Antidepressants and abstinence syndrome

Antidepressants and abstinence syndrome

It's eight in the afternoon and I'm a little bad. For an hour I have begun to sweat abnormally. I feel nausea and dizziness. In the span of a few hours I feel that I have lost patience and I have become more irascible, impatient and irritable. I also discover an awkward sensation that resembles electric shocks at the brain level. When I investigate what these unpleasant sudden symptoms may be, I discover that it is the abstinence syndrome of antidepressants. Apparently, in the morning I forgot to take the duloxetine.

When we go through depression and go to the psychiatrist, the most prescribed frequent medication are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRS), such as paroxetine. We can also meet selective inhibitors of serotonin and norepinenialine reuptake (IRSN), such as duloxetine. These medications usually take several weeks to make their maximum effect, however, Stopping your taking abruptly can lead to the most unpleasant effects due to withdrawal syndrome.


  • Abstinence syndrome
    • Withdrawal syndrome and heads on the head
  • What can we do if we see ourselves in this situation?
    • Bibliography

Abstinence syndrome

Both medications, paroxetine and duloxetine, such as their derivatives, are very useful in the treatment of depression. In general, the effects of these medications are usually noticed after a few weeks, but their impact on the brain, apparently, occurs in hours. Alexander Schaefer's team (2014), from the Department of Neurology of the Max Planck Institute of Liepzig in Germany, have discovered that ISRs antidepressants can affect the brain in a matter of hours. Julia Sacher, from the Schaefer team, states that: "We did not expect the SSRS to have such an important effect in such a short time or that the whole brain covered". They ensure that a single dose can affect the entire brain in a short time.

In the same way that your performance in the brain shows at hours. The abrupt interruption of your shot or a poorly medicated decrease can cause a very unpleasant adverse symptomatology in a short time. In general, when we listen to the concept of withdrawal syndrome, we usually imagine someone with alcohol and drug problems. But it is not always the case, certain medications also have the ability to provoke this syndrome in us.

If we stop taking paroxetine or duloxetine suddenly, we can experience several of these symptoms:

  • Nausea and/or vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Anxiety.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • General pain.
  • Burning.
  • Hormigueo or numbness of hands or feet.
  • Irritability and reactivity.
  • Sleeping problems.
  • Sweating.

Withdrawal syndrome and heads on the head

By themselves, the exposed symptoms generate great discomfort. Even so, there is a more particular symptom for its strangeness. It can be defined as the sensation of small but unpleasant electric currents in the head. As Andrés Heerlein (2002) states, One of the symptoms in the discontinuity of these medications are the "sensations of electric currents in the head". Why is this symptom so peculiar? Because he is the only one who cannot experience on his own.

The rest of symptoms such as sweating, sleep problems, anxiety, etc., They can be experienced by each one of us without needing to be synonymous with a withdrawal syndrome. However, these mental currents are so difficult to describe that only the one who experiences it is able to know exactly what it feels like.

What can we do if we see ourselves in this situation?

Because every time the tendency to prescribe antidepressants increases, it is not surprising that a large number of people have experienced these unpleasant sensations. What can we do if we are wrapped in withdrawal syndrome?

On the one hand, if this syndrome arises because we have forgotten our daily take, the performance is to take our pill as soon as possible and take the next at the established time. That is, a double dose should not be taken to counteract symptoms. On the other hand, if it has been the doctor who has lowered the daily dose, we must go to him as soon as possible. Some medicine professionals can lower the dose of 60 mg daily at 30 mg in the withdrawal of medication.

The fact of experimenting or not the withdrawal syndrome will depend on each subject. Some people will not notice the effects of the dose drop, others may notice it a little more, and some others may feel it very remarkable. So that, The performance will be to go to the doctor as soon as possible. Finally, in case of the abrupt interruption of the medication, you must take it again and go to the doctor. It should be remembered that The interruption of this medication should not be done on its own and much less radically.


  • Heerlein, a. (2002). Antidepressant pharmacological treatments. Chilean Magazine of Neurology and Psychiatry, 40 (1), 21-45.
  • Schaefer, a., Burmann, i., REGENTHAL, R., Arelin, k., Barth, c. ET ALS (2014). Serotonergic modulation of intrinsic functional Connectivity. Current Biology, 24, 2314-2318.