Therapeutic aphorisms for those who want to guide and teach

Therapeutic aphorisms for those who want to guide and teach

These famous aphorisms and phrases are especially indicated for those who try to help others, either from the professional field, as a personal.

With them those interested can deepen the help function enhancing their abilities Innate or maybe even latent. "In order for a suggestion to be effective, you must go from emotion to reason, not the opposite". G. Nardone.

Aphorisms that serve as a guide

The teacher is the fair synthesis of natural disposition and constant exercise. Protágoras.

Before convincing the intellect, it is essential to touch and predispose the heart. B. Pascal.

Good results are always obtained by putting themselves in the place of gold and thinking about what one would do if it had been the other. TO. C. Give.

If you want to persuade someone, do it with their own arguments. Aristotle.

The true teacher constantly learns the lessons he teaches. J. Hyams.

Being a good model is the best way to help.

If you are looking for a good teacher, along with his theories he studies his life: if you don't like both, look for another.

Before judging a sermon, you have to value the pulpit from which it is preached.

The true teacher does not show his art, he shares with you. Ed Parker.

Education generates trust. Trust generates hope. Hope generates peace. Confucius.

The function of education is to teach to think intensely and critically. Form intelligence and character, that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King Jr.

Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher. Japanese proverb.

Words are like bullets. L. Wittgenstein.

The word is more sharp than the sword. Chinese wisdom.

The seriousness of an adversary disarms with laughter and laughter with seriousness. Gorgias.

Study words from things, not things from words. Mysone.

Be very clear what you are going to say: the words will come alone. CATÓN.

A clear and perfect speech is conditioned by four things: for what you have to say, because it must be said, for the people to be directed and for the time in which it must be said. What needs to be said to seem useful to those who listen to it, how much you have to say must be even more or less than what is enough to be understood, as to the people to whom it is directed, you have to take them into account , and as for the time, we must speak at the right time, neither before nor after. Otherwise, you will not talk well and go straight to failure. Plato.

The great talent proceeds, rather than the intellectual elements and a social refinement superior to that of others, of the power to transmit them, to invest them. M. Proust.

You don't really understand something unless you are able to explain it to your grandmother. TO. Einstein.

It is the attention to the little and apparently insignificant details that reveals the features of a person. To capture the depth of a person, considering that it exists, it must be passed through its surface. And, from the surface, the most revealing is the un controlled expressions, not the imposed attitudes and behaviors that only idiots tend not to control.

Education is not the preparation for life; is life itself. J. Dewey.

A good teacher, as a good actor, must first capture the attention of his audience and then he can teach his lesson. J. H. Clarke.

Teachers inspire, entertain and end up learning a lot from them even if you don't realize. N. Sparks.

Education is not to fill a bucket, but light a fire. W. B. Yeats.

Optimal speaker is one who spends, delights and at the same time moves the mood of his listeners. Cicero.

When you want to rebuke a person effectively and show him that she is deceived, you have to see from what perspective the question contemplates. Well, generally, seen from that angle it is fair, and you have to recognize that truth, but you also have to show the other angle from which it is false. And he will be content with this because he will see that he was not deceived and that his only mistake has been not to have seen all the angles of the matter. B. Pascal.

You have to put themselves into the skin of those who must listen to us and try in the heart itself the effect that will have the turn that will be given to the speech to see if one is made to the other, and if it is sure that the listener will be will be forced to surrender!. B. Pascal.

The care of the disease can be a totally impersonal fact. Patient care should be a totally personal fact. F. W. Peabody.

No one can understand well and assimilate something if you have learned from another, as much as I would have learned by yourself. Descartes.

An author's thoughts must enter the spirit as light into the eyes, with pleasure and effortless; Metaphors should be like a crystal that protects objects but allows you to see them. Voltaire.

If you want to reach an agreement, start asking before proposing.

If you want to convince others, you must seem willing to be convinced.

And if you want to see what pleases someone, without hearing it speak, talk to him by varying the subject, and where you saw him be attentive without grinding or moving the eyebrow or other various actions, be sure that this issue he is about is the one that is what He pleases him. Leonardo da Vinci.

Many words are not always an indication of much wisdom. Talete

Who is displayed does not shine, who reaffesses is not manifested. F. Jullien.

Without theory, practice is blind, as blind is the theory without practice. Protágoras.

The dishonesty of a thinker is recognized by the number of exact ideas he affirms. AND. M. CIORAN.

Waste energy and time who interprets classical music or talks about philosophy to a mule.

Most people listen to the intention of responding, not with the desire to understand. TO. C. Give.

Any relationship that does not raise reduction, and vice versa. F. Nietzsche.

They are not the tyrants who believe oppressed, but vice versa. H. Maturana.

There are no impossible patients, but incapable therapists. D. D. Jackson.

It is typical of censures to prove the opinions they attack. Voltaire.

The intelligent likes to be instructed, the stupid instruct. TO. P. CECECHOW.

The really big person does not exhibit it because it does not need it.

An unplayed help not only does not help, but it harms.

Celebres Psychology phrases