Acupuncture, what is it and what it benefits us

Acupuncture, what is it and what it benefits us

Acupuncture is a holistic health technique that derives from the practices of traditional Chinese medicine, in which therapists They stimulate specific points in the body by inserting thin needles into the skin.

Nowadays, acupuncture is one of the most popular practices of traditional Chinese medicine (MTC) in the West, which is a type of therapy that originated in ancient China more than 2.500 years and has been evolving since then.


  • What is acupuncture?
  • 7 Benefits of acupuncture
    • 1. Reduces chronic pain
    • 2. Anxiety treatment
    • 3. Reduces insomnia
    • 4. Headache relief
    • 5. Rheumatoid arthritis treatment
    • 6. Prevents nausea and vomiting
    • 7. Minimize acidity and indigestion
  • How is an acupuncture session
  • Is there any side effect or acupuncture indications where acupuncture should be avoided?
    • References

What is acupuncture?

Contrary to Western popular belief, acupuncture is not just a therapy in which fine needles are inserted into specific places of the body to relieve pain. Acupuncture is a complete medical protocol focused on correcting energy imbalances in the body.

The explanation of the effectiveness of acupuncture is that modifies the flow of energy (known as Qi or Chi) throughout the body, But there is no scientific consensus that this is actually its mechanism of action. An investigation published in 2010 in the journal Nature Neuroscience showed that the effects of puncture with acupuncture include the greater activity of adenosine, an amino acid that is activated in the skin after an injury to relieve pain. This can partly explain why pain relief is often experienced as one of the benefits of acupuncture. In fact, numerous investigations in the West have focused on this analgesic effect, instead of in the traditional role of acupuncture of balance energy To address a wide range of disorders. Apparently, this mechanism can be the real responsible for its general health benefits.

7 Benefits of acupuncture

Although there is still some concern about the functional use of acupuncture to treat certain conditions, there are a lot of research that confirm certain health benefits.

Because the objective of acupuncture is to promote and restore the balance of energy that flows throughout the body, the benefits of acupuncture can be extended to a wide variety of conditions, from emotional disorders (anxiety, depression), through Chronic pain and even digestive problems (nausea, vomiting, irritable intestine syndrome).

1. Reduces chronic pain

This is perhaps the most common use of acupuncture in the human body, and that is why it has been the subject of most of the investigation to prove its validity. Some studies have shown that acupuncture reduces pain by up to 15% When it is used to alleviate different types of pain, although it focuses mainly on back pain as a result of physical stress, ancient lesions that never completely cured, oppression in the muscles, pregnancy or other sources.

Knee pain is another common condition that makes people prove acupuncture, and although studies have occasionally contradict, most show positive results that make acupuncture an effective form of Reduce knee pain due to surgery or pain associated with osteoarthritis and aging.

It is also used successfully to ease the pain In the following cases:

  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Menstrual pain.
  • Neck pain and contractures.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.

2. Anxiety treatment

Several studies have been carried out on the effects of acupuncture on anxiety. As in many of the other uses of this technique, the exact mechanism is not completely known, but clinical trials show a positive correlation between the reduction of anxiety and acupuncture. In addition, some studies indicate that when acupuncture is added to a pharmacological treatment for stress and anxiety, the necessary dose to relieve symptoms is usually lower.

3. Reduces insomnia

Studies have shown that acupuncture can reduce the frequency of insomnia in many people. Apparently, acupuncture Increase the secretion of night melatonin, which is a chemist that helps and induces sleep. Some studies show that in less than five weeks, regular acupuncture significantly decreases the presence and effects of insomnia. Therefore, if you can't sleep and you don't want!

4. Headache relief

Another of the most popular acupuncture applications in recent years has been the Relief of migraines and headaches, both in terms of pain relief and in frequency reduction. Although the exact mechanism to prevent these conditions through acupuncture around the face, neck and scalp is not known exactly, the results of the research have justified in some way, dozens of generations of this method of treatment method. There is also a much lower possibility of side effects in acupuncture than in medicines to treat migraine.

On the other hand, neck pain has actually been one of the most proven conditions for which acupuncture is effective. In a review of the year 2011, there was almost unanimous support that Acupuncture is a reliable way and without side effects to relieve chronic neck pain, very often pain is accompanied by general muscle pain and constant headaches.

5. Rheumatoid arthritis treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis is a very weakening disease that affects dozens of millions of people worldwide. Unfortunately, the benefits of modern medicine are often insufficient to solve it in the long term, which means that it must constantly take (at least once a day) powerful medications to relieve pain in the joints. Acupuncture offers a different option to reduce the painful and weakening effects of arthritis.

In the traditional acupuncture belief system, there are 14 meridians or energy channels in the body that allow the flow of Qi, or natural body energy. These meridians often correspond to key nerve endings that act as receptors of impulse from body parts such as knees, back, joints, temples, facial muscles, etc.

When inserting needles in these meridians, our nerve endings communicate with our brain, and they tell him that our muscles feel sore or "full". This will cause the release of endorphins, which are normally released during stress to increase energy and block pain receptors. Are endorphins, combined with normal neurotransmitters that affect nerve impulses, can stop pain associated with arthritis that physically limits so many people.

6. Prevents nausea and vomiting

Acupuncture has also proven to be a very effective tool against nausea and vomiting. There is A acupuncture pressure point at the bottom of the forearm, near the wrist, which when stimulated, is thought to reduce the sensation of nausea that can induce vomiting. After surgery, when a patient is recovering from the effects of anesthesia, they are very often experience nausea and postoperative vomiting. A study published in 2009 argued that acupuncture was as effective as antiemetics medications that are commonly administered to patients in recovery. And again, the side effects of antiemetic medications can change the chemistry of our body, something that most people who use acupuncture try to.

Chemotherapy is often used as a treatment for cancer patients, and it can be a very effective way to save lives. However, the side effects of chemotherapy are quite serious and include hair loss, nausea and vomiting, among others. Another study published in 2011 showed that Acupuncture was effective to prevent nausea and vomiting on chemotherapy treatment day.

7. Minimize acidity and indigestion

It has been shown that Regular acupuncture therapy reduces stomach burning signs and indigestion, causing patients to consume less antacids, according to a recent study.

On the other hand, Brazilian researchers carried out the study and found significant differences between these symptoms in pregnant women who used acupuncture and those who simply controlled their diet and took medications when necessary.

Meningitis: types, symptoms and treatment

How is an acupuncture session

In general, the first acupuncture visit implies an exhaustive evaluation of the health history. The questions that are included may seem strange, but in traditional Chinese medicine (MTC), which covers acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage and other modalities, energy flow and body interaction are the keys to diagnose all diseases Physical. For example, the doctor can request Examine your tongue, feel your pulse to help determine energy flow, or ask many questions related to intestinal habits and diet, even if they seem to have nothing to do with the main complaint.

After consultation and initial evaluation, needles are placed in very specific places. After insertion, one can feel a acute or sharp momentary sensation; However, many report that most insertions do not even feel. It is common to experience deep pain for a short time in some of the points. Acupuncture needles are usually gently manipulated and some professionals can use heat or even electricity.

The depth to which acupuncture needles are inserted vary according to treatment and professional; However, needles should never be placed deep enough to pierce organs (not the skin). Needles generally They are left in place for five to 20 minutes, usually no more than 60 minutes, And then they retire.

After acupuncture treatment, therapists will generally evaluate the client and, often, will give suggestions for home care.

Acute symptoms may require two to four sessions; While for chronic cases, it is common to have up to 12 or more treatments, usually for a period of eight to 10 weeks. Regular monthly visits can be suggested as preventive measures to reduce stress, improve energy or increase immunity.

Is there any side effect or acupuncture indications where acupuncture should be avoided?

People with hemorrhagic disorders or who take anticoagulants should consult with their doctors before undergoing acupuncture. The most common side effects of acupuncture are bleeding and bruises on the site, along with minor pain and pain. It is recommended that a disinfectant like alcohol is cleaned with a swab on the area before the insertion of the needle to reduce the small possibility of infection. Obviously, needles must be clean and never shared among customers. Rarely, a needle can break. The worst case is a punctured organ.

However, serious complications are extremely rare when acupuncture is carried out by a qualified and certified professional.


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David Álvarez. Therapist