90 phrases for working women

90 phrases for working women

He International Women's Day or the International Day of Working Women The March 8. It is celebrated to show appreciation and love for women, their importance in life, their achievements in different fields from science to politics and economy.

The following are the appointments of inspiring and motivating women about the strength and worth of women.

Celebres quotes on Women's Day

The story of all time and especially today, teaches that women will be forgotten if they forget to think about themselves. Louise Otto

Women are the gigantic reserve of power and talent that has not yet been used.

The assumption of a woman is much more precise than the certainty of a man. Rudyard Kipling

No one can make you feel inferior without your permission. Eleanor Roosevelt

If you want something to say, look for a man; If you want to do something, look for a woman. Margaret Thatcher

When a man backs out, he really backs off. A woman just backed up running. Zsa Zsa Gabor

A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult. Melinda Gates

In too many cases, the march towards globalization has also meant the marginalization of women and girls. And that must change. Hillary Clinton

Women have served all these centuries as glasses that have the magic and the delicious power to reflect the figure of a man at double its natural size. Virginia Woolf

What women still have to learn is that nobody gives you power. You just have to take it. Roseanne Barr

There will never be a new world order until women are part of it. Alice Paul

A strong woman does not follow the crowd. She is herself. Loretta Young

Many think that the bigger the breasts of a woman, the less intelligent she is. I don't think it works like this. I think it's the opposite. I think the bigger the breasts of a woman, the less intelligent the men become. Anita Wise

The modern invention has banished the rotating wheel, and the same law of progress makes today a different woman from her grandmother. Susan b. Anthony

Boys think that girls are like books. If the cover does not draw their attention, they will not bother reading what is inside. Marilyn Monroe

The fastest way to change society is to mobilize women in the world. Charles Malik

In general, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not regularly have free time. They are the great class without vacations. Anne Morrow Lindberg

Feminism is an entire world vision or a Gestalt, not just an exhaustive list of women's problems. Charlotte Bunch

Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure must be a challenge for others. Amelia Earhart

Women hold half from the sky. Mao Zedong

The sadness of women's movement is that they do not allow the need for love. Look, I personally do not trust any revolution where love is not allowed. Maya Angelou

Always, always, always believe in yourself. Because if you don't, who will do it, honey? Marilyn Monroe

The extremists have shown what scares them most: a girl with a book. Malala Yousafzai

Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists mainly of dealing with men. Joseph Conrad

A woman is like a tea bag, you never know how strong it is until it enters the hot water. Eleanor Roosevelt

Women are always beautiful. Ville Valo

Women who seek to be the same to men lack ambition. Marilyn Monroe

If you can keep a job, it should not be the disposition of your chromosomes. Bella Abzug

It may be that the rooster sing, but it is the chicken who puts the eggs. Margaret Thatcher

Achieving gender equality requires the participation of women and men, girls and children. It is everyone's responsibility. Ban Ki-moon

A free breed cannot be born from slave mothers. Margaret Sanger

Men and children, we show our virility through the way we treat our women. Our wives, our sisters, our mothers. Archbishop Desmond Tutu

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. Mother Teresa

I measure the progress of a community according to the degree of freedom that women have achieved. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

Women are the true architects of society. Harriet Beecher Stowe

I think it is a right and a duty for women to do something with their lives, as for men, and we will not be satisfied with the frivolous parts that give us. Louisa May Alcott

An educated woman is the one who scares the defenders of the taboos and stereotypes that exist in society.

A woman, who was born with the power to save and love, her existence is based on the veracity of her eyes.

A woman in any way will be celebrated and honest, either, a sister or a wife or a mother or in any other way.

I think the key is that women do not establish any limit. Martina Navratilova

Empower women, empower the human community. The basis on which the world is located is the woman.

A strong woman is the one who can dare to raise her voice for the cause in which she believes, and this fortress lives in a corner of the heart of all women, just need to be reviewed.

A woman is one who walks on her own steps instead of following the direction that shows the crowd.

Some of us are becoming the men with whom we wanted to marry. Gloria Steinem

For women the best aphrodisiac are the words, the point G is in the ears, the one looking below is wasting time. Isabel Allende

There is only one thing in the universe that a woman still needs to learn and that is one thing: 'She has the power to change the wind direction for herself'.

As a woman, I have no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world. Virginia Woolf

Women are the true architects of society. Cher

A powerful being of society is a woman who is educated and has the power to spread awareness in society.

The virility of a man is reflected in how he treats all women in his life.

Be a queen when you think, be a queen when you decide, nobody has the power to defeat the tremendous power within a woman! Your strength can cross any obstacle in your life!

A woman should be taught to believe in her protection and not depend on a man for her protection. She has the power to protect the world and not only.

The extremists have shown what scares them most: a girl with a book.  Malalayousfzai

I can't say if women are better than men, but I can say that they are certainly not worse. GOLDA MEIR

Common women know more than men than beautiful women. But beautiful women do not need to know about men, it is men who have to know about beautiful women. Audrey Hepburn

For a woman, the first kiss is the end of the beginning; For a man, the beginning of the end. Helen Rowland

Think like a queen. A queen does not fear failing. Failure is another step towards greatness. Oprah Winfrey

A woman who is loved always succeeds. Vicki Baum

There is love where a woman never gets what expects and a man never expects what she gets. Jana Sue

Love yourself first and everything else aligns. You really have to love yourself to achieve anything in this world. Lucille Ball

God gave women intuition and femininity. Used correctly, the combination easily stir the brain of any man you have known.  Farrah Fawcett

Whatever the glory of the race for unprecedented development in history for a given time, a complete part belongs to the feminine condition of the race. Mary McLeod Bethune

I love women. They are the best that has been created. If you want to be like men and go down to our level, it's fine. Mel Gibson

Remember the dignity of your femininity. Don't get away, don't pray, don't be lowered. Take the courage, join your hands, stop with us, fight with us. Christabel Pankhurst

They can talk about a kite, or a burning mountain, or some similar bagatela; But for me, a modest woman, dressed in all her soups, is the most tremendous object of all creation. Oliver Goldsmith

The face of a woman must be coined by her own story. Claudia Cardinale

I refuse to live in the ordinary world as an ordinary woman. To establish ordinary relationships. I need ecstasy. Anaïs Nin

The best way to change society and underlying problems is to channel the power of women in all areas of life.

When a woman surrenders it is because she has defeated. Aldo Camarota

This sad street is glad when you, a preferred woman among all. José Angel Buesa

Without a woman's smile there is no full glory of man. Jose Marti

I am no longer a young woman but a resounding woman. My wishes are no longer intuitions but certainties. Gioconda Belli

The woman has only one way to overcome men in merits: to be every day more woman. Angel Ganivet

Women when they love, they put something divine in love. Such love is like the sun, which encourages nature. Plutarch

There is no barrier, lock or bolt that you can impose on the freedom of my mind. Virginia Woolf

There is a woman at the beginning of all the big things. Alphonse de Lamartine

Men who do not forgive women their little defects, will never enjoy their great virtues. Khalil Gibran

No struggle can succeed without women participating elbow with men. Muhammad Ali

I don't believe in the Eternal feminine, a woman's essence, something mystical. The woman is not born, it is made. Simone de Beauvoir

A woman enjoys the certainty of caressing a body whose secrets knows and whose preferences are suggested by her own. Colette

Passion for man is a torrent; For women, an abyss. Arenal Concepción

Women with past and men with future are the most interesting people. Chavela Vargas

The home is a domestic sanctuary, in which the woman fulfills the role of priests. Juana de Ibarbouroou

The woman is the man's partner, endowed with the same mental capacity. Gandhi

I think women are silly to pretend that they are equal to men; They are much superior and have always been. William Golding

The fantasy of man is the best woman's weapon. Sofía Loren

The perfume announces the arrival of a woman and rejoice her march. Coco Chanel

The husbands are never lovers as wonderful as when they are betraying their wife. Marilyn Monroe

An archaeologist is the best husband for a woman: the older she becomes, the more he likes. Christie Agatha

Women are leaders wherever you look: from the CEO that runs a company of Fortune 500 to the housewife that raises their children and directs their home. Our country was built by strong women, and we will continue demolishing walls and challenging stereotypes. Nancy Pelosi

After women, flowers are the most beautiful thing that God has given the world. Christian Dior

Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less. Susan b. Anthony