Labor harassment definition and examples

Labor harassment definition and examples

Psychological intimidation in the workplace, also known as labor mobbing is a common problem. Although the terminology to refer to this situation is new, the phenomenon exists in different ways from the beginning of the work world. The definition of labor mobbing would be "harassment attacks, systematic and persistent that they intend to intimidate, insult, overwhelm, exclude, ignore, respect of respect, etc.". This means that the chosen victim is exposed to bad behaviors and bad intentional and systematic words.

Currently, labor mobbing is increasing with respect to other types of harassment, which generates a series of negative effects on the work performance of workers and therefore of the company. In this psychology-online article, we will talk about workplace harassment, its definition and some examples.

You may also be interested: the types of workplace or mobbing index
  1. Definition of workplace harassment or mobbing
  2. Work harass: what to do
  3. Tips to face labor mobbing
  4. Examples of workplace harassment
  5. Consequences of labor mobbing in the victim

Definition of workplace harassment or mobbing

Mobbing includes a group of people whose size is limited by the social environment in which it is formed, such as the workplace. The person suffering from mobbing may seem that there are many people involved, but in reality the group is usually small. Group members interact directly with the victim in an adversary way that ends up damaging or undermining the victim significantly.

During the mobbing, the objective is deceived to fight, blame and try to make the minor aggressors of the mobbing group responsible instead of the main responsible responsible. The main reason why a psycho chief thug comes out with his repeatedly is that nobody wants to believe that he/she could be the cause of what is happening. This is also the reason why many pedophiles and abusers avoid responsibility and sanction for years, often decades. They seem very lovely and plausible for naive, ignorant and inexperienced people, generally for those who have not experienced intimidation on their part. Leaders are very likely to use people as resources and administer them to their liking, and thus manipulate them to continue harassing, victimizing and chasing the objective.

Labor harassment: legal definition

The word mobbing refers to those situations in which a person is selected and intimidated For a group of people more than just for a person, but, in each group there is usually a leader. If the leader is outgoing type, it is clear that it is who is coercing the group members to do so, but if it is introverted, it will manipulate the members of the group behind to do what they want. Introverted leaders are more dangerous than extroverts.

Work harass: what to do

A rule when addressing a situation of psychological harassment is to identify and focus exclusively on the bully main and concentrate on responsible. Alternatively, the best solution can be a positive decision to leave and refuse to allow these people to continue to ruin their career, their health and life. In the unlikely case that the leader is exposed and then leaves, it is likely that the dysfunction, aggression and negative feelings fostered by him or she will last for years.

Tips to face labor mobbing

The best way to face labor mobbing is to increase resilience, improve self -care and march as soon as possible. Since on many occasions it is practically impossible to win the battle against organizations that have mobbing tactics. Some things you can do to recover from labor mobbing are:

  • Write everything in detail: From the first signs that something is not going well even to sensations or feelings and records all the incidents you suffer in a kind of diary. The more evidence you have, the better it will be if at some point you are forced to take legal actions.
  • Date time and space To solve things. Look for someone who has authority at work with whom you can talk about it.
  • Forms one support network to recover and end isolation. A good clinical psychologist can help you develop recovery strategies. It is essential to receive good advice and support from nearby people.
  • Make of the Self -care A priority. Focus on what you really want. And try to follow a balanced diet, perform physical exercise or any activity that makes you enjoy.
  • Start doing important activities in your life. Establish new emotional objectives. Focus on improving your self -esteem through new challenges.

Examples of workplace harassment

In a mobbing situation, the leader encourages immature, inexperienced or emotionally unstable people with scarce values ​​to participate in harassment against the selected objective. The leader receives gratification of encouraging others to perform such interaction with the victim. Once it starts at Psychological harassment, The main bully encourages psychological harassment in a mutually insured destruction, from which the main thug receives intense gratification (this is a characteristic of people with psychopathic personality).

Then we will list The main examples of types of workplace harassment:

  • Vertical harassment or bossing: When the boss exercises some kind of violence against his subordinates.
  • Ascending vertical harassment: In this case, the aggression comes from the subordinates.
  • Horizontal workplace: When mobbing occurs between partners of the same hierarchical level.

Consequences of labor mobbing in the victim

Once we have talked about workplace harassment, its definition and examples. It is important to talk about the consequences that mobbing has on the people who suffer from it.

The effects of workplace harassment do not end when your workday ends. Being a victim of labor mobbing has a series of Physical and psychological negative consequencesS:

  • Stress
  • Axiety for workplace harassment
  • Panic attacks
  • Sleep problems
  • High blood pressure
  • Ulcers


Those workers suffering from labor mobbing usually have a worse performance at work:

  • Problems to make decisions
  • Inability to work or concentrate
  • Loss of self -esteem
  • Low productivity

Workers who have suffered mobbing not only They lose motivation but They waste time Because they are worried about:

  • Try to defend themselves
  • Avoid mobbing
  • Your support network
  • Rumiation on the situation
  • Plan how to face the situation

In addition, they have a feeling of isolation. In fact, the person suffering from mobbing can feel without strength, disoriented, confusing, etc.

Consequences of labor mobbing in the company

Labor mobbing not only has negative effects on the victim and their colleagues, but also on the company at a more macro level. In addition to altering the work environment and impacting the morale of workers, it can also:

  • Reduce productivity
  • Create a hostile work environment
  • Promote absenteeism
  • Can produce costs for legal issues

Other expensive effects for the labor mobbing company include:

  • Employee's commitment and loyalty
  • Additional costs when searching and training new employees
  • Bad public image and negative advertising
  • Increased risk of some legal action

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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