Psychological aspects to consider in online marketing

Psychological aspects to consider in online marketing

The psychology It is so wide and important in human life that there is almost no area that does not cover it in some way, even in what is Internet advertising campaigns.

Many websites that offer services or sell products get to hire large digital marketing gurus, either in a product's web positioning or in the recognition of a brand, psychology is a fundamental part of having more success in our proposals raised.

There is a phrase that says more or less "Who knows how to understand the behavior of the human mind, has the power to influence their decisions”, Something that is nothing far from reality, because many of our activities are usually attributed unconsciously to factors that are in our environment.

We are going to cite 3 examples of how psychology affects internet advertising or real life.


  • The new, a point that attracts interest
  • Competition, you have
  • Loyalty and trust against popular brands
  • May your competition be your enemy

The new, a point that attracts interest

It has been shown that everything that is novel, alien or new to our mind usually releases amounts of Dopamine In our brain, so using techniques where you offer renewed products or innovative services can psychologically influence people's curiosity, That is why large brands usually use these techniques by taking out new products, versions or varieties of what they offer.

Competition, you have

One of the techniques that are usually used is also the exclusiveness, Or if we want to call it differently, envy for what another has, our brain can feel that what a person has in some way is something exclusive to that person, so, by nature people are not comfortable feeling us feeling marginalized or excluded in this way, getting to what another has to feel part of something or more comfortable.

This technique is reflected in company campaigns where they usually give free signs for example.


Loyalty and trust against popular brands

Large companies, such as Coca Cola, Burguer Kings, etc., at the time they spent millions of dollars to be able to position that brand in society, since today it is something that everyone knows them, in this way many Marketing companies work to do That a brand is very recognized, Using television media, press, social networks on the Internet, websites and directories where the best companies are listed and many other ways to be able to put that brand name in the minds of people.

This as a result has to usually automatically associate the name of the brand, with the reputation it has, obviously the positioning of a brand is accompanied by a good service.

May your competition be your enemy

Maybe it is not an adequate way of compete ethically with our competition, But they do not have to be taken completely literally, but it is a matter of strategy, how?

Examples: Coca Cola vs Pepsi, Burguer King vs Macdonals, Apple vs Windows (PC).

This kind of strategies are usually more effective in markets where there are hardly any competitors, such as those mentioned for example, at least competitors of an equal or better level to yours.

The human being by nature always wants to be part of something, of one side or another, always tries to look for alternatives, because the ambitious spirit that has pushes him to look for options. The psychological basis is that people always have an enemy they think is the reason why they do not get the results they expect, so unened them.
