already knows the reason.

Delay the alarm clock: a sleep disorder?

Delay the alarm clock can be a more or less harmful behavior, however, It can be masking a real sleep disorder. It points to a cause of multiple factors, for example, to use technology until late at night, study or work late, exposure to screens light, etc. All this contributes to the sleep schedules are unequal, so that the organism does not establish a regular dream and in the morning it costs us the same life to wake up with the first sound of the alarm.

So, if the dream is not repairing the consequences will be expressed during the day. Among the numerous bad sleep symptoms we can find:

  • Difficulty of concentration.
  • Fatigue.
  • Irritability.
  • Cognitive alterations.
  • Low work or school performance.
  • Variations in the mood.
Fear of darkness in children: how to help them overcome it

A light awakening

What is the ideal awakening? Neither more nor less than with daylight. However, it is not easy. We live in a society where we governed ourselves through natural cycles in a more superficial way. It is true that we act during the day and sleep at night, but at the general level we do not lay down when it dusk or wake up when it dawns. The ideal would be to synchronize the internal clock with the external and sleep enough for each of us.

But since this is not feasible in most cases, Experts advise that our alarm clock had a progressive light. For example, if it dawns at 06:30 but we woke up at 08:00, we would program the alarm clock so that a half hour before it was lighting its light progressively until 08:00. This is the closest way to a natural awakening.

Final reflection

The dream is a necessity that we cannot ignore and that for some reason we usually try not very healthy. When we lay down at different times, when we use different devices before bed, when we get up in different time slots or delay the elongation .. All this influences sleep alterations. Thus, it is not surprising that we are living a period in which during the day we feel more sleepy, more fatigued mentally and more tired than normal. After reading this article, will the reader back back to delay the alarm?