Learn to manage emotions

Learn to manage emotions

Emotions are natural reactions that allow us to put ourselves on alert to certain situations that imply danger, threat, frustration, etc. The central components of emotions are physiological reactions (increase in heart rate and breathing, muscle tension, etc.) and the thoughts. Emotions have a biological sense of survival, an evolutionary function.

The amygdala is the part of the brain in charge of firing emotions, as if it were an automatic response in the form of aggression or flight in front of a threat. That is why it is so difficult to control through the willpower the origin of your emotions: it would mean to cancel this answer for which you are genetically scheduled.


  • Why is it important to know how to handle emotions?
    • Emotional intelligence helps ..
  • Seven emotional management techniques that have proven effective
    • 1. Situations to avoid, situations to face
    • 2. Direct your attention to another site
    • 3. Improve your self -control placing your gaze in the immediate future
    • 4. Mental note: concerns are relegated to a single moment of the day
    • 5. Question with answer: What is the worst that can happen?
    • 6. Meditation as a way of relaxing body and mind
    • 7. Find your escape, your expression channel

Why is it important to know how to handle emotions?

It is necessary to acquire certain skills to handle emotions since excessive intensity can cause people to live as unpleasant states or lead them to perform undesirable behaviors.

This type of emotional response is therefore necessary. However, in some people it is not correctly regulated and may happen that:

  • It shoots in situations where there is no real threat (causing anxiety)
  • Be unable to deactivate over time (as in depression). For some reason, the brain enters survival mode and is anchored there.

When you are in the fight-Hida phase and the amygdala has taken command of your actions, it is usually too late. That is why you must learn to act before.

You have to get used to detecting those signs that tell you that you are on your way to not being able to master your emotions.

It is necessary to acquire certain skills to handle emotions since excessive intensity can cause people to live as unpleasant states or lead them to perform undesirable behaviors.

We can only carry out our own emotional training.

Emotional intelligence helps ..

  • Improve your knowledge and your emotions
  • Make better decisions
  • Improve work and productivity performance
  • Reduce and protect against stress, anxiety and depression
  • Favor interpersonal relationships and empathy
  • Improve personal development
  • Improve the capacity for influence and leadership
  • Favor psychological well -being
  • Increase motivation and helps reach goals
  • Sleep better

Emotional management techniques facilitate adequate mechanisms to channel daily tension, The pressures and that stress that completely reduces our potential, as well as calm and creativity. Let's not forget that, although emotions are part of our life, knowing how to regulate them is key to shape a more satisfactory and growing reality in opportunities.

Seven emotional management techniques that have proven effective

1. Situations to avoid, situations to face

Emotions usually occur because an external stimulus triggers them.

We cannot always control everything that happens in our days. However, There are situations that are under our control and that we could avoid to gain in welfare and personal integrity. 

An example of this is that you go from a place or situation if someone is causing you, or that you plan your time to achieve your commitments and not be worried and running against the clock.

2. Direct your attention to another site

We must learn to move our eyes of the immediate environment and its complexity to direct it inward. Avoid mental rumination and be imagining the worst scenarios.

3. Improve your self -control placing your gaze in the immediate future

Think about tomorrow, in next week. If you place immediate, positive and enriching objectives in the future, you will find greater motivation in the present. "I want to feel good, I want to get this, I want that to happen and feel more valid, safer of myself.".

I use reaffirmation, remember your virtues and successes of the past to place all your hopes in that immediate future.

4. Mental note: concerns are relegated to a single moment of the day

Thoughts come when they want, and not when we would like. Nietzsche

Every time a concern appears in the "entrance tray" of your mind, postpon it. Leave it for later and choose to establish a moment of the day when you are calm and relaxed, an hour where, paper in hand can reflect and solve those problems.

5. Question with answer: What is the worst that can happen?

It happens to us all. Sometimes we become obsessed with certain facts to the point of giving our heads against the wall and we were trapped without exit. Let us ask ourselves what can happen if our fear happens, but let's do it in the right way, adding a solution.

6. Meditation as a way of relaxing body and mind

Meditation is another good emotional management technique; However, to bear fruit it is a strategy that requires frequent practice.

Meditation is effective in regulating intrusive thoughts, reducing stress, improving attention and channeling day -to -day anxiety.

The key to seeing them is in patience, from which the constancy is derived.

7. Find your escape, your expression channel

There are those who find their refuge and emotional expression channel through writing. Others draw or paint mandalas as emotional management techniques. There are those who go to run, who needs to hug for silence or a natural environment. There are those that find improvement when they have coffee with good friends, others read books, listen to music, walk with their pets or look for precious moments of solitude.