Real estate harassment 10 alert behaviors

Real estate harassment 10 alert behaviors

Real estate harassment It is a crime in which harassment is used in order to prevent a person from continuing to enjoy the house in which he is.

Lately, this phenomenon has charged boom, which not only prevents many citizens from enjoying a property, but also taking many owners to influence inappropriate practices to obtain a fast eviction.

Nevertheless, An owner can also be a victim of real estate. Well, among the different types of harassment, there is also harassment for the owner to be forced to sell his living at a low price.


  • Real estate harassment, an imminent reality
  • Real Estate Opinions
  • Harassment behaviors
    • Bibliography:

Real estate harassment, an imminent reality

You have always talked about sexual harassment, bullying school, or others, but, real estate harassment is a reality that more people are suffering every day, especially the most vulnerable.

The purpose or objective of real estate is that harassment prevent an individual from continuing with the enjoyment of a home, either that this is its own or leased.

When it comes to harassment towards tenants, what the owners seek is to resort the house, but at a higher cost.

And, this has been the story of many people who have been helpless, because, since they do not have financial resources, they cannot go to legal installs, since, the representation of a lawyer is required, among other administrative costs.

When the criminal via is used, Complaints for real estate harassment are not taken into account, but they end up dismissing or postponing in time. This is a sad reality for many.

Real Estate Opinions

Although today the issue is more discussed, it is an ancient practice. In fact, author Cristina Algelich, in her study on real estate harassment, places her origins in the United States.

According to Algiers, this practice is also known as mobbing either Blockbusting, It emerged in the 60s and the purpose was to ensure that the owners of the homes of a certain neighborhood sell their properties with losses, In relation to the real market value.

To achieve this, what was done at that time was to create an environment or feeling of fear in the owner, who felt stalked and ended up rapidly getting rid of his home.

This practice did not stay in the United States, but transferred its borders and has also arrived in Spain, a country in which many tenants were pressured by the owners to leave the houses.

Today, practice is common in many parts of the world, and that is why the issue has gained relevance and has led to many laws being modified.

Indeed, only in Spain, Dr. Caruso Fontán points out in her investigation entitled: real estate harassment as aggravating the crime of coercion and her possible incidence in the concept of violence, that the modifications introduced in the Criminal Code, in 2010 , allow a response to what was considered a legal lagoon.

This response took place due to the increase in cases of real estate, which The author defines as a set of harassment behaviors that a subject makes against a user who legitimately inhabits a property, In order for the individual to give up his rights and abandon.

But what would be some of these harassment behaviors, typical of real estate harassment?

Repercussions and consequences of harassment

Harassment behaviors

Some behaviors of this type of harassment are the following:

  1. Make the tenant cost the contract: This is an imposition that occurs from the beginning of the contractual relationship. In this case, when a tenant for rent, the agency or owner forces him to cover all costs in the preparation of the contract. If not, the house is not leased.
  2. Force the buyer to cancel costs: If it is the purchase situation, then the buyer is the one who must pay for all the agency's fees or the lawyer.
  3. Stop doing maintenance: to the house. The service for the conservation of a house must be in charge of the lessor, with the exception of the cases in which the tenant is the one who causes the damage -for example, replace a broken glass, but, most of the time, the contracts derive All tenant obligations.
  4. The refusal of income collection: It is an action that some landlords take to dissolve the contract.
  5. Prevent works that facilitate access: This occurs in cases where, even when the contract stipulates otherwise, the owner prohibits the tenant from carrying out any work, whose purpose is to suppress barriers in architecture. This applies when there are elderly or disabled people.
  6. Sue expenses that are not in the contract: Some owners press the tenants demanding payments that were not initially agreed.
  7. Income Increase: In contrast to the provisions of the initial contract, or without previously notifying the canon update.
  8. Verbal harassment and deception;
  9. Psychological pressure;
  10. Threats.

In addition to these harassment behaviors, in cases of real estate harassment there are those who go much further and resort to the use of weapons.

With the relevance that this topic occupies today, it is important to obtain information and ask for support in case you feel to be living this situation.

Stalking, a new type of harassment


  • Algelich Comelles, Cristina. (2013). Real estate harassment. Canyeret. Magazine of l'Il·lustre Col·legi d'en Advocats de Lleida.
  • Caruso Fontán, M. V. (2011). Real estate as aggravating the crime of coercion and its possible impact on the concept of violence.
  • Junquera, a. TO., & Ortego, I. TO. (2010). The new crimes of workplace harassment and real estate harassment. Criminal practice: Legal Notebook, (61), 14-27.
  • Vallès, r. R. (2009). Real estate: latest legislative and judicial news. The Criminal Law: Journal of Criminal, Procedural and Penitentiary Law, (59), 1.