Labor absenteeism what is, types, causes and consequences

Labor absenteeism what is, types, causes and consequences

The essence of the employment relationship is that people provide a service or perform a task for which we are trained, in exchange for receiving a salary or economic remuneration. Generally, it implies compliance with a workday, with previously established and agreed schedules.

However, sometimes certain breaches are given by both parties. We will focus on what refers to that of the wage earning. So, in this Psychology-online article, you will see What is work absenteeism, types, causes and consequences.

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  1. What is work absenteeism?
  2. Types of absenteeism
  3. Causes of work absenteeism
  4. Consequences of work absenteeism

What is work absenteeism?

If you wonder what work absenteeism, according to the study of "determining variables of labor indispositions" of the researcher Cristina Núñez, absenteeism is a Multifactorial phenomenon which relates the individual to the work organization and work factors, with the extra -labor personal environment and with political and socioeconomic aspects.

Specifically, towards reference to abandonment of the job and not fulfilling its functions without prior notice. This phenomenon negatively affects the work dynamics of co -workers.

Types of absenteeism

There are different types of absenteeism characterized by different factors. Specifically, the types of absenteeism are the following:

  • Justified absenteeism: The worker previously warns the reason for non -assistance to work due, for example, a medical or low -illness appointment.
  • Unjustified absenteeism: The person does not carry out the tasks corresponding to his job and waste time with other activities.
  • Face -to -face absenteeism: The employee is physically in the job, but his mind is elsewhere and performs the tasks entrusted. It may be due to the loss of motivation.
  • Emotional absenteeism: The professional is not going to work for no justified reason, that is, it breaches the obligations of his job.

Causes of work absenteeism

There are lines of studies that relate job performance to the welfare of the worker. When work is used, but the tasks of the position are not performed or made with a loss of performance, this may be due to different factors. Next, we will see the causes of job absenteeism related to the job and possible causes at the individual level.

Causes related to the job

The causes of labor absenteeism in relation to the job affect. Let's see what are:

  • Workplace Harassment. In this article, we tell you the consequences of workplace harassment.
  • Psychological terror to working life: In terms of abuse of power by the company or an unusual communication.
  • Occupational hazards: It entails the loss of quality life in terms of schedules, salary, work environment, benefits and services, etc.
  • Organizational culture: supplies a perspective and meaning of the situations that are lived in the job. Gives workers an orientation and vision of the identity of the company.

Individual causes

On the other hand, the causes of work absenteeism may also be due to concrete contexts that occur in the life of a person. Some of the individual causes of work absenteeism are:

  • Maternity or paternity permits.
  • Diseases.
  • Work accident.
  • Particular permits.
  • Labor conflicts.
  • Absence not authorized.
  • Involuntary unforeseen.

Whether it is a voluntary absenteeism with absence to the job, and of low performance in their performance, psychological explanations to these behaviors are inclined towards the field of individual motivation, conditioned by different internal and external elements. Discover how to handle work stress.

Consequences of work absenteeism

The consequences of work absenteeism have been evaluated from various points of view: social, business and individual. No one escapes that the absences to the job, justified or not, affect the productivity of the work, the performance of the worker in his position and has repercussions on the worker himself. In the latter, the most obvious and immediate impact is given in terms of loss of salary, but not only in that aspect. According to the doctoral thesis "determining variables of the indispositions" of the researcher Cristina Núñez, the consequences of labor absenteeism are the following:

  • Impact on the causative process: Inactivity power depressive or anxious feelings and decreases self -esteem and positive self -perception of the person. In this article you will find information on how to improve self -esteem.
  • Impact on health: The casualties are statistically accompanied by greater mortality, including suicides, attending to the prognosis, nature and natural evolution of the processes.
  • Effect on working life: Less professional promotion is given among frequent casualties. It also implies a constant deterioration of labor relations between colleagues and with the superiors.
  • Impact on social life: Frequent work casualties force changes in family roles. The profile of the absentee worker in relation to the non -absentee is more associated with alcoholism, the abuse of gambling and with marriage separations.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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