Alzaprolam or Trankimazín, indications and side effects

Alzaprolam or Trankimazín, indications and side effects

Tankimazin is the commercial name of a medication that contains alprazolam, a type of benzodiazepine that is used as anxiolytic and sedative. Alprazolam acts in the central nervous system to reduce anxiety, tension and other symptoms associated with anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder.

Travelimazin is prescribed for the short -term treatment of anxiety and anxiety disorders. It can be used as part of an integral treatment that includes therapy and other medical treatments. In addition, trashimazin can also be prescribed as a short -term treatment for insomnia.


  • Use of trankimazín
  • Risks of trankimazín consumption
  • Anxiety, the evil of our time
  • Dependence and overdose
    • Bibliographic references

Use of trankimazín

This substance is widely used in people suffering from agoraphobia problems (panic to open spaces), as well as All kinds of anxiety and depression disorders. The effect that this type of substance produces in the person is that when it takes it, an almost immediate decrease in abnormal brain excitement is generated.

It is, therefore, a compound that is intended for people who see their daily routine limited by this type of disorders, They get a more calm and quiet life. This is very helpful, since those who live with these types of problems can see their very altered lives.

In fact, an anxiety attack can be so strong that even sometimes it is confused with another type of condition, such as a heart attack, since it beats very strongly and the person suffers problems to breathe and a strong oppression in the chest. In these cases, taking an alprazolam treatment will cause an effect that will end quite quickly and effectively with these annoying symptoms. Therefore it is, A very indicated drug in this type of cases and that can be very useful if used correctly.

Risks of trankimazín consumption

Although Alzaprolam is a medication that does not have to produce damage to the person who consumes it, it is true that you have to have medical control to consume it safely and avoid generating dependence on it. Therefore, like any type of medication that is Use to generate a change in emotional or physical response to our environment, The patient runs the risk of developing dependency towards him. This can be dangerous, since if you take too much amount of this medication, it can produce a toxic effect on the body and harm the person who consumes it continuously.

You have to remember the people who consume, in addition, that it is a medicine. Therefore, It should not be mixed with alcohol, much less with other drugs that can generate a body response that can trigger very serious problems.

For this reason, the consumption of this substance must be at all times indicated by a doctor and control its use. Well used it can be very useful for the person suffering from these disorders and problems, but if not, it can cause important damage.

The misuse of this medication can lead to memory losses, lapsus, mental confusion, as well as other behavioral reactions, such as aggressiveness or agitation in an apparently unjustified way. For this reason, in addition to consuming it moderately and always under medical supervision, it is convenient to complement the use of these medications with psychological therapy so that the person can better overcome this problem.

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Anxiety, the evil of our time

More and more voices have warned about the anxiety problem. According to a WHO report, Spain is the country that consumes the greatest number of anxiolytics, With a proportion of at least one in ten people. And this type of disorders such as anguish or anxiety are psychological diseases that can be very disabling for the person who suffers them. It is also an increasingly common problem in our society.

People who suffer from it also face the problem that on many occasions their environment does not understand why it feels like that, since being a psychological issue, there is great misunderstanding by society.

This can cause the affected to feel even worse And, therefore, the problem of anguish and anxiety is aggravated, since it does not always find the appropriate support in its environment. In this context, the consumption of this type of medicines is a huge relief, because these sensations can be really difficult to support.

Dependence and overdose

Travelimazin, by containing alprazolam, can cause physical and psychological dependence on users. The long -term use of Trankimazin can lead to tolerance, which means that an increasing dose is needed to achieve the same effects, and dependence, which can cause withdrawal symptoms when interrupting its use.

Trankimazin's overdose can be dangerous and even mortal. The symptoms of ankimazin overdose can produce Extreme sleepiness, confusion, dizziness, difficulty breathing, hypotension, seizures and, in some cases, death. Because Trankimazin is a sedative of the central nervous system, the consumption of this drug can significantly increase the risk of overdose if combined with other depressing drugs of the central nervous system, such as alcohol.

As you can see, the Alzaprolam (better known as Travelimazín) is a powerful drug, and that is why it is convenient to know in detail what are the consequences of taking it.

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Bibliographic references

  • Peña, m., & Lobo, to. (2014). Alprazolam: use, abuse and dependence. Addictions, 26 (3), 203-211.
  • Medina-Mora, m. AND., Borges, g., & Fleiz, C. (2003). Use of benzodiazepines in the urban population of Mexico: prevalence, use patterns, and association with dependency. Mental health, 26 (4), 1-11.
  • González-Maeso, J., MEANA, J. J., & Garcia-Sevilla, J. TO. (2006). Benzodiazepines and Gaba: from biochemistry to the treatment of anxiety. Neurology Magazine, 42 (SUPPL 3), S57-S65.
  • Merino, h., & REYES-ORTEGA, G. (2018). Abuse of benzodiazepines: an underestimated problem? Medical Magazine of the General Hospital of Mexico, 81 (2), 94-98.
  • Carrión, f. Yo., García-Caro, m. P., & Sáenz-Herrero, M. (2007). Benzodiazepine dependency in patients with anxiety disorders: review and treatment. Biological psychiatry, 14 (4), 139-147.