Andropausia, what is and when is it produced? 17 Symptoms

Andropausia, what is and when is it produced? 17 Symptoms

Andropause refers to a set of hormonal changes that occur in man and that can affect their quality of life.

In addition to calling him andropause, he has also received other denominations, such as: male menopause, male climacteric, Late start hypogonadism, testosterone deficit syndrome, androgens decline syndrome, among others.

Unlike what happens with women when your climacteric, In man there is no precise moment in which it can be said that he has started Andropause.

As time goes through, man begins to experience certain hormonal changes related to age, so, even in the sexual field his performance is affected.


  • What is andropause?
  • Andropause symptoms
  • Andropause treatment
    • Bibliography

What is andropause?

In addition to the low levels of testosterone, man could also present changes in his mood, his attitude or his behavior. This is known as Andropause.

However, as Jesús Alfonso Osuna points out -written to the Endocrinology Unit of the University Hospital of the Andes -, in his research on andropause, the endocrine changes that take place in the elderly are not exclusively inherent to the gonadal function.

Well, in addition to these changes, the doctor indicates that There is also a decrease in growth and melatonin hormone, In addition to modifications in thyroid function.

But how can a man recognize that he is in the Andropause stage?

To respond to this, it is worth noting that These changes begin between 40 and 55 years of age, period in which, in addition to the aforementioned, the muscle mass also tends to decrease, as well as bone mineral density. Inevitably, all this produces a Impact on physical and psychological well -being.

Interestingly, women doubt the specialist when they realize that they are undergoing hormonal changes derived from age, however, men do not act in the same way, either due to ignorance or by denial.

Andropause symptoms

Testosterone is a hormone that occurs in the testicles and in the suprarenale glandsS and as the years go by, the secretion of this begins to decrease.

The first decrease can take place at 30 years. But, It is very likely that at 45 years men begin to realize certain changes In his organism, given by the passage of andropause.

At 50, most men can begin to feel differently, in any aspect of their life.

Stress, ingesting certain drugs, obesity or consuming alcohol, can make the symptoms of andropause increase.

When the decrease in testosterone begins, the hormone responsible for the formation of proteins and main agent in the male reproduction process, the symptoms can be recognized easily.

Some of these symptoms are the following:

  1. Fatigue
  2. Change in mood
  3. Adopt a different attitude towards life
  4. Energy loss
  5. Little sexual desire
  6. Difficulty getting an erection
  7. Irritability
  8. Increased weight
  9. Depression
  10. Loss of strength in ejaculation
  11. Little volume in ejaculation
  12. Nervousness
  13. Bone deterioration
  14. Circulation problems
  15. Singer of Sophoco on the face
  16. Headaches
  17. Sweating

When man experiences these symptoms and decides to go to the doctor, it is likely that the first requested exam is to measure testosterone levels and establish the diagnosis more accurately.

It is important to clarify that Andropause is not a disease, As many could believe, nor is it the term of life. On the contrary, it's just a period.

Andropause treatment

Today There are alternatives that help cope with the symptoms of andropause, such as replacement hormonal therapy.

These therapies have testosterone derivatives and man can use it under the presentation of patch, gels or injectable.

However, each of the options has specific indications and, therefore, must be administered by a doctor.

What is intended to be achieved with hormonal replacement treatment is to help testosterone levels can be re -established, which is reflected in improving the exercise of sexual function. Of course, strength, energy and quality of life in man begin to improve.

Age at which we start aging, according to study


  • Arrando, j. L. TO., Cuesta, j. TO., Fat, v., González, m. P., Martínez, a. S., Villanueva, J. TO.,… & Aznar, to. Yo. (2004). Andropause: a syndrome that should be treated?. International Andrology Magazine: Sexual and Reproductive Health2(2), 60-67.
  • Licea Puig, M. AND., & Castelo Elías-Calles, L. (2006). Andropausia. Cuban Endocrinology Magazine17(1), 0-0.
  • Osuna, J. TO. (2002). Conference summaries: Andropausia. The aging male5, 74.
  • Padilla Docal, B., Jay Mengana, L. M., Garcia, e. N., & Dorta Contreras, to. J. (2007). Andropause and floral therapy. Cuban magazine of medicinal plants12(3), 0-0.