Affective insulation by separating the affection of the object

Affective insulation by separating the affection of the object

Affective isolation according to psychoanalysis is a defense mechanism that It consists of isolating a thought, memory or behavior, so that the experience lived is stripped of its affection or its associations, In the intellect or outside. What generates a dissociation, through which the person avoids "feeling" because it causes conflict or reminds him It generates conflict and anguish.

Through this defense, the person separates the affective component associated with a specific idea. A person who was the victim of an attack, for example, could try to deal with the conflict trying to be objective, separating emotion and trying to be descriptive, keeping attached to the cognitive elements.

A healthy affective isolation can help the individual choose to focus their attention on situations that it can effectively solve at that time. As when it is preferred to concentrate on the study and preparation for an important exam, instead attending a party, since the individual separates the emotion and affection of the idea.

An example of affective isolation is when someone tells you a traumatic and difficult story of your life; However, he does it as if he were talking about some everyday life as when he talks to the climate, with some indifference and without apparent emotion, this occurs because Try to separate the intellect from affection in an attempt to protect the self from real emotions that remembering that event would bring it. In this way, although the memory of the event in memory and consciousness is maintained, it has an attenuating form that is tolerable to the subject. You can achieve it through concentrating on the descriptive and objective elements of the situation that represents a conflict.


  • Object relationships
  • Isolation as a low school performance factor
  • Loneliness or isolation?
  • Insulation and self -destructive behaviors
    • When can the isolation condition require psychological care?
  • From affective isolation to other disorders
  • Affective isolation and phobias
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliographic references

Object relationships

According to Sigmund Freud, the drive has its origin in the impulse, which has a biological base. The constant battle between the impulse and the defense make the external object necessary for the pulsional discharge, although it can be a contingent.

Melanie Klein and Hartmann, consider that there is a relationship between the subject and the object, where the former has its innate potential for internalization. It implies the feelings of hate and love, the libidinal and aggressive with which the object's qualities are distorted.

The theory of object relationships follows several lines, so its definition is complex. However, it can be said that "privilege the link with the object ". From the theories of object relationships certain fundamental ideas arise:

  1. Is decisive the relationship, the link with the mother And then with the parents.
  2. It is not thought in terms of impulses that plan to download (or not, exclusively), but in a need for contact with the primary object, either for safety, identification, tranquility, self unit, humanization, merger and separation processes, etc.
  3. The pathology, especially the most serious, originates in those stages of the baby's initial link with the mother.
  4. The Oedipus Complex, like the superego, have as a history the stages and needs of the first periods of life. If during these stadiums of development, it is adequate and the link is healthy strengthened the Oedipus complex can be resolved naturally when passing to other stages of development.

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Isolation as a low school performance factor

In the affective aspect, the use of this Yoican defense in an excessive way can affect social and individual development, Deploy the anguish produced in the avoidance of tasks that presuppose some social interaction, such as: leisure, pleasure, entertainment, education and work activities. In the intellectual and academic area specifically, it influences the avoidance of tasks where it has to interact with others, in case the person attends the school, can avoid doing group dynamics and exhibitions, which can cause less performance academic. When you get to complicate too much, you can lead to school dropout.

The isolation can be a defense that is used from childhood, it can be established in the child from early childhood with its love object, especially When you perceive contact with that object as threatening or dangerous, therefore, it separates it from affection. This can be derived from isolation behaviors both at home and at school, so it requires special attention. Psychological orientation can be very helpful for parents, as it serves to know some tools and strategies that can be used to modify these behaviors early and timely, before they have more harmful effects on the child's health and their social development.

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Loneliness or isolation?

Loneliness is a subjective appreciation, it can be derived from the lack of close relationship or links with attachment figure, either real or perceived, a person can feel alone and be surrounded by people; While the isolation has more objectives and behaviors that can be seen, so they are likely to be quantified and measures. In some cases, it reaches such degrees that the individual has no people with whom to share their joys and their sadness, at the same time, It lacks the support and support that social networks usually give and being affiliated with a social group.

Occupy more time in the virtual world and get away from the real world and the relationships that are close or around, in the near reality, it is a class of evasion and isolation also.

Insulation and self -destructive behaviors

“The typical defenses of obsessive neuroses protect against impulsive behavior, crime or schizophrenic collapses; They have a stabilizer effect. They also prevent the regression from continuing to levels prior to the present stage, thus avoiding the extension of the pathology ”. Anna Freud

Patients suffering from a serious or terminal disease can try to reduce suffering through affective isolation, try to get away and not stick to protocols that could help them improve their quality of life.  Another reason, for which it is important that they receive a multidisciplinary treatment that includes psychotherapeutic accompaniment, since they can be given tools to accept their illness, as well as containing it through the course of this and of the stages of their condition.

When the person tries to have control over his impulses, he can become very rigid, he may want Not being able to control all circumstances can generate frustration and more antagonism, it is common that they derive in obsessive-compulsive neurosis, lack of emotional regulation, stress and anxiety problems.

When can the isolation condition require psychological care?

Some People who tend to isolate may seem hostile, however, it is often due to intense needs of affection, same that can try to satisfy through developing certain behaviors that can be destructive to their health.

A way of Affective isolation is to put time and space between ideas and associations so that they do not generate more anguish to the person. The temporary interval could associate some compulsive neurotic behavior, such as performing rituals in which the person uses a lot of time and energy, but that perceives them as necessary to release some anxiety.

Eating in excess or stop eating properly (eating disorders), modifications in sleep habits, excess work, drug use and abuse both lawful and illegal, ending with healthy relationships, careless sexual activity, They can be indicators that intervention is required.

Some of the dysfunctional behaviors of the person who uses affective isolation could be:

  • Try to Avoid contact and relationships with other people.
  • Social isolation.
  • Desiderative thought: See what you "want to see" only.
  • Rumiation of destructive thoughts towards others and himself, the constant negative revaluation instead of making this as an adaptive confrontation.
  • Deadaptive confrontation: associated with the lack of emotional and emotional regulation.

From affective isolation to other disorders

"This defensive mechanism consists of primary dissociation between love links and aggressive ties. It tends to underpin it and maintain it, preventing the disociated pairs from joining fantasy or reality because this union would mean the disorganization of the fantasized self as chaos or madness". Melanie Klein

Affective isolation may imply a series of avoidance behaviors, where the individual, in severe cases, can avoid social interaction, because it causes too much anguish or anxiety and it is about taking refuge in itself, combined with other very primitive defense mechanisms can produce negative effects; The person can be physically and emotionally distany from people who appreciate and vice versa. It is very characteristic in obsessive and compulsive neuroses.

However, another class of more serious conditions can also be seen because they prevent the functionality and proper development of the individual in its different contexts, especially when this mechanism is overexploited as a protective resource. This is the case of generalized anxiety disorder, anguish crises or panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder; Even in some eating disorders can flourish. When anxiety and emotions are constantly under repression, psychic wear is very large, and There may be very little energy available for normal and convenient activities for the subject.

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Affective isolation and phobias

When the person avoids work or activities that imply contact with other people, such as school, for example; When he avoids creating links with other people beyond superficiality, for fear of being: ashamed, criticized, ridiculed or rejected, it may have developed a personality disorder for avoidance. Psychological care must be provided because many of these conditions can have consequences for the person who suffers and derives in the development of agoraphobia, social phobia or other phobias, which could have their genesis in part, precisely in the separation of the object with affection, As a defense mechanism.


Through the mechanism called affective isolation, the subject separates the affection of the intellect. Separating certain emotions can be an effective strategy, when it is necessary efforts and energies in their objectives and goals, instead of doing only what you want. The confrontation is sometimes adaptive, because it is associated with the regulated expression of emotions and assertiveness within communication. Being careful, orderly and systematic can be beneficial, when it does not fall into excess, the person can use these features to maintain their balance.

It is common that this defense mechanism be used, is often found as a resource in obsessive-compulsive disorders, in other disorders such as anxiety and anguish, and even an excessive use of this defensive could be derived in phobic states.

People who overexplace this resource can try to isolate themselves from others, thus releasing a little anxiety and stress. However, other personality problems can be generated, as well as other serious disorders, so it is important.

Bibliographic references

  • Freud, Sigmund (1981). Complete works by Sigmund Freud. Volume III. 4th. Edition. Spain: New Library Editorial.
  • Bleichmar, n. M.; Lieberman, c. and cols. (1989). Psychoanalysis after Freud. Mexico: Eleia Editores.
  • Hall, Calvin, S. (1990). Freudian psychology compendium. Mexico: Paidós.
  • Kernberg, Otto (1991).The theory of object relationships and clinical psychoanalysis. Mexico: Paidós.