90 phrases about willpower

90 phrases about willpower

The will is the ability to decide freely and make a conscious choice about what you want to be and do. Because we all have free will and make our own decisions, even when we obey the orders of others.

The will is related to desire. If we do not want something too much, it is likely that the will we use to succeed in that task is weak. On the other hand, if we have a strong desire, then we surely persist until we reach our goal.

What is the willpower?

The willpower is the motivation to carry out our desires. A person with a lot of willpower will assert their decisions even in the face of strong opposition and obstructions of all kinds. A person with little willpower will easily yield to adversity.

Most of the time to obtain what we want requires our willpower, that we actively imply. But to succeed we must first know what we want, even in the face of extreme difficulties.

Will and power are also closely related, already that effectively using will is to exercise power. Powerful people often exercise what appears to be a strong will, although this often comes from the confidence that it generates power in their hands. In an investment, people who have a great willpower increase their power as a result.

Appointments on willpower and motivation

Anyone can hide. Face problems and look for the solution is what makes you strong. Sarah dessen

Weak wills translate into speeches; The strong, in acts. Gustave Le Bon phrases

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Being yourself in a world that constantly tries to do something else is the greatest achievement. Ralph Waldo Emerson

If we all do the things we are able to do, we would literally surprise us. Everything is a matter of will. Thomas Alva Edison

Always be yourself and have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and try to double it. Bruce Lee

Believe in yourself. You know more than you think you know.  Dr. Benjamin Spock

Successful people are afraid, successful people have doubts and successful people have concerns. They simply do not allow these feelings to stop them. T. Harv Eker

I think the will is the beginning. The principle to move forward, as if you had the trust of your part, finally comes when you look back and see what you have achieved. Robert Downey Jr.

Nothing can prevent man with the right mental attitude to achieve his goal, nothing on earth can help man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

The moment you doubt if you can fly, you leave forever of being able to do it. J. M. Barrie

Do not feel satisfied with the stories of how things have gone to others. Write your own story.

Don't wait for everything to go well. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and conditions of all kinds less perfect. Start now. With every step you will grow stronger and stronger, you will be increasingly skilled, you will be increasing. Mark Victor Hansen

If you hear a voice inside you that says 'you can't paint', then, of course, paint, and that voice will be silenced. Vincent van Gogh

People are like colored windows. They shine and shine when the sun rises, but when darkness appears, its true beauty is revealed only if there is light inside. Elisabeth Kübler-Poss

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you look up from your goal. Henry Ford

Low self -confidence is not a life imprisonment. Self -confidence can be learned, practicing and dominating, like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for better. Barrie Davenport

The person without a purpose is like a ship without a helm. Thomas Carlyle

It is in ourselves that we are in one way or another. Our bodies are our gardens in which our wills are its gardeners. William Shakespeare

Character is the deaf and constant energy of the will. Herni Dominique Lacordaire

I do not believe in chance or need; My will is my destiny. John Milton

There are two ways to exert force: one is to push down, the other is to pull up. Booker t. Washington

When the will is ready, the feet are light.

When someone tells me 'no', it does not mean that I can't do it, it simply means that I can't do it with that person. Karen e. Miller Quinones

I, in fact, I am king, because I know how to govern myself. Aretino Pietro

Do not let mental blocks control you. Break free. Face your fear and turn mental blockages into construction blocks. Roopleen

No one knows what he is capable of until he tries.

Desires are like seeds; Few become something if we don't water them. Michael Garofalo

Together with courage, willpower is the most important thing in life. Paul Johnson

If you want to be happy you will be. It is the will that transports the mountains.

There are no secrets for success. It is the result of motivation, preparation, hard work and learning of failure. Colin Powell

His army can be removed from a general, but not a man his will. Confucius

Imposing will to others is force. Impose it to yourself is a superior force.

The first condition for peace is the will to achieve it. Juan Luis Vives

If something strong and divine is in man, it is the will. Jacinto Octavio Picón

The heart must give his strength, his love and his breath to those who approve the intellect, and the will must seal it with his actions. Mikhael Aivanhov

Nothing can resist the power of human will if we are willing to risk to achieve a purpose. Benjamin Disraeli

What you can do at any time, do it at this time.

No one has the right to possess the will of another person.

There is no great talent without great will. Balzac honor

They say that I am a hero, I weak, shy, almost insignificant, if being as I am I did what I did, imagine what all of you can do together. Mahatma Gandhi

Do not pray for an easy life, pray for having strength to endure a difficult. Bruce Lee

The will can and should be a much greater reason for pride than talent.

There is a more powerful motor force than steam, electricity and atomic energy: will.

Nor with the best will and the purest of intentions are easy to meet men; And to this comes to join the bad will, that everything misrepresents. Goethe

Concentrates the Afares of your will in the great objective of life, which is overcoming.

Taking into account human nature, exercising power over the support of a man is equivalent to exercising power over his will. Alexander Hamilton

The will is what gives value to small things. Seneca

The will is the seat of power; From there the man forces to send, but also to obey.

Each man carries in itself a different amount of will to live. The more forces, the more passions, the more desires, the more furores to capture in all the intelligence directions offered to human sensitivity. Roberto Arlt

The will is not free, it is a phenomenon linked by the cause and the effect, but there is something behind the will that is free. Swami Vivekananda phrases

When you are different, sometimes you do not see the millions of people who accept you for who you are. The only thing you notice is the person who does not. Jodi Picoult

There is no deadly weapon than the will! Not even the most sharp of swords can be compared!. Thomas Merton

If you plan to build walls around me, you should know this: I will examine them. Richelle e. Goodrich

Force does not come from body capacity, but from a strong will. Mahatma Gandhi

You have power over your mind, not in the events. Realize this and you will find the force. Marco Aurelio

Nothing is lost if you have the courage to proclaim that everything is lost and will to start over.

Twice dies who dies at the will. Seneca

There is only one more perverse thing in the world than the desire to send, and this is the will to obey.

If there is something in us truly divine, it is the will. For her we affirm the personality, we temperate the character, we challenge adversity, rebuild the brain and surpass daily. Santiago Ramón y Cajal

Fate does not reign without the secret complicity of instinct and will. Giovanni Papini

A free man is one who, having strength and talent to do one thing, does not find obstacles at his will. Thomas Hobbes

In friendship you don't look at the work but will.

They can prohibit me from following my way, they can try to force my will. But they cannot prevent me from, at the bottom of my soul, choose one or another. Henrik Johan Ibsen

It doesn't matter if you try and fail, try it again.

Value is not the absence of fear, but fear with the will to continue. Feliciano Franco de Urdinarrain

The lack of willpower has caused more damage than the lack of intelligence or skill.

We have organized our lives around the will to perpetuate our lives, with our stories, values, dreams and anxieties. Who can blame us for it?. Jonathan Safran Fer

There is a more powerful motor force than steam, electricity and atomic energy: will. Albert Einstein

A man can do anything, provided his will accompany him. León Battista Alberti

The will is the force that moves the world and your life.

With perseverance and will, success is achieved in the same place where others failed.

The will is what gives value to small things.

Wanting is everything in life. If you want to be happy you will be. It is the will that transports the mountains. Alfred Victor de Vigny

An energetic will is the soul of all characters. Where she is today life; Where she does not exist, there is only weakness, helplessness, discouragement.

Who has the will, it has strength. Menandro of Athens

There can be no great difficulties where good will abounds.

If freedom lacks weapons, we must compensate for it with willpower.

Injuries and benefits hang from will. Seneca

If we had enough will, we would almost always have enough means. François de la Rochefaucauld

There is no delegation where there is no will.

No one lacks strength; What is very lacking is will. Victor Hugo

Perhaps other entry; What is me, not success but after ten attempts. Perhaps other bedrooms after ten attempts; I, after a thousand. Confucius

Freedom does not consist only in following one's will, but sometimes also to abandon it. Abe Kobo

There is no way not to end if laziness is not opposed.

Enthusiasm is your irresistible willpower and energy to realize your ideas. It is the basis of all progress.

The great secret of power is in the will. Giuseppe Mazzini

There is no thing for easy to be, not to make it difficult for it. Juan Luis Vives

If you start promising what you still don't have, you will lose your will to get it. Paulo Coelho

The future of a man is not in the stars, but in the will and self -domain.

Friends: a family whose individuals are chosen at will. Jean Baptiste Alphense Karr

If you want your friend to prove his will, he pretends.

The man does not realize how much he can do, more than when he makes attempts, meditates and has will.