Learn to distinguish the bulimia from what it is not

Learn to distinguish the bulimia from what it is not

People usually identify bulimia with a problem of binge. However, Neither binge are always a symptom of bulimia, nor should the center of attention always be the elimination of binge. There are other types of eating and nutrition disorders that are with binge. And the solution is not usually found in a fierce fight against binge. Next we explain why.


  • First, let's identify what a binge is
  • Secondly, observe what happens after binge
  • What do we mean with compensatory measures
  • When can we diagnose bulimia?
  • What if I have binge but not compensatory measures?
  • A special variant: the night envelope

First, let's identify what a binge is

If you think of a binge. However, so that we can consider it a binge proper, this meal must be ingested with a feeling of lack of control, compulsively and with problems to cut the binge. Therefore, simply eat more, without a feeling of lack of control, it would not be a binge.

Secondly, observe what happens after binge

If binge are really taking place, to observe what kind of problem we are, we have to pay attention to what happens after binge. Two situations can be given: that after binge they are carried out compensatory measures to mitigate the impact of the bingón on weight or do not take place.

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What do we mean with compensatory measures

If after binge, The anxiety to gain weight or the feelings of guilt make us feel the need to vomit Part of the ingested, or lead us to take laxatives, enemas or diuretics to feel more light, or even lead us to skip meals, fast or exercise abruptly, we are facing a Compensatory behavior.

When can we diagnose bulimia?

If we are having binge and compensatory behaviors at least once a week during the last three months and what we think of ourselves depends a lot on our weight and our body image, we can say that we have Bulimia. That is to say, In bulimia, both bingers and compensatory behaviors must be given. The level of gravity of bulimia will depend, as is logical, on the frequency and intensity of both binge and compensatory measures. A vicious circle is created from which it is difficult to leave without help, since after the binge they want to compensate to eliminate or reduce what I eat ... but Compensation is an aggression to which the body defends itself with another binge. For that reason, the efforts of a person with bulimia often focus only on eliminating the binge, which costs a lot if we have not reduced compensatory measures first.

When bulimia progresses, health problems begin to appear. The erosions in esophagus and gingivitis problems due to vomiting, as well as the abdominal distension caused by the binge. They can occur electrolyte imbalances When laxatives, enemas and diuretics are abused.

What if I have binge but not compensatory measures?

Sometimes, we have binge with all its components: on the feeling of loss of control, difficulties to stop eating even if we want but, despite feeling bad with ourselves, ashamed or guilty, we do not carry out any compensatory behavior later. By feeling unpleasant fans or having eaten without hunger, which prevails later is the depression and a great feeling of discomfort without resorting to vomiting, laxatives, etc .. That is when the diagnosis changes and we can say that we have a Binge disorder (or binge disorder) and no bulimia, provided that this dynamic happens at least once a week during the last three months.

In this case there is also a vicious circle: bingers are usually preceded by some emotion that is uncomfortable and unpleasant (boredom, loneliness, dejection, hopelessness, anger, displeasure with ourselves ...). Not finding a way to handle these emotions, some people turn to food to forget them for a while, to gratify. In the first moment, the strategy works, but it is like a mirage: shortly after, or after the binge. In bearing disorder, work with emotions is very important.

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A special variant: the night envelope

A disorder in which, after dinner, or at dawn, occurs has not yet received enough investigation binge as the feeding pattern, generating great interference in the vital functioning of the person who suffers from it. At that time, nocturnal intake syndrome is considered, but it is not yet clear if it is a binge disorder that occurs at night or in the next revisions of international classifications will be consolidated as a disorder with its own entity.