Technology addiction characteristics and causal factors

Technology addiction characteristics and causal factors

The twentieth century implied great advances in the technological field, reflected in objects such as: aircraft, personal computers, communication networks (such as phone, mobile or cell and the internet) and many more aspects. This meant not only a great level of discoveries, but also a world little more interconnected, which is initially harmful to some human beings.

Nowadays this phenomenon is known as technology addiction when a person produces some carelessness in other aspects of life, only by demonstrating certain inappropriate behaviors in the form of use of these devices. For this reason we will talk about technology addiction, what are its characteristics and their causal factors.


  • What is technology addiction?
  •  What are the causes of technology addiction?
    • In conclusion
    • Bibliography

What is technology addiction?

Initially it is worth clarifying that There are 2 types of addictions: chemicals (that is, at some substance, eg: cocaine addiction) and the behavioral which are finally any behavior that is carried out obsessively-compulsive and that brings negative effects on a personal, emotional and social level, ex.: Sports addiction.

Within any addiction that is presented in a person, the following symptoms should be clear: dependence, abstinence and tolerance. In the case of a technology addiction A is presented insatiable desire for using technological devices all day such as: mobile, laptop, tablet, smart watch, music player, among others. This causes the other daily activities to be neglected such as: performing tasks, seeing and sharing with family, friends or partners. However, in this aspect it must be clarified that unlike what many think, Teenagers are not the only population that is being affected by this phenomenon, Well, sadly from the maternal uterus we expose a child to contact with these technologies, it has been demonstrated in recent years that bring harmful effects on brain development.

In addition to this when a person with technology addiction presents abstinence is characterized by showing at body level symptomatology such as: physiological activation (that is, increased heart and respiratory rate, muscle tension, low concentration and attention), together with psychological symptoms such as symptoms such as : irritability, aggressive behavior (verbal or bodily), anxious moods and/or depressive, among other manifestations. All this occurs because At the brain level, a feeling of pleasure and/or satisfaction was created after having repetitively performed the use of technological devices, where every time this addictive behavior is executed, the release of endorphins occurs (a neurotransmitter that under normal conditions is released when performing a pleasant activity, but in harmful conditions this occurs when the addictive behavior is performed).

Clearly related to what I mention before, Tolerance is the pathological need to increase the frequency and/or duration of technological devices so that the release of endorphins occurs, which is reflected in a forceful carelessness not only of its environment (school, work, etc.) but also of your physical and mental health.

 What are the causes of technology addiction?

It is important to analyze which are those factors that can trigger in the near or distant future an addiction to technology. In general, the genetic component so far does not present a direct relationship, but it has been found that this addictive behavior can be transmitted by other paths of parents, For example: if the father/mother is negligent in the care of his son for being pending all the time of the mobile, The child will learn through observation to perform this same behavior through imitation (It became later a bad habit).

Another factor that can cause a technology addiction is Psychological component, Unfortunately when there are traits such as introversion, insecurity, isolation and deficit in social skills may cause your avoidance or escape behavior to permanently use new technologies. Let's do a brief exercise to see this more clearly: He prefers to interact with a person or use his cell phone?, answer mentally if you choose the second option you should be alert.

In conclusion

It is essential that technologies are used for what they are, always giving space, time and priority to what really matters: family, health and well -being. If you consider that you meet one or more criteria of those mentioned above, I suggest that you consult the opinion of an expert in addictions.


  • Fernández-Montalvo, J., & López-González, H. (2017). Technological addictions: use, abuse and dependence on technology. Barcelona: Paidós.
  • Kircaburun, k., & Griffiths, M. D. (2020). Instagram Addiction and the Big Five of Personality: The Medifying Role of Self-Like. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23 (11), 753-759.
  • Barlow, d. H. (2018). Psychopathology Manual and Psychological Disorders. Madrid: Pyramid.
  • Király, or., Griffiths, m. D., & INMETERVICS, Z. (2019). Internet Gaming Disorder and The DSM-5: Conceptualization, debates, and controversies. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 8 (3), 484-497.
  • Beck, J. S. (2019). Cognitive-behavioral therapy manual. Barcelona: Paidós.