Advocacy 6 main symptoms

Advocacy 6 main symptoms

Aboulomania is a word that comes from the Greek and means'without will'. That is It is a mental disorder or disorder in which the person experiences a serious picture of indecision In the different areas of your daily life.

Usually, It is associated with anxiety, depression and stress. The truth is that aboulomania can severely affect the person to the point where he incapacitates it to socialize. This usually generates anguish.


  • Aboulomania
  • Aboulomania symptoms
  • Causes
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
    • Bibliography


It is normal to have indecision about some aspects in life, because, not always the panorama looks clear, but, When someone suffers from advocacy, they are really suffering, since this occurs obsessively.

When making decisions, the person with advocacy can feel overwhelmed, so, in the end, it ends up qualifying their decisions as inappropriate, or taking those whose results are not the desired ones. It is this fear that leads the person with the condition to overhand each situation, until reaching the paralysis of the analysis.

This can influence the lack of information regarding the matter, how difficult it is to assess each part and fear of a result that is uncertain, creating an distressing obsession.

Many times, this disorder has been confused with that of Abulia. However, although abulia is related to motivation and will, aboulomania is characterized by depression and intrusive and recurrent thoughts suffered by the person.

Therefore, the main symptom experienced by who suffers from advocacy is the total inability to make any type of decision. This inability is continuous, constant, and extends to each of the areas of the person's life.

Therefore, the levels of anguish and anxiety are so high, since the person undergoes a position that is unpleasant for the fact of not knowing what party to take.

Aboulomania symptoms

In addition to obsessive thoughts and their recurrence, disorder can generate other emotional and cognitive symptoms that can be manifested in behavior, such as:

  1. Reject taking responsibilities;
  2. Constant need to be accompanied if you are going to make a decision;
  3. Passive attitude in relations with the couple;
  4. Evade publicly exposed for fear of being disapproved or criticized.
  5. Avoid getting out of a relationship not to feel that it is helpless;
  6. Problems to express disagreement with other people.

All these symptoms, obviously, interfere in the life of those who suffer from advocacy and many times, when they cannot more with it, these people go to therapy.

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So far it is not known exactly what this disorder causes. However, a hypothesis is handled. The hypothesis is that The condition occurs during the psychological development of the person, in union with other biological factors.

Similarly, the prefrontal cortex is given importance, since this part of the brain is related to decision making.

It is also believed that advo.

However, Aboulomania also develops due to situations that have been traumatic, in which the person has felt ashamed or humiliated, Since this could generate many doubts and fill you with uncertainty, feeling that you do not have the ability to do activities correctly.


To carry out the diagnosis of advocacy, psychologists and psychiatrists resort to various tools ranging from the interview to the application of some inventories, such as the multiphasic inventory of the personality of Minnesota (MMPI-2); Milton's clinical multiaxial inventory (MCMI-II); The Rorschach psychodiagnostic test, or the thematic apotception test (TAT).

In addition to these evaluation tools, cultural factors and age are also considered, then, there are cultures that privilege the attitudes of submission or dependence on the opposite sex, or the authority figures. Therefore, to diagnose advocacy should be considered the aforementioned criteria and be out of cultural norms.


When the symptoms exceed the ability of patients, they end up going for psychological help, especially if they feel anxiety or depression.

In the event that the specialist manages to identify the condition, then he can carry out a treatment to treat depression and anxiety accompanied by skills training that facilitate the person to win autonomy.

In these cases, the objective of the therapy is that the person can be more independent and active, which also learns healthy ways to relate to others, and the strengthening of self -confidence.

Short -term therapies are also the most recommended, because, in the long term, the person with advocacy could end up depending on the therapist.

Human relations, the key to our happiness


  • Fuqua, d. R., & Hartman, B. W. (1983). Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Career INDECISION. Personnel & Guidance Journal62(1).
  • Fuqua, d. R., Seaworth, t. B., & Newman, J. L. (1987). THE RELATIONSHIP OF CAREER INDECISION AND ANXIETY: A MULTIVARIATE EXAMINATION. Journal of Vocational Behavior30(2), 175-186.
  • Magalhães, m. D. EITHER., Alvarenga, p., & Teixeira, M. TO. P. (2012). Relationship between parental styles, instability of goals and vocational indecision in adolescents. Brasileira de Orientação Profissional13(1), 15-25.
  • Saunders, d. AND., Peterson, g. W., Sampson Jr, J. P., & Reardon, R. C. (2000). RELATION OF DEPRESSION AND DYSFUNCTIONAL CAREER THINKING TO CAREER INDECISION. Journal of Vocational Behavior56(2), 288-298.