Negative aspects of coaching

Negative aspects of coaching

He coaching It is a very current discipline that has a good number of followers. However, carrying out a coaching process not only has advantages, but also, inconveniences. Within the negative aspects, it should be specified that being a service that costs money, it is not available to everyone, at a time of economic crisis in which many families have to establish an order of priorities in their expenses. ¿What can you do in that case? You could consult in the Bank of Time because you may find a person interested in offering coaching services.

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Disadvantages of coaching

Another drawback is that coaching is so idealized by some people, that are frustrated directly when they see that it does not offer such immediate, or so spectacular results. To some extent, a person with a good knowledge of himself could achieve very similar results in an autonomous way without having to start a coaching process.

This process can also generate dependence In some people. And this dependence is not good because it makes the subject feel unable to face the problems by himself. Therefore, the coach does not have to extend the process without any need. In the personal discovery process, not everything is pleasant and easy, looking within oneself means rediscovering wounds, becoming aware of points that are not so gratifying, bringing fears that are inside ... that is, coaching too You have to be prepared to go through pain before reaching well -being.

A coaching process is very stimulating but it should also be remembered that Not all issues can be addressed by a coach. ¿It is worth starting a coaching process? Yes, whenever you want to start this process and put everything on your part to be fruitful. Otherwise, the coach can't help you.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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