Duel alterations

Duel alterations

Duel alterations can occur in different spheres of a person's life. However, duel is a necessary process that meets a role of adaptation to a reality that is complete.

On many occasions "the normal duel", or not complicated, includes a wide range of feelings and behaviors that are expected after a loss and have already been listed by Worden. These behaviors or behaviors will be presented throughout the phases, the existence of all these expressions not being mandatory.

In this case, it starts from a normal duel, so all alterations will not determine that the person has a worse prognosis in the process.


  • Duel alterations
    • Physiological alterations
    • Behavioral alterations
    • Affective alterations
    • Cognitive alterations
      • Bibliography

Duel alterations

In the duel different alterations will be presented, such as the following:

Physiological alterations

These are usually presented in the acute phase:

  • Empty in the stomach;
  • Chest tightness;
  • Throat knot;
  • Noise hypersensitivity;
  • Depersonalization sensation;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Palpitations;
  • Muscular weakness;
  • Lack of energy;
  • Headaches;
  • Dry mouth, among others.

Duel is a crisis process, a state of shock in which each person can react differently, being able to present complications, both at a psychiatric and physiological level.

It should be taken into account that duel can have an increase in psychosomatic, cardiovascular and suicide diseases. In many cases, widows or widows suffer from anxiety or depression during the first year of loss.

Behavioral alterations

These are changes that arise in the person of the person behaving, with respect to their previous patterns.

  • Sleep disorders;
  • Eating Disorders;
  • Distracted behavior;
  • Social isolation;
  • Dream of the deceased;
  • Avoid reminders of the deceased;
  • Cry;
  • To sigh;
  • Search and call out loud;
  • Treasure objects to perpetuate the presence;
  • Visit places frequented the deceased;
  • Hyper-Hype Activity.

Affective alterations

  • Sadness;
  • Rage;
  • Blame;
  • Anxiety;
  • Attachment;
  • Absence of feelings.

Cognitive alterations

  • Memory, attention and concentration disorders;
  • Disbelief;
  • Confusion;
  • Concern, repetitive thoughts;
  • Sense of presence, when the person duel thinks that the deceased is still somehow in the dimension of space and time of the living;
  • Hallucinations.

These are some of the alterations that arise before an episode of normal mourning. However, it should be noted that when someone close to the whole belief system of the person is collapsed and, sometimes it is believed that the person does not cry for the deceased, but because of the fear he feels of having been left alone and helpless , homeless or abandoned in a hostile world.

This occurs because goodness in life becomes a fantasy that disappears abruptly and reality is cruel.

When a bond is lost the entire belief system of a person also falls, and with it everything that previously allowed to live with optimism, even if it was a world full of dangers.

Everything staggers and the absolute values ​​in which person took refuge are insufficient, such as social justice, the existence of a God, the infallibility of medicine, among others.

Especially, in Western culture the learning that predominates is that everything can be analyzed and understood from logical reasoning. However, the person who is suddenly suffers an event for which he is not prepared and is incomprehensible.

Is when he begins to try to make use of the tools that have been taught. For example, The laws of logic indicate that everything happens by causality, that is, from a fact certain consequences are derived.

But, the mourner only sees the consequences, that is, the loss of the person with whom he was linked, so, at least initially, it is not enough to understand the disease or the causes of the event so that his restlessness ceases.

The 5 stages of duel


  • Cabodevilla, i. (2007). Losses and their duels. In Navarra Health System Annals (Vol. 30, pp. 163-176). Navarra Government. Health Department.
  • Fernández-Alcántara, m., Turnbull, or., Pérez-Marfil, n., Catena-Martínez, a., Pérez-García, m., & Cruz-Quintana, F. (2014). Emotional experience in complicated grieving processes. Advances in the study of motivation and emotion, 13.
  • Flórez, s. D. (2002). Duel. In Navarra Health System Annals (Vol. 25, pp. 77-85).
  • Imaz, j. TO. G. (2013). Family, suicide and duel. Colombian Psychiatry Magazine43, 71-79.