Learn to face a defeat

Learn to face a defeat

Winning is something wonderful, exalts our self -esteem, gives us confidence and security. However, just as we can win at times, we can also lose, those are the two sides of the currency.

Learn that a defeat does not imply the end of the world and that There are possibilities to overcome and get ahead, It may not be an easy task. However, it is extremely necessary to improve our quality of life and work on our emotional intelligence.

In this article we will talk about how to face a defeat, in order to get victorious from the situation and learn from them. If you want to know how to face the defeats in the best possible way and, even, taking into account it, then keep reading.


  • Why is it so difficult to accept a defeat
    • Rewards system, probably responsible
  • 5 tips to face a defeat
    • 1. Talk about what happened and express your feelings
    • 2. Do not obsess with the results
    • 3. Work in your self -demand
    • 4. Limits the power that emotions have about you
    • 5. Accept that, to achieve success, there is always the possibility of being defeated
  • The good side of things
    • Sources

Why is it so difficult to accept a defeat

In order to learn to overcome or face a defeat without suffering for it, it is extremely important to understand why accepting that we have been defeated is so difficult. For this we must talk about competitiveness.

Competitiveness is a natural feature of human beings. By winning in a game, competition, or standing out in some aspect, our self -esteem is exalted. These situations in which we receive compliments, obtain the validation of others and, of course, ours.

Although winning can be very pleasant, we will not always have to do it. That is why knowing how to face a defeat is more than important. Above all, if you are a person who finds it difficult. To tell the truth, who likes to lose?

Anyway, it is about knowing how to face the situation of defeat so as not to suffer in the course, know how to cope with it and try again. This is how you will really win.

Rewards system, probably responsible

This psychological dynamic, called rewards system, can largely be the culprit of difficulties when facing a defeat. It works from innate and other aspects of parenting, taking us along the way of performing actions that make us feel good. Therefore, winning brings us happiness, making us see that we highlight. Defeats instead do not bring any reward.

It is crucial to understand that Without defeats there would be no motivation for progressing and overcoming us, We would not develop skills or learn. For that reason in this article we have the purpose of making you reflect, in order to ensure that you establish a friendship relationship with defeat, you will see that she is not as bad as it seems.

5 tips to face a defeat

At this point we hope you can understand the importance of facing a defeat. There is the key to growth, progress and great learning. In the words of Napoleon Hill: "Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to fight".

Now we will give you some useful tips that you can apply when facing a defeat. So you will be prepared at adversity and you can see the glass half full, instead of half empty. Take advantage of the great learning that a defeat can bring.

1. Talk about what happened and express your feelings

Understanding the failure, the reasons for what has happened, is the first thing you should do to cope with the situation that will surely be distressing. However, many people for shame or denial prefer to hide what happened and not speak about it.

Shame and self -esteem

Think about the situation in the one was defeated and talk to someone else about it, it will give you the possibility of revering which were the possible causes that led to that result. That is the key to progress.

2. Do not obsess with the results

Obsess with defeat and turn the matter will not change the results. It will not be easy, but try not to hold on to what happened. Nothing will change what happened. What you can do is move forward: think solutions, new plans to obtain other results.

3. Work in your self -demand

Self -demand is also an extremely important factor when developing some activity. If you are self -ex -you always want to highlight, and that will take you to a great condition when facing a defeat.

Reduce the expectations you have of yourself, and allow you to get out of the idea of ​​always achieving perfect results, will allow you to relieve tension. So you will face the defeats in another way, you will allow you to fail.

4. Limits the power that emotions have about you

Manage your emotions, educate your emotional intelligence, that will save you in large part the anguish of facing a defeat. Recognize negative emotions, work on them not to give them total domain over your life, that will help to go through it in another way.

5. Accept that, to achieve success, there is always the possibility of being defeated

To become successful in some field, you will have to overcome obstacles. Easy tasks will not be those that give you great achievements in the end. And, when you face a challenge, the possibility of failing will exist, that's fine. You must work on the acceptance of defeat, in order to progress from it.

Empédocles complex: seek glory in suicide

The good side of things

You'll know: A defeat does not imply the end of the world. And, although in your mind it may seem, we hope that the advice we have offered you will be useful for you.

The next time you have to face a defeat, try to find the good side of things. Think about failure as an opportunity to grow and improve. This will be a resilient and you will live with less pressures, therefore, you can live better.


  • Alpízar Rojas, H. AND., & Salas Marín, D. AND. The role of positive emotions in the development of positive psychology. Magazine Lu Vol. 5 no. 1.
  • Edmondson, a. C. (2011). Strategies to learn from failure. Harvard Business Review, 89 (3), 40-48.
  • Guerrero de la Fuente, M. D. R. (2020). Evidence: Learn from failure, the first step towards success. A case study.
  • Schneider, b. (2006). Resilience. Norma Editorial.
  • Sicart, r. (2016). Self -examination: your relationship with life. Integral: Live better in a better world, (445), 88-89.